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The Reunion

"Can we expect similar suspended water in these restaurants? Thinking of it... This could solve a problem of refilling your drinks. Though I imagine the hosts won't be too keen on the idea. I imagine the food in these restaurants is exotic like what we were served on Constantinople. Am I correct in that these restaurants use your pink fluid?"

The Chancellor jokingly said. He played with the idea, but likely it would be too absurd for the Ryccians. From an economic standpoint it didn't make much sense, but then again. Puking your food also wasn't the brightest economic idea. The King would also remember his conversation with the journalist that had entered the palace grounds.

"I recall from a conversation that middle class Ryccians are given state sanctioned vacations to these restaurants. Is that here or in other place?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"As we have easy access to foodstuffs due to our advanced technologies, restaurants have been forced to adapt, either making use of high-quality droid workers or they make art of the cooking process itself. The most famous culinary experts in those restaurants not only prepare your food, but they also put up a show, dazzling their customers with an artistic performance of their cooking. You are able to see the food being prepared in real time, and the cooks make great efforts for the preparation to be as beautiful and aesthetically charming as possible. In the restaurants of the elite, preparing food is not only an art, but a spectacle"

"A few restaurants do partake in the use of suspended liquids for the purposes of entertainment. If I may provide an example, I visited a restaurant not too long ago where they manipulated my wine to form a silhouette of a dancing performer. The wine particles were made to perform a little charming dance in front of my eyes and then they finished by directing themselves into my glass, losing their manipulated form and turning back into regular, unsuspended wine"

"Your Excellency, you are indeed correct that the roseven liquid is widely used. There is a soundproof room for...er, expelling the excess food to make room anew, and thus you are not heard whilst you undertake that...um, exercise. This is not the only area where our lucky lower and middle-class citizens go to dine, for the Core and some planets in The Rim have these kinds of high-class restaurants. The Tigon District is just famous for being one of the best areas for fine dining in the entire country, and thus state-funded vacations to Daonlathas's ritzy districts are highly-prized, as most of the best of the best can be found right here in the capital"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Well imagine that, first your wine dances for you and then your drink it. I'm sure the Tozorians will love this."

The Chancellor replied with interest with a somewhat comical tone. He still couldn't quite put it to words yet.

"I'm sure they would love this place John, just give it some time. As for your state mandated vacations, I must admit it is an interesting idea. Though I don't quite see how it could work in Stoinia. We prefer to earn, not to be given."

That wasn't entirely true, but the majority of Stoinians did feel that way.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"When you cannot earn through normal circumstances, perhaps it is not so shameful to be given"

"Your Majesties, Your Excellency, we are now approaching the Maruz District, an area responsible for most of the capital's industrial capacity. As you are able to appreciate, factories hum day and night, manufacturing products for the market. The Maruz District used to be the greatest industrial area in the Empire thousands of years ago, but as other planets rose in prominence and the Core worlds emphasized other industries such as finance, the importance of Daonlathas as an industrial titan declined. Be not deceived, however, for the industrial capacity of the Maruz District retains its strength nonetheless, and its manufacturing prowess is nothing to scoff at"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King replied with solid scepticism in his voice.

"I see. Perhaps an idea worth challenging ours."

As the Maruz District came into view, the Stoinians were taken by surprise by the size of the industrial zone. It was as far the eye could see and at least 10 times larger than the largest industry zone the Stoinians have, excluding Kuatis of course. The Chancellor was most impressed.

"I would be wrong to assume that this isn't the sole large industrial zone of the Ryccian Empire, correct? I imagine dozens of planets must have similar installations."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Indeed. As the Core's days of industrial dominance are gone, such prominent centres of manufacturing can now be found in regions such as The Rim, New Daonlathas, Wider Ryccia, the Velpan Rim and the Kaminoan Rim most prominently. These regions, as the industrial behemoths that they are, are a large contributor of our total manufacturing, but they do not monopolize the sector, as industrial worlds can be found all across the Empire"

"Your Majesties, Your Excellency, we are now approaching the last leg of our tour pertaining to the most important districts of the capital. The Executive District should be coming into view. This is the beating heart of the Empire's national government, with a majority of government ministries, the Senate, the Empire's most important national courts of law and the Imperial Palace all being located here"

The Imperial Palace was ancient in design, and it was colossal in size. It stood out from all the other buildings of the area, as it was a lush, verdant island of the old the middle of a modern, metallic sea. Despite all the renovations, reconstructions and new constructions over the millenia in the planet, this palace, which was the oldest building in the world still functioning, stood as a reminder of an age now long past and long forgotten.

The other governmental buildings were majestic on their own. Some were constructed in the Late Old Empire, and others were more recent. They were opulent in the more historically recent styles that were a familiar sight across the capital. The whole district was a testament to how far the Ryccian Empire had gone and how long it had stood. A beauty with the charms of the old and the new.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Stoinians looked astonishingly at the Imperial Palace. It was as if their architecture was pasted in the Executive District of the Ryccian Empire! The Royal Palace in Sinaia was practically similar to it, though less grand. Perhaps one day the King may set his foot there and enjoy tea with his Ryccian counterpart. This revelation visibly confused the Stoinians and they couldn't quite find the words for it.

"Well the architect of the Imperial Palace certainly deserves our compliments. What a marvellous piece of architecture!"

The Chancellor and Queen smiled at the King's apparent joke, though the Ryccian likely wouldn't understand it. The tour would however come to its end and as they left Daonlathas' orbit, they admired the city landscape from space again. They returned back to orbit around Constantiople and docked with the King's flagship as the preparations for the long journey home were done. They thanked the Ryccian Ambassador for his time and tour of the Capital. The Chancellor even stated that if the Ryccians would want to introduce the Ambassador's yacht to the Stoinian market, that he would be happy to introduce them to the right people in Stoinia. The King's visit had ended on a positive note compared to the many cultural differences between the two people which were made obvious during his stay. Now the King was on his way to Ecteen for he had an important announcement to make concerning cooperation with the Treecuu. In the end, the King's visit was a success and the foundations for foreign relations and cooperation have been set.

Times are changing for the sector and for Stoinia. May God help us in strengthening the bond with our Terran brethren...
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
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