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Nicholas and Great Britain

Note: The are inaccuracies about some of the stuff from the real UK. I made then on purpose because this isn't the real UK, this is NGB. Just telling you so you know why some of the navy ships, fighter jets, football stadiums etc are inaccurate.
Nicholas and Great Britain
Motto: Long live the republic
Government: Democratic Republic
Leading Political Party:  United Democratic Party
Leader Title: Prime Minister
Leader: Gerald Fernsby
Capital: London
Economic Ideology: Capitalism
Currency: NichoPound
GDP:  727.6 Billion USD
Official Language: Austral
Other Languages: Scots, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Kalinskian, Cornish, Nicholas and Romordian
Demonym: Nicholas and Great British
Population: 120 million
Biggest City by Population: Nicholasgrad
Driving Side: Left
Most Popular Sport: Football
Date Format: dd-mm-yyyy


The Union
Nicholas and Great Britain is a union of 6 nations. These nations are England, Wales, Scotland, Nicholas, Kalinskia and Romordia.

England and Wales
In the year 1284, The King of England annexed Wales and made it a territory of England. The monarchies gave their successors the title 'Prince of Wales' to show their control over the territory. However, Wales was not officially part of England until 1536 when the Act of Union was declared Wales and England joined together to form one country governed by the same laws.

England (joined with Wales) and Scotland
When King John III of England, died in 1712, the only heir to the throne was the King of Scotland. England feared that if they didn't unite with Scotland, Scotland might support the Kingdom of Nicholas, which at that time, where enemies of England. On that year, England and Scotland united to form Great Britain.

Great Britain and Romordia
In the year 1845, Great Britain sent an army to invade the Kingdom of Romordia. After 4 years of fighting, Great Britain managed to take the western provinces of Romordia. In 1894, East Romordia fought to reclaim the land and won whilst also taking a bit of Great Britain. The Kingdom of Nicholas agreed to help Great Britain invade Romordia if they would split the land and the nations agreed. With the help of the Nicholas army, Great Britain broke through Romordian defences and recaptured the western provinces.

Nicholas and Great Britain
In 1906, talks began about a unified nation of Nicholas and Great Britain. This had a lot of opposition but also a lot of support. After much negotiating, the two nations united in 1908.

Nicholas and Great Britain and Kalinskia
After the Kalinskian Revolution of 1895 where the monarchy of Kalinskia was overthrown the new leader was an unpopular dictator. He was later overthrown in 1903 and Kalinskia became a democratic republic. Nicholas and Great Britain was not happy about the revolution but when Kalinskia became a democracy the two nation's became allies again. The two nations became closer and closer until in 1936 Kalinskia became a part of Nicholas and Great Britain but had their own military and was able to not go to war on Nicholas and Great Britain's side if they didn't want to. It was the same for Romordia until in 2014 Supreme Leader Nicholas got rid of Romordia's freedoms.

Civil Wars
There have been two civil wars in Nicholas and Great Britain since its formation in 1908. Both wars included people wanting independence of Nicholas or Great Britain.

The First Civil War
In 1950, civil war broke out between people who supported the union, people who wanted British independence and people who wanted Nicholas independence. The war lasted for 3 years until the independence sides were defeated.

The Second Civil War
From 1975 to 1978 there was another war. There was no clear side in the war but it included the government, a part of the military which had gone rogue, Romordian freedom fighters and people who wanted British or Nicholas independence. This also happened to be when a boy called Nicholas McGregor grew up in a village near Romordia. His mind was subjected to government propaganda and the disputes between Romordians and Nicholas and Great Britons in the village didn't help either...

The Kalinskian Revolution and NGB-Aberstopian War
The Kalinskian Revolution was a conflict that started in 1947 and ended in 1953. It was when Kalinskian rebels revolted against Nicholas and Great Britain. The NGB Aberstopian war was Nicholas and Great Britain's first war as a single nation against another nation. This war lasted from 1948-1953. It was between The United Kingdom of Nicholas and Great Britain and the Kingdom of Aberstopia.

Notable Battles

Battle of Pathstow

Part of the Great Aberstopian-Nicholas War
[Image: Battle_of_Waterloo_1815.png]

3 June 1810
Pathstow, Nicholas (Now Aberstopia)
Aberstopian victory
  • Kingdom of Aberstopia
  • Grand Duchy of Cammur
  • Duchy of Kheburg
  • Duchy of Semhofen
  • Kingdom of Prynven
  • Kingdom of Romordia
  • Kingdom of Nicholas
  • Kingdom of Great Britain
  • Kingdom of Kalinskia
Commanders and Leaders
  • François Auclair (Aberstopia)
  • Jean-Paul Aguillard (Aberstopia)
  • Pierre Godeaux (Aberstopia)
  • Thomas Walter (Cammur)
  • Lukas Herrmann (Kheburg)
  • Tobias Graf (Semhofen)
  • Baldwin Günther (Prynven)
  • Marek Doubek (Romordia)
  • Marmaduke Lyndby (Nicholas)
  • Alcott Stokdale (Nicholas)
  • Richard Otterham (Great Britain)
  • Alastair MacIntyre (Great Britain)
  • Viktor Antonov (Kalinskia)


Ministries and the Cabinet
The cabinet is a body of advisors to the supreme leader who control and represent a ministry. There are also Deputy Ministers who are second in charge of the ministry.

Ministry of Finance
The MoF is the ministry concerned with the economy of Nicholas and Great Britain. The MoF oversees the responsible and effective spending of government resources. They also work on tax legislation.

Ministry of Imperial Expansion
The MoIE is the ministry concerned with the expansion of the nation's territories and any offensive military operations. This ministry was abolished when the Republic started. After the end of the republic, the ministry was not brought back because of the lack of foreign territories and the ministry's other duties were given to the Ministry of Defence.

Ministry of Transport
The MoT is the ministry concerned with the transport system on Nicholas and Great Britain including public transport, road safety and more.

Ministry of Manufacturing
The MoM is concerned with overseeing the manufacturing of resources in factories. This includes weapons, cars and other machines.

Ministry of Internal Affairs
The MoIA is concerned with public security, emergency management, civil registration and identification, conduct of elections, supervision of regional and local governments and people passing through the border.

Cabinet Members

'Rt Hon' means Right Honourable

The Rt Hon Nicholas MP - Supreme Leader, Minister for the Civil Service

The Rt Hon John Evington MP - Deputy Supreme Leader

The Rt Hon Walter Woodgate MP - Minister of Finance

The Rt Hon Gray Sainsbury MP - Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Rt Hon Thomas Enfield MP - Minister of Internal Affairs.

The Rt Hon Cecil Lloyd MP - Minister of Defence

The Rt Hon Eleanor Cottam MP - Minister of Development

The Rt Hon Matthew Calvert MP - Minister of Intergovernmental Relations


The official motto of the Nicholas and Great British Armed Forces is, "To oppose Nicholas and Great Britain is to die."

The Military consists of 3 branches. These branches are the NGB Army, NGB Navy and NGB Air Force. The Commander in Chief oversees every branch and is in charge of the entire armed forces.

Commander in Chief
The Commander in Chief is in charge of all branches of the military and is the highest position in the armed forces. Their is no current Commander in Chief as the military has been split up into two.

Regulars, Reserves and Conscripts
Regulars are soldiers who are permanently part of the military until they resign. The military is their job.
Reserves are soldiers who have had basic training but have a different job. They will be used in war.
Conscripts are soldiers who have had basic training and are only in the military because they have been forced to. They are used in important wars. Conscription was only used in the Nicholas regime.

The Nicholas and Great British Army
The Nicholas and Great British Army, or NGB Army or NGBA, is the land branch of the armed forces that primarily operates on land. The Army has 320,000 regulars and 2 million reserves.

Note: Some ranks may vary depending on the regiment.
Private 3rd Class
Private 2nd Class
Private 1st Class
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
2nd Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant General
Marshal General
Field Marshal of the Army

Note: Some of the firearms are also used in the navy and air force.

[Image: vzduchova-pistol-sig-sauer-p320-kal.-45-...a-4634.jpg]
Name: Tarleton P14
Type: Pistol
Date Commisioned: 2014
Designer: Lewis Tarleton
Manufacturer: Armed Forces Arms Designing and Manufacturing Establishment.
Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
Description: The Tarleton P14 (Tarleton Project 2014) is one of Nicholas and Great Britain's pistols and is used alongside the LH87a4.

[Image: glock_19_co2_pistol_3906-2.jpg]
Name: LH87a4
Type: Pistol
Date Commisioned: 2012
Designer: Larn and Harrison Arms and Izaakia
Manufacturer: Larn and Harrison Arms
Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
Description: The LH87a4 is the 4th generation of the LH87 pistols, which were originally a joint design between Izaakia and Nicholas and Great Britain. It is called the Rampart Pistol in Izaakia.

[Image: cz_scorpion_evo_3_a1_l.png]
Name: Stinger 9
Type: Submachine gun
Date Commissioned: 2009
Designer: Armed Forces Arms Designing and Manufacturing Establishment
Manufacturer: Armed Forces Arms Designing and Manufacturing Establishment
Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
Description: The Stinger 9mm is Nicholas and Great Britain's main SMG and has a fast fire rate.

[Image: SA80A3-5.jpg]
Name: LH80a3
Type: Assault rifle
Date Commissioned: 2016
Designer: Larn and Harrison Arms and Izaakia
Manufacturer: Larn and Harrison Arms
Ammunition: 5.56x45mm
Description: The LH80a3 is the third generation of the LH80 which was originally a joint design between Nicholas and Great Britain and Izaakia. These are Nicholas and Great British Army's standard combat weapons.

[Image: 58a1e3d7e33a543010fac27d.png]
Name: AK 47
Type: Assault rifle
Date Commissioned: 1947
Designer: Somurias
Manufacturer: Somurias
Ammunition: 7.62x39mm
Description: The AK 47 is an assault rifle supplied by Somurias, one of Nicholas and Great Britain's closest allies. The AK 47 is reliable in harsh conditions and easy to use.

[Image: L129A1_DMR.jpg]
Name: Blakney DMR
Type: Designated Marksman Rifle
Date Commissioned: 2010
Designer: Charlie Blakney
Manufacturer: Armed Forces Arms Designing and Manufacturing Establishment
Ammunition: 7.62x51mm
Description: The Blakney DMR is a rifle with a high range and accuracy.

[Image: 50-slider_1.png]
Name: Striker 338
Type: Sniper rifle
Date Commisioned: 2020
Designer: Armed Forces Arms Designing and Manufacturing Establishment
Manufacturer: Armed Forces Arms Designing and Manufacturing Establishment
Ammunition: 8.58x70mm (.338 Lapua Magnum)
Description: The Striker 338 is Nicholas and Great Britain's main sniper rifle which fires an 8.58mm bullet which is heavier than the 7.62mm round of the the previous main sniper rifle, the LH82a2, and is less likely to be deflected over extremely long ranges.
(below are just notes. I have not finished them yet)

[Image: Snipper_14-5.png]
Wrecker 50 - Antimaterial rifle - 50 BMG
[Image: Black_1__10827.1635278846.jpg]
Breaker 12 - Shotgun - Commisioned 2015

[Image: RAAL_MG_HUD_Icon_MW2019.png]
CA LMG - Light Machine Gun - Commisioned 2013

[Image: 399-3992698_pkm-machine-gun-png-transparent-png.png]
PK Machine Gun - General Purpose Machine Gun - Commisioned 1961 (Supplied by Somurias)

[Image: PEO_Browning_M2E2_QCB_c1.jpg]
HMG 33 - Heavy Machine Gun - Commisioned 1933

[Image: icon_cac_weapon_la_kgolf.png]
ML Pilum 84mm - Missile Launcher - Commisioned 1988

[Image: icon_cac_weapon_la_juliet.png]
PGML - Missile Launcher - Commisioned 1996

Unit Structure
Note: There is no proper leader in charge of a Corps, Legion or Army. Anyone of the required rank can be appointed at any time.
Squad - 5-10 soldiers - Commanded by a Lance Corporal, Corporal or Sergeant

Section/Patrol - 10-20 soldiers - Commanded by a Sergeant, Staff Sergeant or Master Sergeant

Platoon - 25-50 soldiers - Commanded by a Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer, 2nd Lieutenant or Lieutenant

Company - 75-150 soldiers - Commanded by a Lieutenant, Captain or Major

Maniple - 200-400 soldiers - Commanded by a Captain or Major

Cohort - 600-800 soldiers - Commanded by a Major or Commander

Battalion - 1,000-2,000 soldiers - Commanded by a Commander

Regiment - 3,000-3,500 soldiers - Commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel

Brigade - 6,000-8,000 soldiers - Commanded by a Brigadier

Division - 15,000-18,000 soldiers - Commanded by a Lieutenant General

Corps - 25,000-30,000 soldiers - Commanded by a Lieutenant General or General or Marshal General

Legion - 60,000-150,000 soldiers - Commanded by a General or Marshal General

Army - 300,000-500,000 soldiers - Commanded by a General or Marshal General

The Nicholas and Great British Navy
The Nicholas and Great Britain Army, or NGB Navy or NGBN, is the branch of the armed forces that primarily operates on sea. The Navy has 180,000 regulars and 300,000 reserves.

Seaman Apprentice
Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Master Chief Petty Officer
Warrant Officer
Junior Ensign
Specialist Ensign
Senior Ensign
Master Ensign
Vice Admiral
Grand Admiral of the Navy

Ship Classes
[Image: HMS_Bulwark.jpg]
Intrepid Class - Commisioned 2003

[Image: D32-HMS-Daring-032.jpg]
Daring Class - Commisioned 2009

[Image: River-Class-Batch-2-OPV-HMS-Trent-Commis...70x410.jpg]
Valiant Class - Commisioned 2003

[Image: 345a2570009f2757e2609663fd0986ad.jpg]
Armada Class - Commisioned 2014

[Image: 1574975526_ja.jpg]
Devastator Class - Commisioned 2009

[Image: thediplomat-bae-systems-type-26-frigate.jpg]
Sabre Class - Commisioned 2012

[Image: 151207-N-ZZ999-435.jpg]
Predator Class - Commisioned 2014

[Image: 5d138199e3ecba1aa80b9cd4.png]
Glory Class - Commisioned 2010

[Image: 20211212_193201.jpg]
Steadfast Class - Commisioned 2010

[Image: S120-HMS-Ambush-009.png]
City Class - Commisioned 2010

List of Ships
Note: The Navy always reuse a ship name so when one gets destroyed they make a new one. Usually, the names are given to ships that are already under construction of the same class so that there isn't a long wait. INS stands for Imperial Navy Ship.
Intrepid Class
INS Intrepid
INS Fearless
INS Conquest
Daring Class
INS Daring
INS Dauntless (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Trident (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Stalwart
INS Invincible (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Vanquisher
Valiant Class
INS Valiant
INS Honour
INS Protector
INS Audacious (Under construction)
INS Exterminator (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Warspite
INS Vengeance
INS Ruthless
INS Gallant
INS Cyclone (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Vigilant
INS Challenger (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
Armada Class
INS Armada (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Vanguard
INS Imperator
INS Supremacy (Under construction)
Devastator Class
INS Devastator
INS Extirpator
INS Eradicator
INS Eliminator (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Annihilator
INS Intimidator
INS Allegiance (Under construction)
INS Decimator
INS Inflictor
Sabre Class
INS Sabre
INS Scimitar
INS Katana (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Claymore
INS Khopesh (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Machete
Predator Class
INS Predator
INS Hunter
INS Venator
INS Astute
INS Eviscerator (Under construction)
Glory Class
INS Glory
INS Triumph (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Relentless
INS Bellicose
INS Indomitable (Under construction after being destroyed by Izaakia)
INS Retribution
INS Conqueror
INS Valorous
Steadfast Class
INS Steadfast
INS Rage
INS Nemesis
INS Imperium
INS Inexorable
City Class
INS City
INS Salisbury
INS Bristol
INS Chichester
INS Coventry
INS Brighton
INS Stoke
INS Derby
INS Salford
INS Peterborough
INS Winchester

The Nicholas and Great British Air Force
The Nicholas and Great Britain Air Force, or NGB Air Force or NGBAF, is the branch of the armed forces that primarily operates in air. The Air Force has 140 thousand regulars and 60 thousand reserves.

Airman Basic
Senior Airman
Air Sergeant
Senior Air Sergeant
Pilot Officer
Flying Officer
Flight Lieutenant
Squadron Leader
Wing Commander
Group Captain
2nd Commodore
1st Commodore
Air General
Air Chief General of the Air Force

[Image: f16slovakia-1543957337.jpg]
FJ 29 Falcon - Commisioned 2010

[Image: 1200px-F-22_Raptor_edit1_cropped.jpg]
FJ 22 Thunderer - Commisioned 2005

Secret Service
“Misdirection is the key to survival, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strength, if knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable.” - The NGBSS' very long motto

Nicholas and Great British Secret Service
The Nicholas and Great British Secret Service, or NGBSS, is the organisation concerned with security, intelligence and secret development of weapons and other technologies. They report directly to the Supreme Leader. They watch over citizens' lives as much as possible and are allowed to kill civilians based on assumption. They are known to be very ruthless and efficient and are feared by nearly everyone, including government and military members. They have many agents around Nicholas and Great Britain with different roles such as being a soldier or pretending to be a Romordian citizen.

The NGBSS is commanded by the NGBSS Command Council who know everything there is to know about the secret service. The amount of members of the council is only known by few people though it is predicted to be around 20. The extent of the councils power over the nation is unknown by most people but it is thought that the only person with higher authority than them is the Supreme Leader. Most members of the secret service will probably never see a council member unless they are of very high rank or are part of their elite guard. Members of the council give up their names upon joining the council and any picture of them that is allowed to be shared outside the council has their faces censored.

The NGBSS have done many notable things in the past. Here are some of their biggest and most notable operations.

One of the most famous, if not the most famous, operations was the assassinations of many members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Only a few non Nicholas and Great British Nationalist Party members were allowed to survive. This was because Nicholas had just been elected and he planned to reorganise the government. Many people called this a coup as Nicholas later revealed that he was a member of the NGBSS Command Council which is why he does not have a second name and he managed to get the loyalty of the NGBSS. The people that criticised the assassinations disappeared soon after, presumably assassinated.

On the 23rd of September 2021 the NGBSS successfully tracked down a member of the royal family (By this time the monarchy had been abolished). The prince was attempting to escape the country when his boat was struck by a missile from an F-35B Lightning, a type of fighter jet.

On the 5th of January 2022 Andrew Stewart, the Chief Commissioner of the Police Force was assassinated with Novichok by the NGBSS. They were able to hide their tracks well and police investigations were inconclusive. It was assumed the the Coalition of Nicholas Separatists (a terrorist group) was responsible as they had done an attack recently but there were many questions such as how did they get their hands on Novichok, a weapon stored with high security by the military and secret service. The reason for this was that Stewart was part of the uprising against Nicholas' regime and the Deputy Chief Commissioner, who would become Chief Commissioner, was working for the NGBSS.

Navy Ships
The NGBSS have their own small fleet of warships. ISSS stands for Imperial Secret Service Ship. Even though there aren't many of them, these ships are highly advanced.
ISSS Stalker
ISSS Phantom
ISSS Infernal
ISSS Obsidian
ISSS Erebus
ISSS Instigator
ISSS Spectre


Nicholas McGregor was born in 1972. He grew up in a village called Hindbury. The village had both Nicholas and Great British and Romordian people. There was a lot of disputes between the two groups and sometimes they even lead to fighting. Around this time was also when the government started being more authoritarian and started spreading propaganda. There were two separatist groups which had been mostly quiet since the last civil war but now they had started bombing places and assassinating people again. This was also around the time when Romordian freedom fighters started fighting back against Nicholas and Great British rule. In 1975, the third civil war started. The government started spreading more propaganda and tensions between the villagers increased. In 1980, a Romordian murdered Nicholas' mother. This filled Nicholas with resentment that would last for many years.

Nicholas went to Hindbury High School and did Maths, English Language, PE, History, Triple Science, Politics, Citizenship, ICT and Economics. (OOC: Nicholas and Great British GCSE and A Level options are different from real life.) For A Levels, Nicholas did ICT, Politics, Economics and Law. He went to Birmingham Imperial University and studied both Law and Politics.

Note: This only goes up to the time he was elected.
Nicholas joined the Secret Service at the age of 22. When he was 25 years old, he also joined the Nicholas and Great British Socialist Nationalist Party. In 2008, he became the leader of the party. He quickly rose through the ranks of the NGBSS and became part of the Secret Service Command Council when he was 35 years old, becoming the youngest member of the council ever. In the May 2009 General Election, the Socialist Nationalist Party gained a lot of support because of their promises to rebuild the empire and the economy. They won the general election and Nicholas made a radical change in how Nicholas and Great Britain worked. He abolished elections, gave the government total control of the economy, abolished the House of Lords and changed the name of the House of Commons to the House of Parliament, abolished the monarchy, attempted to kill every member of the royal family and slowly stopped trading with most other nations. On the 10th of August, he officially announced the rebirth of the empire and made it a national holiday where there would be a large military parade in a large empty area made for parades in the new city of Nicholasgrad.

Nicholas has a big family. He has 4 brothers and 2 sisters. His parents also had a lot of brothers and sisters which means he has lots of uncles, aunts and cousins. He also has a lot of nephews and nieces. He used to have 3 sisters but one of them died from being shot by police after a peaceful protest she was involved in became violent. The names of his siblings are, in order of age from oldest to youngest, Garret (born in 1967) , Maisie (born in 1968), Cillian (born in 1970), Connor (born in 1973), Sarah (born in 1976), Alexandra (born in 1977 and died in 2012) and Duncan (born in 1979). Nicholas is younger than Cillian and older than Connor.

Nicholas quickly became the richest person in Nicholas and Great Britain after taking a large portion of the royal family's money and possessions. He has many vehicles and also owns multiple mansions across the country.


Mens National Football Team

  • Jacob Hammond - GK - 1
  • Josh Allen - GK - 13
  • Sidney Pearmain - LB - 3
  • Conor Taylor - CB - 5
  • Casey Brooks - CB - 15
  • Tom Lawrence - RB - 26
  • Matthew Clark - CB - 24
  • John Crawshaw - CB - 6
  • Stephen Allen - LB - 12
  • Michael Walker - RB - 2
  • Xavier Stewart - CM - 8
  • Alfie Withers - CDM - 16
  • Harry Campbell - CDM - 4
  • Lawrence Moreton - CAM - 10
  • Bobby Powell - CAM - 21
  • Leighton Sutton - LM - 19
  • Declan Philips - RM - 22
  • Arnold Trent - LM - 25
  • Dennis Butler - CM - 20
  • Rob Babington - RM - 14 (Captain)
  • James Robinson - LW - 11
  • Xander Barker - ST - 18
  • Callum Kensdale - LW - 23
  • Thomas Russell - ST - 9
  • Harry Anderson - RW - 17
  • Edwin Fulton - RW - 7
  • Gavin Neal


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