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Question on the

Looking for OPINIONS, not debate. I am about to make a recruiting drive for the SPSF and from what I'm reading, citizenship is NOT a requirement. This is a good thing as far as I'm concerned since R/D gameplay is really not involved with the forum. I am thinking to recruit with residency as the only requirement. Does the Charter and the CoL need rewriting or are we good. I think we are.

From the charter:
Section 4 - Ministry of the Army
1. The Ministry of the Army will be led by the Minister of the Army.
2. The Ministry is responsible for overseeing the Armed Forces of the Coalition.
3. The Ministry is responsible for the defense of the region.
4. The Ministry is responsible for the creation of an Intelligence Network. The Ministry may appoint individuals to aid in gathering intelligence.

From the Col:

Article 4: South Pacific Special Forces

1. The South Pacific Special Forces, herein referred to as the SPSF, is established as the sole Armed Force within the Coalition of the South Pacific.
2. The SPSF will be led by the Minister of the Army and a panel of three Generals, herein referred to as the General Corps, selected by the Assembly and serving a life term.
3. The Minister of the Army will recommend Citizens to serve in the General Corps upon the passage of this document and in the event of a vacancy. The nominee must be approved by the Assembly, which will recommend replacements if the reject a nomination.
4. The General Corps is responsible for the planning of and overseeing of all missions of the SPSF.
5. The SPSF is to be considered an "independent" Army when it comes to the Raider/Defender Ideology. Being "independent" is to in all matters act in the interest of the Coalition and not be tied down to choosing one ideology.
6. The SPSF will be permitted to carry out offensive, defensive, support, and various types of operations as seen fit by the Minister of the Army.
7. The Minister of the Army and General Corps will be responsible for creating further regulations for the SPSF and presenting them to the Assembly for passage in accordance with normal Assembly policy.
8. The SPSF will be responsible for carrying out all operations relating to a Declaration of War passed by the Assembly. A declaration of war is not inherently necessary for the SPSF to act against a foreign entity and/or organization.

Also not addressed, but will be as the term ends. I was appointed a General, which is a Life appointment. As Minster of the Army, do I retain my general status and we have two open position, or do we have three? To I go back to being a General when my term ends? Just one more thing that when real events happen, there's a hole in the laws and charter.

It's the court's responsibility to interpret the laws. :ninja:
The Third Imperium
Journalist, South Pacific Independent News Network (SPINN)

Provost, Magisterium
Sergeant, East Pacific Sovereign Army
Journalist, East Pacific News Service

Foreign Affairs Minister, The West Pacific

(07-29-2014, 02:14 PM)God-Emperor Wrote: It's the court's responsibility to interpret the laws. :ninja:

If there's a legal question asked Wink

To QD's question, I think you're right in your reading of the citizenship requirements. To be a member of the General Corps you'd need to be a citizen, but otherwise residents of TSP seem fine. (Especially since part of the argument here has been the SPSF to get people involved in the region.)

The point about your General-ship ... I haven't a clue. That's probably an issue for the Courts.
[forum admin]

(07-29-2014, 02:01 PM)QuietDad Wrote: Looking for interpretation

Disclaimer: None of the opinions expressed herein shall be considered legally bindin'.
The Third Imperium
Journalist, South Pacific Independent News Network (SPINN)

Provost, Magisterium
Sergeant, East Pacific Sovereign Army
Journalist, East Pacific News Service

Foreign Affairs Minister, The West Pacific

Wording changed. AS I posted, I'm not looking to debate it here. Just testing the waters. I don't want a recruitment to start a war and chase people away. I want it to just happen. IF enough people come back "Well,....." I'll work on getting the Charter and CoL changed BEFORE I go recruiting. The last thing new people need is to join an organization in the middle of a cat fight questioning my competency on interpreting laws. I also don't want new members being called out with "Hey WAIT! He/she can't be in the army because....!). Just getting my ducks in a row.

Doesn't the Code of Conduct require citizenship to be a member of the SPSF?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Nope. Code of conduct deals with Generals mostly.

The Code of Conduct does say all members have to be citizens.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

If general status is life status, does that mean I'm still a general?
This is Penguin!!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Penguins shall one day rule the pie!
And by "pie", I mean "World"!!
Goddess Empress Queen Princess Lady of TSP 
Lilium Inter Spinas // Non timebo mala
I have done a lot of things in the Region in my History.
There's a list somewhere if you wanna go looking. 

I didn't see that Chris. See why we ask BEFORE making statements. As far as I remember, The code of conduct is all the MoA's and General Corp's to set and change, so I can fix it there. Good Catch.
Not doubting you, Penguin, but I've been around since the restructure of the SPSF a year(?) ago and I think we started from scratch. Find me on #spsf and we can chat. I'm looking for Generals and we might be able to work something out.

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