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Recall: Chair of the Assembly

I move for the recall of Unibot as the Chair of the Assembly. His recent conduct has been unbecoming of a member of the Cabinet of the South Pacific, as can clearly be seen in this thread and the accompanying IRC logs. One who behaves in this manner should not be in charge of running the Assembly, should not be in charge of keeping debate civil. Everyone is well aware of the situation by this point; I don't think much more needs to be said.

KringEdit: fixed the links, upon Salax's request.
Delegate of Spiritus
Vice Secretary-General of the World Assembly

"When you are the potatoes guy everyone is like, 'Yeah, it's the potatoes guy!'" - Max Barry

What your recalling him for is conduct in the IRC chat room. Since the IRC chat room is NOT bound by the Charter or code of Laws, you cant use conduct there against him. Had this been the Government owned chat room Unibot is suggesting, this would be perfectly appropriate. His actions as Chief of the Assembly have been within the guideline of the Charter and Code of Laws. The issue in the chat room is being dealt with in the chat room. No need to carry it here.

I agree mostly. Even if it was a government chat room it's just two people arguing and you can't include yourself in politics. Then you get a war, I do not see any reason to have him recalled and I really just see this as someone trying to make Uni look bad.

There is no reason to recall him and you have given very little to say why he should recalled, and the reasons you did give to recall him are extremely weak.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

LOL @ his attempt to rewrite history.

So anything done outside of the TSP forums does not matter? What if a member of the government were to coup another region? Would that not be grounds to recall them? Yes, the IRC channel is outside the jurisdiction of TSP, but that does not mean one isn't accountable for their actions. A member of the Cabinet, behaving that way; are we just to ignore it because it didn't happen here? If someone is going to act like that, I don't believe they should hold a leadership role in the region, wherever the behavior occurred.
Delegate of Spiritus
Vice Secretary-General of the World Assembly

"When you are the potatoes guy everyone is like, 'Yeah, it's the potatoes guy!'" - Max Barry

Does the chair have any comments about this? I mean for FFS he is publicly calling people c**t

Salaxalans makes a good point. This reminds me of how Cormac conducted himself when he motioned for the recall of GR.
Though, I don't believe this is grounds for a recall. Just about everyone does something like this. It's to be expected, but not condoned.


Cormac's behavior happened on the forums that IS the domain of the government. Unibot has done NOTHING in the context of the game with this incident.

I wasn't referring to where it happened, but how it happened. Saying that Salaxalan is right is not the same as saying Unibot is wrong.


I don't see how this has anything to do with my conduct as Chair - I think I've done a solid job as Chair and maintained an orderly tone through the Assembly. I've set out to oversee a more efficient Assembly and I think I've accomplished that.

Outside of office, I am absolutely a hothead and I've apologized for my earlier remarks on that occasion, but I do not see how it is relevant to my performance as Chair. I've done my best to maintain a presence as Chair that is fair, reasonable and respectful because that's what my civil service entails.

- Unibot.

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