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Making TSP Tsu-Pen-dous!

(11-15-2014, 08:44 PM)southern bellz Wrote: What has been your favorite moment in your time in TSP and why?

Thanks, SB. I've been thinking over this since you asked and while it's hard to pinpoint one moment, I have to say it was during Milo's coup.

During the coup -- and fighting taking place there after -- I received a message from former delegate, htz. He reached out to ask me what was going on since we knew each other way back when. And, as far as I know, I don't think he stuck around very long. But there was something in him coming back with the hope of helping -- along with the efforts of everyone else -- that really encapsulated TSP for me. Having people who cared and who are willing -- years later, even -- to come back and help out in times of need, I think really shows the community and the community's commitment to TSP.
[forum admin]

(11-15-2014, 11:27 PM)Apad Wrote: We have been having quiet a few spirited debates in the Assembly as of late, which, if any, of these debates do either of you feel is most important to the region? Also have any of the recently passed legislation left you troubled or felt are bad policy?

Thanks for the questions, Apad. Honestly, I think the election debates are really the most important. Since voting is key to our democracy, the way we conduct elections needs to be of the highest standards.

With regard to bad policy, I still would say that I remain against parole in the region. Permanent banning is only used in such rare and extreme circumstances that I think if the Courts at the time feel it is appropriate, we shouldn't be turning it back a year later.
[forum admin]

(11-15-2014, 08:44 PM)southern bellz Wrote: What has been your favorite moment in your time in TSP and why?

Thanks for making me think really hard SB. :hehe!:  I think one of my favorite moments was the creation of TSPU. Setting up an area where people can learn and share things of that nature in way that wasn't "learning" was awesome. 
This is Penguin!!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Penguins shall one day rule the pie!
And by "pie", I mean "World"!!
Goddess Empress Queen Princess Lady of TSP 
Lilium Inter Spinas // Non timebo mala
I have done a lot of things in the Region in my History.
There's a list somewhere if you wanna go looking. 

Aram presented a valid point that our election threads might be too conservative and/or not innovative enough. Honestly, I initially held off on specific details because I want us to agree with the direction of TSP and then work together on a solution, rather than get bogged now in the nitty gritty, since there will be plenty of time for that later [Image: wink.gif]

That said, part of our working to get the RMB-nations more into the process would be to draft legislation giving these nations voting rights on all legislation purposed in the Assembly, making our government akin to a bicameral legislature. (Shout out to Ditortilla for mulling over some of these ideas with me previously!)

Such a structure would work toward resolving some of the issues of these nations not feeling like they have a voice in the government and -- hopefully -- promoting activity from resident nations.

I'm happy to elaborate, but I hope this gives a bit of a sense of how seriously myself (and Pen!) would take it issue.

Just another step on the road to making TSP, Tsu-Pen-dous!
[forum admin]

(11-16-2014, 01:44 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: Aram presented a valid point that our election threads might be too conservative and/or not innovative enough. Honestly, I initially held off on specific details because I want us to agree with the direction of TSP and then work together on a solution, rather than get bogged now in the nitty gritty, since there will be plenty of time for that later [Image: wink.gif]

That said, part of our working to get the RMB-nations more into the process would be to draft legislation giving these nations voting rights on all legislation purposed in the Assembly, making our government akin to a bicameral legislature. (Shout out to Ditortilla for mulling over some of these ideas with me previously!)

Such a structure would work toward resolving some of the issues of these nations not feeling like they have a voice in the government and -- hopefully -- promoting activity from resident nations.

I'm happy to elaborate, but I hope this gives a bit of a sense of how seriously myself (and Pen!) would take it issue.

Just another step on the road to making TSP, Tsu-Pen-dous!

I'm a bit more interested in your campaign now, as it is a step in the right direction. I like that there is at least some potential here. If I don't hear back in a positive manner from a couple of people that have expressed initial interest in running as my VD, you will most likely have my support, as it seems you have at least some plan on increasing activity which has a chance of succeeding.

Here are some questions:

(For Tsu)
1. Why are you running for Delegate?
2. You have been in the region for eleven years. Why run for Delegate now?
3. How would your leadership style be? Would you be an active coordinator among the different ministries or would you just act as a facilitator for the agenda of each Minister?

(For Penguin)
4. Why are you running for Vice Delegate? ('Because Tsu asked' is not a valid answer!)
5. Do you think you have the necessary experience to help lead the South Pacific?
6. How would your style be? Would you just wait for the Delegate to assign you duties, or do you want to be an equal partner and help him coordinate the regional agenda?

(For both)
7. What do you think of the Fellowship Programme? Should we continue encouraging newcomers, regardless of their citizenship status, to get involved in the region?
8. There is a longstanding discussion about the rights of non citizen nations to also elect the government, or otherwise participate in the political process. How far should we go, without compromising regional security or allowing multying?
9. What can we expect in terms of regional activites and festivals? Will we have new editions of the Regional Games, and see other, new and exciting events?

10. Glen has been a champion of the GCR Security Network concept throughout his terms as Foreign Minister. What do you think of it? Should we continue having that as our guiding foreign policy objective?
11. We have a treaty with Balder, and I believe it is our least known treaty. Why do you think that is? How should we address that situation?
12. Do you think we should approach more like-minded UCRs, regardless of their size, and establish close relations with them?

13. Many still have the image of the South Pacific as an unstable and drama-filled region. How should we fight that perception?
14. No Cabinet is perfect. What failing has the current Cabinet had, and how should it have acted instead?
15. Describe the South Pacific in one short sentence.
16. There are three (maybe even four) other candidates for Delegate and Vice Delegate. Why should we vote for you?

Thanks in advance for answering, and good luck!
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Thanks for your well-thought-out questions, Kris.

Quote:1. Why are you running for Delegate?
2. You have been in the region for eleven years. Why run for Delegate now?

I'm choosing to answer these together because I think they are too inter-related to be dealt with separately.

I freely admit that I never desired the delegate's seat. However, I think right now I'm the right person for the job. I think as someone who has a long history with the region -- even though it was punctured with some inactivity -- I think it speaks to the region's solidity that someone has been here for 11 years is still (or again) involved in the region. It speaks not only to the stability of region but it's desirability as a place to spend time.

Quote:3. How would your leadership style be? Would you be an active coordinator among the different ministries or would you just act as a facilitator for the agenda of each Minister?

This is a really good question. While I think my stance on delegate power is fairly well known, I think it's also worth repeating. The active citizens on the forums are involved and elect a Cabinet of individuals to represent them. As such, I would let the ministers do the jobs they have been chosen -- by the citizens -- to do. That means I would help out where needed, but I would allow the Chair of the Assembly to deal with legislative issues; Minister of Regional Affairs to promote activity; the Minister of Foreign Affairs to conduct diplomacy; and the Minister of the Army to run the SPSF. I would hope to work with the ministers on their directions, but ultimately, the choice would be theirs.

What I would do as delegate is act as a voice for the individuals who reside in the region, but do not participate in the forum community. I would seek to promote activity on the RMB and concern myself with in-game duties such as World Assembly voting and increasing endorsements.

Ultimately, the entire SP government and forum community is only relevant if an elected representative -- under the Charter -- holds the delegate seat. As such, my leadership style as delegate would be to make sure the region is safe in-game, so the forum community can thrive.

Quote:7. What do you think of the Fellowship Programme? Should we continue encouraging newcomers, regardless of their citizenship status, to get involved in the region?

Regarding the Fellowship Programme, I think it has worked to give some new activity to the region. I would definitively support the continuation of it -- depending on the wishes of the next MoRA. I certainly think we need to encourage all newcomers -- regardless of citizenship status -- to get involved in the region. The region's welcoming atttude has been a long-term strength for TSP and I hope it continues.

Quote:8. There is a longstanding discussion about the rights of non citizen nations to also elect the government, or otherwise participate in the political process. How far should we go, without compromising regional security or allowing multying?

As was recently suggested, I think we can -- and should -- move toward a bicameral legislature where active nations on the RMB (including "non citizens" if you will) should have a say in the legislative process. I think there are means to create a two-chamber legislature that does not compromise regional security. I've been a firm believer that all nations residing in the region are "citizens," even if they are not members of the off-site forums. While it has previously been harder to incorporate these nations into the process, new tools provided by the NS-platform has made such inclusion possible and desirable.

Quote:9. What can we expect in terms of regional activities and festivals? Will we have new editions of the Regional Games, and see other, new and exciting events?

Really, I would direct such a question toward the MoRA threads. I would be supportive of regional games and festivals -- depending on where the MoRA thinks it is most wise to expend our energy. Ultimately, however, this is the reason we elected a Minister of Regional Affairs.

Quote:10. Glen has been a champion of the GCR Security Network concept throughout his terms as Foreign Minister. What do you think of it? Should we continue having that as our guiding foreign policy objective?

Again, while much of this would depend on the next MoFA, I'll give my personal opinion on that matter. While I respect GR tremendously, I think the GCR Security Network is misguided. Uniting GCRs has been long discussed but has yet to come to fruition. Instead, pursuing such a path has constantly put the region into diplomatic binds when large regions have often had differing diplomatic positions.

Instead of pursuing a white elephant, I would much rather see TSP try to build diplomatic relations with UCRs in an attempt to throw our weight around, so to speak, rather that living in constant fear that more diplomatically prominent regions might cut ties with us.

Quote:11. We have a treaty with Balder, and I believe it is our least known treaty. Why do you think that is? How should we address that situation?

I would suppose that this is due to the fact that our treaty with Balder is the longest running treaties and relations have not been maintained as they should have been. I think by electing citizens who have not been involved in leading the foreign affairs would give TSP a chance to reach out to Balder -- as other allies -- and hopefully form closer relations.

Quote:12. Do you think we should approach more like-minded UCRs, regardless of their size, and establish close relations with them?

Absolutely. I'll go on record by saying I was shocked we no longer had close ties to Canada -- which I only discovered when Canada was invaded. I think prioritizing GCRs in our foreign affairs may make sense if the region wants to continue to engage in the R/D debate, but doesn't make sense if we want TSP to have its own identity.

Quote:13. Many still have the image of the South Pacific as an unstable and drama-filled region. How should we fight that perception?

By electing two long-term residents to the top positions, of course [Image: wink.gif]

But seriously, I think we need people with firm hands to continue the stable region that you've ultimately established. Changing perceptions takes time, but I think have nations with long histories in the region will certainly aid in establishing a less dramatic environment.

Quote:14. No Cabinet is perfect. What failing has the current Cabinet had, and how should it have acted instead?

Honestly, I think the Cabinet decision to support throwing out the "Independent" label was a mistake. Not that I'm interested in the taking/keeping the region toward "Independentism," but because it gave away the terms of the debate.

The region cannot have a coherent identity and foreign policy if we're constantly chasing down the definitions of others. Who cares how others use the word? Others need to respect the way we use the word.

Quote:15. Describe the South Pacific in one short sentence.

A community of friends.

Quote:16. There are three (maybe even four) other candidates for Delegate and Vice Delegate. Why should we vote for you?

I think everyone has offered some important contributions to the debate here. However, I think Pen and I have really showed long-term dedication to the region and the ability to get things done. Between Pen and I, neither of us have participated in other regions and have always called TSP home. I think such dedication is key to keeping TSPs unique identity within NS and to giving TSP community the attention it deserves.
[forum admin]

(For Penguin)

4. Why are you running for Vice Delegate? ('Because Tsu asked' is not a valid answer!)
Well duh!! :-p Anyway for cereal. I wholeheartedly believe that between Tsu and I we can sail this ship to bigger and better places. Tsu has some really great ideas that I stand behind and I am very appreciative that he chose me to ride this wave with him.

5. Do you think you have the necessary experience to help lead the South Pacific?
If I didn't I wouldn't be running. This is going to be a challenge for me and I like that. I like that although I have always taken a backseat per say to politics in this region (not that I haven't gotten my hands dirty) I was still able to give my opinion and have it heard. I think that the confidence I have in myself and in Tsu will help lead me into the "experience" that others have but there is only one Penguin and I'm pretty sure we are gonna rock this  

6. How would your style be? Would you just wait for the Delegate to assign you duties, or do you want to be an equal partner and help him coordinate the regional agenda?
As I would be Vice I'm pretty sure that equal partnership is not a solid option. He will have things he needs to do as will I. However If he wanted to run as equals... I wouldn't say no
Outside of that I've never been one to sit on my hands when there is a job to do. So while I would wait for major tasks I'll be pretty busy representing the CSS as Chair and getting the citizen apps taking care of in a timely manner.  And to that doing my best to help the others in Cabinet and making people feel welcome.

(For both)
7. What do you think of the Fellowship Programme? Should we continue encouraging newcomers, regardless of their citizenship status, to get involved in the region?

Most of coursely! By all means i think that have this program is helping people and getting them involved. If the new MoRA choose to keep it I will help in anyway I can to make things keep working.

8. There is a longstanding discussion about the rights of non citizen nations to also elect the government, or otherwise participate in the political process. How far should we go, without compromising regional security or allowing multying?

While I don’t think they should be elected per say I think Tsu’s new system will help make this issue no longer an issue. Smile Or at least less of one.

9. What can we expect in terms of regional activities and festivals? Will we have new editions of the Regional Games, and see other, new and exciting events?

Well I certainly hope so but as I’m running for Vice Delegate and not RA or FA … I’d work with them to help things along.

10. Glen has been a champion of the GCR Security Network concept throughout his terms as Foreign Minister. What do you think of it? Should we continue having that as our guiding foreign policy objective?

I don’t think it will come as a surprise to say that I am totally for UCRs getting our attention. With all of the drama and hassle that has been coming from the GCRs I think that we should try to step back and work on TSP for a bit.

11. We have a treaty with Balder, and I believe it is our least known treaty. Why do you think that is? How should we address that situation?

I really don’t know. What I do know is that this is an issue we need to rectify.  Maybe by getting together with the MoFA and their people we can make our regions have a party. Smile

12. Do you think we should approach more like-minded UCRs, regardless of their size, and establish close relations with them?

See my above posts. Smile  I’m a firm believer in all are equal. Okie maybe equal is a strong word but we should treat UCRs with the same respect and dignity that we go chasing GCRs with.

13. Many still have the image of the South Pacific as an unstable and drama-filled region. How should we fight that perception?

By electing US of course!! Smile Really I think that it doesn't help that we are constantly letting others dictate what WE want OUR region to be. We can fix this by focusing on us instead of them. We don't want other people telling US how to run TSP. WE should be running TSP. 

14. No Cabinet is perfect. What failing has the current Cabinet had, and how should it have acted instead?
Y’all did just dandy. That’s all Smile

15. Describe the South Pacific in one short sentence.
Pineapple lamp shade cladded craziness.

16. There are three (maybe even four) other candidates for Delegate and Vice Delegate. Why should we vote for you?

Um… because we’re Awesome? We can make TSP Tsu-Pen-dious!!

Thanks in advance for answering, and good luck!

I really hope that's everything!! Smile
This is Penguin!!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Penguins shall one day rule the pie!
And by "pie", I mean "World"!!
Goddess Empress Queen Princess Lady of TSP 
Lilium Inter Spinas // Non timebo mala
I have done a lot of things in the Region in my History.
There's a list somewhere if you wanna go looking. 

Just to clarify, since both Tsu and Penguin answered that the MoRA should address that, my question was more about knowing your attitudes towards regional events and those kinds of activities. So yes, obviously the MoRA would have to organise them, but would you as a team be there to help, or are you just not that interested in doing regional affairs stuff?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

(11-16-2014, 10:51 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Just to clarify, since both Tsu and Penguin answered that the MoRA should address that, my question was more about knowing your attitudes towards regional events and those kinds of activities. So yes, obviously the MoRA would have to organise them, but would you as a team be there to help, or are you just not that interested in doing regional affairs stuff?

I think Pen might have been a bit more clear than I did on this.

I would certainly be interested and would help out with any events such regional games, activities and festivals. I would defer to the judgement of the MoRA for which specific events to pursue, but I would be there to help in any way I can.

Hope this clarifies my stance.
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