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Most Avoided

I was just wondering, how do you know what will be ranked and when?

Magic Smile

Seriously, individual nations take at least half an hour to process, so you can see any that get a new badge on the World page at around 5PM our time, with the rankings being released some time around 5:30 - 6:00.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 12,080th in the world for Most Avoided. UP 447.

TSP Rank (Change) / World Rank (Change) Nation: Score (Change)

1 / 65 (+8) Sehlysdre: 10636.64 (+268.39)
2 (+1) / 126 (+14) The Very Ignorant: 7347.61 (+110.61)
3 (-1) / 140 (-30) Aramanchovia: 7098.965 (-1331.035)
4 / 332 (-55) Decapito: 4427.897 (-1107.353)
5 / 702 (+125) Badonia: 3124.069 (+99.569)
6 (+1) / 715 (+210) Freedomiste: 3107.638 (+266.638)
7 (+2) / 896 (+87) Royal St Andrews: 2778.47 (+25.47)
8 (NEW) / 992 Vardaria: 2599.65
9 (-3) / 1164 (-328) Bungo Bungo: 2364.921 (-650.079)
10 (-2) / 1323 (-385) Tremulistan: 2161.984 (-659.266)
10 / 332 (-40) Badger Wind: -4389.349 (-1155.099)
9 (+1) / 246 (-26) Aechor: -5186.99 (-1247.74)
8 (NEW) / 240 Varayusha: -5228.36
7 (+2) / 231 (+83) Ganiax: -5334.477 (-141.227)
6 (-1) / 216 (+44) Lakarian: -5518.711 (-612.461)
5 (+2) / 130 (+28) Gauthier: -6756.079 (-408.829)
4 (-2) / 122 (-40) Chuck69: -7212.114 (-2151.114) **MVP**
3 (-1) / 100 (-8) Kiasu-ism: -7896.399 (-1732.399)
2 / 41 Danimal: -11513.77 (-1760.02)
1 / 17 (+3) Crazed monkies: -15576.912 (-1691.162)

Total Nations in The South Pacific: 3869
Total Nations in The World: 110946

It won't be the first time I say this, but I ended up much worse out of the refactoring process in this category, with the biggest drop of anyone in the top or bottom 10. As this was ranked 2 days ago, nearly all that is due to refactoring too, and can't be issue responses.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 12,763rd in the world for Most Avoided. DOWN 683.

TSP Rank (Change) / World Rank (Change) Nation: Score (Change)
1 / 63 (+2) Sehlysdre: 10936.82 (+300.18)
2 (+1) / 122 (+18) Aramanchovia: 7761.357 (+662.392) **MVP**
3 (-1) / 127 (-1) The Very Ignorant: 7614.47 (+266.86)
4 / 282 (+50) Decapito: 4871.32 (+443.423)
5 / 507 (+195) Badonia: 3711.92 (+587.851)
6 (+1) / 767 (+129) Royal St Andrews: 3086.24 (+307.77)
7 (+1) / 911 (+81) Vardaria: 2829.9 (+230.25)
8 (NEW) / 1373 Harmonious Paperclips: 2187.408
9 (NEW) / 1399 Pterodoria: 2163.984
10 / 1401 (-78) Tremulistan: 2161.984
10 / 278 (-54) Badger Wind: -4925.74 (-536.391)
9 (+1) / 244 (+4) Varayusha: -5324.606 (-96.246)
8 (+1) / 238 (+7) Ganiax: -5361.201 (-26.724)
7 (-2) / 214 (-32) Aechor: -5607.04 (-420.05)
6 / 199 (-17) Lakarian: -5758.788 (-240.077)
5 / 123 (-7) Gauthier: -6849.131 (-93.052)
4 / 113 (-9) Chuck69: -7324.674 (-112.56)
3 / 94 (-6) Kiasu-ism: -8068.878 (-172.479)
2 / 41 Danimal: -11528.064 (-14.294)
1 / 16 (-1) Crazed monkies: -15826.119 (-249.207)

Total Nations in The South Pacific: 6115
Total Nations in The World: 140499

That's more like it, got back to my #2 ranking with the largest score change.

Hopolis is 6259th in TSP with -1,342.8 KRS. Cracked the lowest 100! :-) Still a looooooooooong way of the lowest 10 though.

Feirmont is ranked 6,315th in the South Pacific and 144,727th in the world for Most Avoided, scoring -3,208.428 on the Kardashian Reflex Score.

Feirmont is ranked 6,488th in the South Pacific and 145,624th in the world for Most Avoided, scoring -3,225.544 on the Kardashian Reflex Score.

Hopolis is 6,446 in TSP with a score of -1,539.083 KRS. That's just under 200 places lower than last time! :-) I'm still a long, long way off the lowest 10 nations though!

0001 Sehlysdre +10,957.75
6446 Hopolis -1,539.083
6494 Gauthier -4,383.069 (start of the lowest 10)
6505 Crazed Monkies -15,942.874

Imagine a score of +/- 10,000! O.o

(05-30-2015, 08:04 PM)Feirmont Wrote: Imagine a score of +/- 10,000! O.o

I know!!! I was like 'seriously?!?!?!'

Aramanchovia is ranked 2nd in the South Pacific and 120th in the world for Most Avoided, scoring 8,059.907 on the Kardashian Reflex Score.

I am getting to that +10K mentioned, pretty slow going though.

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