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To the SCO: A new start

A message to all the SCO nations who voted against us,

We urge you to reconsider your vote. Ryccia is trying to fix itself, rebuild itself, rise again. We are trying a new start.

A start that, in it, we will strive to progress peacefully, not militarily. We are trying to get accepted in this world. We are trying to fix our mistakes. Fix our past. And rebuild Ryccia to a better, new future.

We urge you to reconsider. Don't nations deserve a second chance after their dark days have passed, and a new light, no matter how dim, is shining on them? A light that will grow stronger, if it is possible?

How about Farengeto? Its government has fallen, and its provisional government has been given a second chance. Or the Sporaltryan Union? It had frosty relations with some countries, but now, a light is shining on them. And it will grow stronger. And Karnetvor? Its Nationalist Regime left its country in despair, but now, its getting better than ever. And Qvait? Its division between North Qvait and Qvait left the country, well, divided, and after North Qvait and Qvait reunified, Qvait looks better than ever. And Resentine? Its hundreds of years of conflict left a war-torn nation, but it is now blossoming. And fast. And Darkstrait? Its civil war was devastating, but now, its recovering. And it will fully heal up. Very soon.

And how about Ryccia? Well, the world has not given it a second chance. And now, its a dying, dry flower. But it still has life. It has hope. And maybe one day, just one day, that flower will blossom again.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Beautifully put.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

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It is not the job of the Southern Council to grant second chances. If it is reviewing an accession application, then it has to evaluate whether the applicant meets the requirements. If the nation does not meet the requirements then it needs to be rejected. Asking for second chances makes no difference when the applicant nation is the one that needs to change, in order to meet the requirements.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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We ARE trying to change.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Perhaps Ryccia is trying to change. But the only impression we got during accession was that of a violent and unstable "state", with consistent civil wars and leadership changes on a weekly bases. Our Foreign Affairs no longer even tries to track of the changes within your alleged territory.

As per new diplomatic policy in Farengeto, following this message we will no longer engage in communications with unrecognized states such as yourself. As such this will be our last communication with Ryccia.

We share the same thoughts with the Farengeto delegation.

While the Rebeltopian government is not a member of the SCO at the current time, we have previously been, and we have been active on the world stage prior to the inactivity that plagued our foreign affairs.

With that said, we recognize that the Ryccian government is trying to rebuild its image in TSP and on the world stage. But begging and pleading many times over a short period of time will only do the opposite of what Ryccian delegation is trying to do. When you say that you are trying to improve, and we say "prove it", we do not mean tell us every little thing you have done. Actions speak louder than words. Words mean nothing when actions show the opposite.
Dont tell, show! Let your actions over a period of time prove us wrong. That is your best revenge, and the best way to be noticed on the world stage. Preform humanitarian aide. Use diplomacy rather than war. Don't argue. Turn yourselves around. Then, and only then, will you start to be respected on the world stage.

Ronald Thompson
Rebeltopian Chairman of the Exterior
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We just don't understand why Ryccia would petty itself with international relations and aid. There are many things that they could focus. Like the state of their country. Our workers are working day and night on the railroads, they witnessed that the Ryccian lands are deteriorating, full of craters and smoke. You claim that you're trying to change, but we haven't seen the tiniest act towards that road.

We suggest that Ryccia, would get out from their will to join SCO, and fix international relations for the time being. Instead, focus on rebuilding the countries back to the strong and powerful state its has ever been before.

You'd like to convince them that you've changed right? Give them proof, by making your country modern, peaceful and economically powerful.

Once you've done that, the road of peaceful international relations, shall be smooth as ever. Knowing you can help them in the same level they you can help you.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

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Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

I believe it is in the opinion of the Awesomiasan delegation, as well as the Council that ample opportunities has been granted to the Ryccian authorities and the delegation it has sent, to prove its admissibility for accession into the Council. 

However, the Council has deemed throughout its discussion on this matter, testimony by Ryccian representatives, the available information that members of the Council have of the internal situation in Ryccia, remarks by the Secretary-General as well as the lack of diplomatic recognition by several current member nations in the Organisation, that Ryccia is inadmissible to membership of the Southern Cooperation Organisation and the Southern Council at this time, due to its economic and political instability. 

We seek the recognition of the Ryccian authorities that the rejection of Ryccia's accession to the Organisation is not subjected to an appeal. Thank you.

Simon Harawira
Permanent Representative to the Southern Cooperation Organisation
Federal Democratic Republic of Awesomiasa


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