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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) 165th Basil Day

"I eagerly await the opportunity to hear them."
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


President Hubble Einstein: "Do you gentlemen find this mysterious "Part II" intriguing?"
The Lord of Space and Protector of the TARDIS Keys of
The Solar System Scope


Lux Universus
ButterFire and Company

ButterFire meet up with John Smith and Howard Green.

"Gentlemen," ButterFire announced, "this event is about to start. What do you think it may be about?" John and Howard shook their heads.

"We're absolutely clueless" they echoed.
Butter and fire mixes well, apparently...

"Chaos is the natural order"- The wisdom of a Pillow.


Meanwhile, backstage. Preparations are being made for the second phase of the event, everyone had their own role, and it is time for Hammerstar to shine. An area was set for the High Paladin and the Sapphire Paladin, they’ll be the hosts of the opening, for the ladies from the two clans are preparing something rather special. Both Dietrich and Hannah stood infront of the mirror, fixing each other’s clothes.

[Image: XhRd1Me.jpg]
(Dietrich looking at the mirror)
“How do I look?” asked Dietrich.

“Hold on one second, your tie is loose.” said Hannah.

The Sapphire Paladin fixed the High Paladin’s red tie, but then she had another thought.

“How about if we let go this?” asked Hannah as she held the red tie firm.

The Sapphire Paladin then took off the red tie her date was wearing, and popped two of the Dietrich’s top buttons. She then took a second to marvel at her date.


[Image: Oz0Lkb9.jpg]
(Hannah in her party clothes)

“Hannah?” interrupted Dietrich.


“How about if you take off your glasses?” asked Dietrich

“These glasses? But... Alright, let’s give it a shot.”

The High Paladin gently took off his date’s glasses, Dietrich rarely saw her without her round owl-like glasses, so when he took it off, he was intrigued by his date’s smooth face.

“Interesting....” marveled Dietrich

“Let me see.” said Hannah as she turned towards the mirror. She looked at her face, and what the world was like from her own eyes.”

“This.... I forgot how great the world looks without my glasses... They are quite... Unfathomable.”

“No... You’re simply beautiful.”

Hannah turned towards Dietrich, and made eye contact. She had wondered of Dietrich’s proposal a couple of months ago concerning the relationship between each other. It’s no secret that Dietrich was falling madly in love with his Paladin of International Relations, but no one actually knew what happened afterwards. There was no mentioning of it since. Both of them knew that they wanted each other’s comfort, however the pressure predicted was too much to bear, one of them would have to relieve their position in government, and neither are ready to part with the work they have fully dedicated into for the couple years.

[Image: BH4i3Wu.jpg]
(Hannah and Dietrich admiring each other)
Two more years until Dietrich’s term as High Paladin ended, for he took over office when High Paladin Amelia resigned. Mostly due to the fact that the public love her more than her resolutions in government. Amelia may be a strong woman, but like how she was taught by her mentor, Holy King Stephen Pendragon, is that the job of the High Paladin is to solely maintain the country and lead it to reach the stars, but the High Paladin must be selfless, invisible, if possible. For the attention was to make Hammerstar a great country, the full attention was never towards the Leader.

Dietrich thinks that perhaps after the elections, he’ll then propose to Hannah, but for now, he needs to abandon those naive thoughts, and be prepared. He adjusted his hair and practiced his bulk and strong posture infront of the mirror, while consulting to his date about his impression later at the stage.


"Yes Hannah?"

"Could you get out, I am going to change to my ballroom gown."

[Image: BD-SG1787.jpg]
(Hannah's ballroom dress)


Dietrich got out of his changing room, leaving Hannah to pamper up.

Meanwhile, Fionnabhair and Avianna prepared the others. Lady Pendragon was specifically instructed by the Elder of The Pendragon Clan, Lord Ferdinand Pendragon himself, to make a good impression. There was actually an order to how this event shall take part, but being the most artistic Pendragon, she decided to incorporate a special thing in this event. Along with Avianna, they prepared a special addition to the musical instruments, one that would immediately take the heart of those who listen to it.

They were completely devoid of the fact that they are ambassadors to the countries present in this event. With Avianna an ambassador to Noctenos, and Fia being an ambassador to Resentine Kingdom. One could say that they are in a zen mode, that the only thing in their mind is to impress the guests through the mixture of the two greatest clans in Knightisian history, Pendragon and Chronowallace.

Fia Pendragon has also decided to give the visitors a treat.


[Image: DEBICKI-Elizabeth-400px.jpg]
(Fia preparing for her performance)

“Indeed, it was my mother’s.” Fia held up a dress infront of her body. She was a very great performer.”

“I still remember when your mother performed in Basil Day many years ago. I was still 10 I think? Hmm, since then, I never saw a Pendragon relight this heritage..”

Fia got to the back of the folding screen, and exchanged her clothes.

“I guess I’m going to do the special once more.”

“You mean?”


“... Are you prepared?”

“My friend, I’ve been practicing.”

“Um... I don’t know how I should say this. But good luck Fia, I truly hope you do excel in your special performance. Especially knowing that you’re going to do the most complicated variation. Though I shiver to think of the difficulty of this dance, it was practiced by experts and it has such a profound meaning. But it has the potential to break every single bone in your body, and even resulting in death..”

“I am fully aware of the risks Avalyn. Please spare me from it..” dismissed Fia as she came out form the folding screen.

Fia was sweating badly, her hands are shaken. Avianna took a small towel and wiped the sweat off from her friend.

“Right, sorry for saying that.” said Avianna

“I know you didn’t mean to.” responded Fia. Avianna led Fia to sit down infront of the mirror, and took a comb and a hair presser to maintain Fia’s hair.

“Thank you.” said Fia.

“I don’t mind.” responded Avianna

“Anyway, how have you been with the guests?” asked Fia.

[Image: 00210f.jpg]
(Avianna helping Fia for the latter's performance)

“It’s amazing to know about these people, I didn’t imagine how diverse these cultures are, it’s truly fascinating. I was conversing with Feirmontian Prime Minister, Pauline Draught and Bonaugurean MoFA, Erika Tachibana. We were discussing about tea, and I was going to prefer them to our tea booth.”

“Ah, yes. Our tea, mind if I’d ask which tea are you going to refer them to?” continued Fia.

“I’d prefer to refer them to a simpler blend. I was thinking of the Anza blend between the Urdu flower and the Ilyus leaf. Perhaps the Tika blend with a hint of Cyclion flower and the Forget-Me-Not flower.” elaborated Avianna.

“May if I make a suggestion?”

“Oh please.”

“How about you give them the ChronoConfect? Isn’t it our grandmother’s favorite?” suggested Avianna.

“Are you sure? Don’t you think it’s too risky?”

[Image: jTqKTs0.jpg]
(The ChronoConfect)
“Surely not, I believe you would need to wow them before offering others, if you can get them to the peak of their satisfaction, they would certainly want to know more. Especially the Feirmontians,  if you can get them to mix our tea with their pastries, it is certainly divine..” explained Fia.

“You’re right.. Thanks... So, how about you? I see that you were getting acquainted with President Hubble and the Principal of Noctenos.”

“Princeps Excelsum.. I think...” clarified Fia.

“Mhm, what do you have in mind?”

“I’d like to take them to the library.” said Fia.

“Sounds great, we should actually get our guests a trip to the library.” suggested Avianna

“Absolutely not. I think we should just offer it if they are truly interested in our library. It’ll be very bothersome if we have everyone to the library.” said Fia.

“Please pout.”

Fia pouted, and Avianna applied some color on Fia’s lips, and did the same to her own. She then took a brush and applied some makeup.

“I’d have to ask you to make it thin, I don’t really want to apply too much makeup.”

“Alright.. By the way, I’d have to agree... We certainly don’t want them tainting our books.”

“My grandfather gave us strict orders to not allow these people taint our books, and he has approved it with the High Paladin, that no one were to soil the contents of the library, those who did such things shall be imprisoned, no questions asked.” said Fia Pendragon.

“Do you think we should have valets? So that they would be able to maintain the crowd?”

[Image: cra0exn.jpg]
(One of the parts of the Lux Universus Library)
“A couple would be nice... But it does beg the question, the people from Noctenos and The Solar System Scope are true scholars. They shall.. no.. They will want to read the books that are featured in our library, no doubt about it. Why wouldn’t they? It consists of the newest and the oldest pieces of Knightisian education. We have scrolls that are minted and preserved which were written god knows when. It could be older than the Lux Universus himself... Perhaps even older than the King Arthur Pendragon I.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“I am saying, they would certainly want to read the book, and perhaps borrow them. Should we?”

“The solution is elementary, let them borrow the books that are not off limits. To give them a treat, let them read some of the books that are off limits, with the highest caution possible. I believe there is a box of gloves that you need to wear?”

“I believe so. But that’s just for the special books right?”

“Yes... Oh! Fia, what if they wanted to borrow some books? It is of course, a library.”

“I’d say let them borrow some, but regulate which one. Like you say, follow the rules we have established.”

“Good decision... Alright, you’re set.”

Fia stood up, and looked at the mirror, admiring herself for a moment.

“.....Oh my... How do I look?”

Fia turned to Avianna, and Avianna marveled at her friend.

“My friend, of all the days we have spent together, looking at dresses and trying out clothes, this is the one that tops it all off.”

“......Wow. Thank you.”

Avianna kissed Fia’s cheek, and opened the door.

“It’s time.”

Preparations finished, they set out to the stage prepared, there is no room for error tonight

[Image: 1000104.jpg]

“Ladies and Gentlemen of excellency and nobility, I would ask for you to direct your attention to the main stage. I introduce to you, the famed Knightisian Inventor of Vinci, The High Paladin of The United Federation of the International Knights and The Anarcho-Pacifist Technocracy of Hammerstar, and the current holder of the title: ‘Son of Ice’. Please welcome, his humbleness, High Paladin Dietrich Fillo Do Xeo.”

Head Valet, Guillermo Giovanni Wolfgang

The High Paladin walked towards the podium, where he was greeted with a loud clap from the audience, he took his approach to the podium firmly and directly. As he took his place on the podium, he looked down for a moment, and then looked towards the audience, displaying a warm smile.

[Image: WGb34jr.jpg]
(The High Paladin addressing his guests)
“Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I guess introductions have been made by our Head Valet, but please, Dietrich will certainly suffice. Now speaking for the attendants of this party and my nation, we hope you are enjoying your time in our tiny party. As you may have known, this is the first time the private party in Basil Day have opened the doors to the outside world, it used to be for the highest members of the Knightisian government, where we marvel on our rich cultural heritage that spans for many years which had suffered through the toughest trials hell itself has took pride in. But I disagree, for why must we enjoy it ourselves, if we can share it to the world? This is the main idea of the event my friends, it is to introduce to you all, of our culture, of our hospitality, of us, as the People of Hammerstar. So please my friends, I urge you to let go of all the stresses we encountered in our daily lives, and allow us to enrapture you with our music. Lady Zantos of Ubesii, I am sure you are aware of this person from Hammerstar, she of course, since her appointment as ambassador, has frequently wowed your people in the concert halls. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the orchestral prodigy, Martine Isabella.”

[Image: tAIC8mn.jpg]
(Martine Isabella starting the orchestra)

There are two compositions.

Composition one:
Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGPF7w0EOm4
Song 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiHKGmb7_jA
Song 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNzm5xLoPMk
Song 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmd58nFB6OI

Composition two (Performed by Violin Goddesses)
Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-onQcF95pfs
Song 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHjpOzsQ9YI
Song 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-wEAeNcA_A
Song 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49tpIMDy9BE

The room got dark all of a sudden, and a bright light was shone towards the orchestra along with the conductor the moment she lifted her thin carbon baton and started the music.

The music was bewitching, and everyone in the event was tranced by the strong and lovely melody of the orchestra. A musical magic so powerful, it overwhelmed your senses, and you felt like floating in a cloud of bliss. It was nothing like these people has ever heard before, it wasn’t like the Viennese Waltz or the Asian colorful ensemble, it was something that no one can put their finger to it. A zing, if one may put it. Of course, of all the things this country is good at, Hammerstar’s orchestral music is in its own league.

People wanted to talk about how bewitching this music was, but they could not dismiss the sheer cleverness of the music, the rush was instantaneous.

Then moving on to the second composition, it continued to present the guests an interesting musical experience, but when they heard the melodic violin duet, it was the peak of satisfaction.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you, OttoLynn Sinclair and Rebecca Layton!” exclaimed Martine Isabella as she conducted her orchestra.

[Image: NGbSoZY.jpg]
(OttoLynn Sinclair in a zen mode)
The light was focused on the two main violinists, they got out from the orchestra while stringing their violins. As they entered the main stage, they danced all around while perfectly hitting all the violin notes together.

[Image: ZNXgYBN.jpg]
(Rebecca Layton showing off her skills)
Their dancing was quite intriguing, for there is yet to be a violinist capable of such actions. The duet danced and hopped across the stage in absolute harmony, their movements are incredibly coordinated, it almost seemed that none could match their level of expertise.

[Image: 4JVBETH.jpg]
(Martine Isabella starting her complex routine

Composition one
Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGdFHJXciAQ
Song 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GufRiBUZQPc

As the second composition ended, the lights dimmed, and Martine Isabella played another composition. The lights turned to light icy blue and its music had somehow managed to make the room rather colder. The Goddesses of violin led the audience through a series of elaborate violin notes, leading them to an unexpected second song. This time, she had initiated a rock ensemble to work with her. The Ace Conductor played a rather familiar tone, the Carol of the Bells, and then the room started to go in a wintry state all of a sudden, just as the electric guitar was heard.

[Image: Wherecoolthingshappen_christals4.jpg]
(Holographic snowflakes)

Lady Avianna Lynessa Chronowallace had commenced a special surprise, she had borrowed the latest inventions from the Lux Universus tech lab, and it was one that projected holograms in mid air. With the correct algorithm, she and her stage technicians projected various snow flakes dropping down the ceiling, to emphasise a cold and elegant winter.

[Image: northern_mountains_1.jpg]
(A video of the Crystal Mountains was flashed)

The screen also flashed a short video of the Hammerstarian winter in Crystal Mountain and Humble Hill, one can truly feel that they are hiking in the tallest mountains of the region, with the breezy winds unleashed from the fans in the room. To simulate the freezing chilly mountains of Hammerstar.

Composition one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnDJOm1J_Vk

[Image: kSdqmBu.jpg]
(Martine Isabella preparing for another composition)

Afterwards, Martine Isabella conducted a traditional tune. The composition was known as ‘The Sandal Maker’, and it is one of the variations of a famous traditional dance style from Eastern Hammerstar, known as the Emelline.

[Image: 1160501648_01b4679788.jpg]
(The Emelline)
The lights was bright on the stage, and the dancers started to perform to the jam of ‘The Sandal Maker’. It was not greatly vibrant and fast, but it was quite intriguing to watch. An opera singer’s voice was then recognized, and the High Paladin introduced her.

“Ladies and Gentlemen I shall introduce to you the lovely songbird, the famed ‘Caeli melodiam’ herself, Amalia Fatima Ermina.”

[Image: lovely_muslim_girls_with_hijab_by_hitler...51j5jz.jpg]
(Amalia Fatima Ermina)
The tune and the dance was to rest the minds of the guests, for the compositions earlier played by Martine Isabella was too electrifying. You can say that this tune is considered as an interval from all the business and crowd. Amalia’s voice was heavenly, it was considered to be so elating, that it is one of the singers that could contend against the songbirds of the famed Kalosia. Paired with the dance, the routine became such an attractive treat to our senses.

[Image: Dancers-Jerash-Festival.jpg]
(The end of The Emelline dance routine)
When the dance was completed, a composition was played by the orchestra, and Martine led the audience to the next bit of the performance.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we shall now perform one of the most popular songs in Knightisian history, one that lived on for hundreds of years, and has been the favorite of most.” Said Martine Isabella, she did not look at her audience as her sight was in tatters, nevertheless, she continued. “I welcome the La Lunaria-Imperia Orchestra as the stewards of muse, and Amalia Fatima Ermina as the female songbird. Singing with the lovely Caeli Melodiam is a famous opera singer from Kalosia, Hans Eiffel.”

[Image: 9sGA72v.jpg]
(Picture of Hans Eiffel, one of the songbirds of Kalosia)
Hans Eiffel then walked to the stage, and held Amalia’s hands. The lights were dimmed and a spotlight was shone at them.

The violins strung, and it started. The most popular song was played, and it had the perfect indgredients. The best orchestra, the best conductor and the best singers. Conditions were perfect, and as Amalia sang the first verse, everyone’s heart fluttered. ‘The Prayer’ was sung, both in English and Italian-Latium.

The Prayer

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know

Let this be our prayer
when we lose our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu dai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore restera
And hold it in our hearts

A ricordarci che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei

Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede c'è
When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace e di fraternita

La forza che ci da
We ask that life be kind
e il desiderio che
And watch us from above

Ognuno trovi amore
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a se
Another soul to love

Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child

Needs to find a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

E la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salvera

OOC: I really like the song, so if you’d like, imagine Andrea Bocelli singing it with celine dion, or imagine another version of the song, maybe from a different duet. I don’t know, the reason why I won’t edit it, is because that the song was perfect just the way it is. You can decide how your characters react to this song.

After ‘The Prayer’ was finished, Amalia Fatima Ermina and Hans Eiffel hugged each other, and then left the stage. The light went back on, and High Paladin Dietrich got back to the stage.

“Thank you, thank you very much. I hope this woul--”

When he was about to finish, Avianna Lynessa Chronowallace whispered something to the High Paladin’s ears. His didn’t try hard to mask his dumbfounded expression.

[Image: iMMMT.jpg]
(High Paladin Dietrich in a worried expression)
“Are you serious? Is she?”

“Yes, she is.” responded Avianna.

“If she truly is ready.” He paused for a moment, taking time to think, and then approved of the sudden change of plans.

“Thank you.” said Avianna.

The High Paladin got off the stage, and would watch it from the sidelines, leaving Avianna to stand on the stage.

[Image: eAbPzjDl.jpg]
(Avianna addressing the confused crowd)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a slight change of plans, one of our hosts are willing to give you a treat. She is going to perform one of the most sacred, cultured and oldest dances that has ever existed in Knightisian history. Make note that this dance are to not be attempted at home, not only it were taboo, but it is also highly dangerous. Now, without further ado, I’d like you to meet Lady Fionnabhair Aliammere Pendragon, who shall perform the ‘mil troelli blodyn’."

The crowd gave their applause, and the lights were dimmed once more. When the spotlight shone, there knelt Fia. She prayed for a moment in silence.

[Image: Brsbrpb.jpg]
(Fia as she prays for mercy and safety)
“O almighty and merciful God, Who hast commissioned Thy angels to guide and protect us, command them to be our assiduous companions until the end; to clothe us with their invisible protection; to keep us from all danger of collision, of fire, of explosion, of falls and bruises; and finally, having preserved us from all evil, and especially from sin, to guide us to our heavenly home. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

She crossed her own before starting, and her final pray was meant for Saint Forsaina.

“I ask to thee, Saint of Knightisdom and Honor, Bishop Forsaina, to bless me, and keep my mind calm, for I am about to do this holy dance that may lead to such unholy consequences. Please look after me. Thank you.”

Fia stood, and then shouted aloud.


[Image: WBgMvgF.jpg]
(Fia twirling around the stage)
The light was shone towards her, and an upbeat music was played on. The started twirling and spinning around on the stage. She twirled to her left and did a double gymnastic salto to the right. She twirled once and jumped backwards, as she floats she twirled five times before landing, rather dashingly than a figure skater. She landed gracefully to the ground.

[Image: xEHhIfV.jpg]
(Fia dances gracefully)

She placed her hands on her back and pulled out her tambourines, as she spins she knocked her tambourine over and over again as she spun around the stage like a top. Her mind was dizzied, but unfazed. She continued to spin like a top as the melody carried her in her routine. When she finished, she placed her tambourines on her back, and she whirled around like the swirling dervish. But as she spins faster, the light turned redder, and to a point that the entire stage was engulfed in red color. She slowed down a bit, and cartwheeled to the front, and took behind her, two short batons. She then shouted.

[Image: iBRrABB.jpg]
(Fia continues to dance though losing her consciousness)

“Dewch ataf fi , tywyllwch..”

The entire stage turned dark, the light was no more. But forty seconds later, a spark came out from the centre, and enlightened Fia’s body. A short green spark was emitted from the end of the batons, and she continued to twirl, and accelerated to such high speeds. The sparks from the baton, had made a circle as she was spinning herself around. Then more colors started to emit from the batons, and Fia was shone by the sparks of the baton, which turned out to be flare batons. The sparks flew, and turned. It was majestic, like a flaming top spinning over and over again. The music did much to help, and it became faster and faster and faster. The whole sight was overwhelmingly inspiring, and yet quite intimidating as well.

[Image: QCZCtzj.jpg]
(Fia spinning like a top)

Her speed was so fast, no one noticed that she placed those batons on the edge of her skirt, and put her arms out, and tried to slow down. The sparks from the baton ignited her skirt, and it caught on fire, but it was expected. The ends of her skirt blazed and she continued. Only a master composer like Martine Isabella could continue to conduct the orchestra while being completely overwhelmed by the music.

The audience were bewitched, and they have entered a state in their mind where it is so overwhelming, their mind could not focus and therefore relieved of every stress and thought.

[Image: pJyU2Gm.jpg]
(Fia cooling herself down)
She stopped twirling, and gracefully sat down with her two hands closing her torso. As the spotlight shined towards her, bright crystalline star flakes was dropped all over the stage, just like the stars. She looked up, and the music stopped.

The crowd cheered, and Fia just sat there, she was still dizzied from the dance routine that she did not regain consciousness. The High Paladin, Commander Alpha and the stage staff went to Fia, and checked Fia’s pulse. Fia was alive, but she needed time to regain herself, so they carried Fia on their arms to the back of the stage for recovery. Avianna took the stage and closed the ceremony.

“Thank you, thank you all. Don’t you worry about Lady Fia, for she is in good hands. She’ll take a couple of minutes to sober up and recover, so don’t worry about her, she’s going to be fine. But if anyone would like to wait for her in the recovery room, please let us know beforehand. Anyway, that was the ‘mil troelli blodyn’, one of the most sacred dances in Knightisian history, it is considered to be a fiery variation of the Sufi Dance. If you’d like to know more, you can ask Fia about it once she’s come to.” Avianna then took a moment, and continued.

[Image: 7eH0FnFl.jpg]
(Fia addressing the audience once more)
“My dear friends, what you have just seen is merely a portion of the cultural brilliance of our country, and there is certainly more to it than this. Why, even now we have only explored one-third of our cultural heritage, leaving yet many more to be brought up for preservation and heritage. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in Lux Universus, in which sites one of the many hearts of knowledge and culture. If you’d like the entire drink, please consult with us or our valets if you are keen to know about more. But enough of that, we have a wide arrange of cuisine in here. Before we unveil the second phase of the party, we would like to thank the La Lunaria-Imperia Orchestra, Conductor Martine Isabella, Violin Goddesses OttoLynn Sinclair and Rebecca Layton, Opera Singer Amalia Fatima Ermina and Hans Eiffel for giving us such a treat in the ears and have presented us such a lovely tribute to the ears. I’d also like to thank every supporting hand in this performance, and that they have done a tremendous job. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the High Paladin, the Sapphire Paladin, The Valiant Governor and the party guests whom I really adore and respect. Thank you all.”

The Screen flashed a painting depicted the situation on the first Basil Day party. Avianna turned back at the screen, and looked back towards the audience. She clasped her hands and gave a large smile.

[Image: GTpHizG.jpg]
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time we dance.”

NOTE: It’ll take 10 posts until Fia to regain consciousness.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Ridcully and Bangalter, and their wives, stood in the back awkwardly. Although they knew the basic dances, anything overt was beyond them; Darkstrait's social requirements did not often call for its citizens to dance.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


The delegation from the Legion was, to put it bluntly, astounded. Dancing such as what had been seen simply did not exist where they had come from.

Thom'dar spoke shakily. "Ex-excuse me, but" He gulped. "I-I need to step out for a moment." He then rushed outside as fast as politely possible.

Outside Thom'dar knelt next to a fountain, the spray glistening in the moonlight. What had he just seen? It was something elegant, and majestic in every way possible. Something that beautiful simply should not exist, yet he had just witnessed it. And the women who preformed it... She just sent shivers down his spine. Fia Pendragon was her name if he recalled correctly. He made a mental note to do more research on her.

He splashed a bit of water on his face. How had he let his composure down so quickly? He was the chief diplomat of the Sanghelios Legion! He was supposed to be unable to show any emotion he hadn't wanted seen! If Fia could manipulate people like himself so easily then he would do good not to make an enemy of her.

"What... was... that?" gasped President Hubble Einstein. "Astounding. Very nice music, very nice indeed. I think the Hammerstarians have done a very well done job to show what they wanted."
The Lord of Space and Protector of the TARDIS Keys of
The Solar System Scope


King Edward I and company

The King came back to his family. Then, they watched at the stage. They saw what happened.

"Wonderful!" said King Edward I
"Marvellous performance, was it not?" said Soon-to-be Queen Katherine

The guests clapped. Then, they danced.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"I hope Miss Fia will be fairing well though." said President Hubble Einstein. "That looked like a hefty dance."
The Lord of Space and Protector of the TARDIS Keys of
The Solar System Scope


Lux Universus
ButterFire and Company

ButterFire and her two accomplices were, to put it simply, astounded. They have no wish to dance at the current moment; they wanted some time two digest what they had just witnessed.

"How was that?" Howard Green asked, "How would one describe that?"

ButterFire, who was deep in thoughts, turned away from the dancing to think.

It was normal practice for ButterFireians to turn away and think after viewing a performance. One would usually think about the mean of the performance. For Fia Pendragon's performance, the Baron was mainly trying to decipher the Zen mode of the performance.

"I don't know," John Smith replied, slightly annoyed, "How would one describe that in mere words?" He too turned away to think.

Howard was slightly shocked and annoyed by his accomplice's reactions. "Aliens..." He muttered.
Butter and fire mixes well, apparently...

"Chaos is the natural order"- The wisdom of a Pillow.


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