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Charter Typo

So do we currently have a situation where the Charter in place is illegal?

If so can we conclude that the appointments, powers and authority, the procedures and all the legislation passed since the amendment are also illegal?

If so congratulations to GR he has successfully done what Milograd and all the others failed to do, and negated The Coalition!

I know, I know Common Sense means that we should declare the death of The Coalition over such a technicality but as we all know Common Sense has not been legislated and is open to interpretation

#001: Pandoras Box [Distortilla]

The Issue

A lowly bureaucrat riffling through some old paperwork has happened across a rather alarming and disturbing fact: the prime documentation affirming the legitimacy of The Coalition, The Charter was amended illegally sometime ago implying that the region technically has no Government:

The Debate
1. "There is no need to panic," says Tsunamy "we've prepared a new document. All we need to do is ratify it and things will be back to normal"

2. "Give me that!" interrupts Escade, incorrigible as always. "I've got an idea, bear with me for a moment... a few penstrokes here... a few clauses there... finished. Now we can set ourselves up as Lords of The South Pacific in Perpetuity! If we don't have complete control then where's the fun? That's what I say. Oh! It'll stop annoyances like "democracy" and "free speech" getting in the way of us clinging to power and crushing all who oppose us""

3. "Hold on! Don't Ratify it yet! Have you ever heard the saying 'two heads are better than one'?" asks Belschaft, your Minister of Complicating Things. "Well, what if we had SEVERAL? I propose we gather the most senior ministers of TSP to act together as a collective head of state! That's a little more democratic than one person bossing everyone else around. And if we enshrine in the New Charter that Ministers can only be selected from the Citizens Specially Selected list we can ensure stability and security for the region for decades to come!

4. "As if ONE leader isn't oppressive enough!" says Distortilla, a little known representative from one of TSP more obscure nations. "Suddenly we need even more? This is a great opportunity for TSP to lose elitist concepts like 'leaders'. My ma taught me that all nations are born equal and yet even in a modern region like this one person can be named Lord and King of everything. One person should not have that much power! Government policy should be the equal responsibility of all TSP inhabitants."

5. "If we did that, even some crackpot quango would have the same power as the Delegate," argues Kringalia "That's insane. We need strong leadership' to get things accomplished! Have you ever been in a meeting where everyone's opinion is, ugh, 'equal'? They go on for HOURS. HOURS! Believe me, trying to run a government that way will be a massive, fruitless headache. The leader's word is law, and if people don't get that then maybe ejecting them from the region and banning them from the forum will make them think again."

6. "Hold on" pipes a small voice at the back "I know I've only just joined the region, and the forum, and I haven't applied for citizenship, but if The Charter is null and void, and you all derive your powers from it, then isn't the authority that you all claim to also have null and void? And if so, whatever you do will be illegitimate?!"

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Charter Typo - by Arbiter08 - 04-24-2014, 01:28 PM

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