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[IC]JKOM 2017

The MASH was all set up and soldiers were bustling back and forth, unpacking equipment and putting them all in place. The two operating rooms were ready, as was the triage section, the pre-op ward and most of the post-op ward as well.
"Uh, sir. There are some Resentine representatives here to see you" the company clerk say, jogging after Col. Blakk to keep up the pace. "They mentioned something about a tour?"
Henry stop and think for a second "Oh, yeah! I promised some of their medical staff and some of their officers a tour of this place once we were up and running. Show them how we do things!" he say and snap his fingers "Just stall for a minute, okay? I have to go get changed. Can't recieve guests while looking like this, you know" he say, wearing a hawaii shirt over his olive drap t-shirt instead of the uniform jacket.
The clerk nod and hurry towards the main entrance "Just send them in to my office in ten minutes!" Henry shout after him as he walk inside his tent and change in a hurry.
He slip into his office soon after and smile as the Resentine representatives walk in.
"Hello, guys! Welcome!" He salute before holding out his hand "usually we try not to be too formal when we're out in the field, but for you, I'll make an exception. Welcome to our little corner. We'll try as good as we can to patch up anyone who come here.
Come on. I'll show you around" he say, walking out.
"We have two operating rooms, each with its own pre-op and shock treatment facility. There's the ICU with room for fourteen patients and the triage area over there, right by the x-ray unit.
We have the four usual cathegories. Red is immediate care, yellow is urgent care, green can wait, so called "walking wounded" and black. Either dead or, you know. Circling the drain" He say and walk outside.
"We have all the basic amenities. We have a laundry trailer, a kitchen, a mess tent, toilets, you name it. We have a total capacity of 200 patients, so we have to make sure they're somewhat catered for" he say and chuckle a bit. "I also managed to get a movie projector down here as well, so we can show some movies if we get the time.
We have two ambulances on site. Usually we have twice as many and a chopper as well, but this is kind of our rapid response set up. One of the ambu's is unarmored. We use it mainly to transport people here from aid stations or away to more suitable hospitals or for reconvalesence once they're done here. The other one, the one over there, is armored. Can withstand 14.7 mm AP, so we use that to take soldiers directly from the front. Usually, special evac orders are given for that, so usually it's used to transport officers who's been wounded. Some of the guys call it "The Limo" for that reason."
After touring the facility for around an hour and a half, they return to his office. "And off course, we'd be delighted to have some of your guys stay here for the duration of the exercise. It'd be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences and procedures" Henry open a box of cigars, passing it around. "Take one if you want. The rest of the facility is a no smoking area, but this tent isn't" He say with a grin.

Meanwhile, onboard the KTM Sveinung, the CO, captain Henrik Jensen is standing on the bridge, looking our through a pair of binoculars.
"Captain! Incoming helicopter!" The radar operator say through the radio. He lower the binoculars and sigh a bit. "Well, they don't waste any time, do they? I like that. The resentine are efficient."
He grab a radio handset. "Attention! Attention! This is captain Jensen speaking!" His voice is heard through speakers all over the vessel. "We have some brass incoming! I want all off duty personnel in whites on the helo deck in ten minutes!"
"Whites", being a refferal to the white dress uniform, in contrast to the "blue", which were their navy blue work uniforms.
Not long after, around 100 men were gathered on the helicopter deck on the aft of the ship, standing in attention as the helicopter land, making sleeves and pant legs flutter.
Captain Jensen is standing in front of the men, saluting as the Resentine delegation come out.
"Welcome aboard KTM Sveinung" He say and take a step forwards. "I am Captain Henrik Jensen. I am looking forwards to cooperating with you." He show them inside the men slamming their heels together and salute as they walk past.
"Sveinung is the newest vessen in the navy. The first vessel of any size we've gotten for almost forty years now" he say and chuckle a bit. "I know it might not look very impressive, with the single deck gun and all that, but we've got 96 vertical launch cells packet with cruise missiles, ASROCs, that's anti submarine rockets. Basically a torpedo strapped to a rocket.
The AA missiles are quad packet. Four in each cell. We're carrying ten cells worth of those.
We also have anti ballistic missiles and four separate launchers with anti ship missiles and six torpedo tubes in all, so we can pack quite a punch sir" He say with a discreete smile.
He show them into the Combad Information Centre. "This is the CIC. The heart of the ship. Everything can be carried out from here and during combat, the weapons officer basically takes control of everything."
A tall man with glasses turn around and salute. "Welcome, gentlemen. I am lieutenant Karlsen. I'm the one in charge when things get rough" he say with a chuckle.
The room was dark, the only lights coming from red bulbs in the ceiling and from the glowing monitors around the room, lighting up the faces of the 25 or so men, sitting around at different work stations, monitoring everything from sonar to radar and hydrophones. Jensen show them around the ship, showing them the engines, the weapon systems and round the tour off on the bridge.
"Would you like something to drink, gentlemen? The captain's reserve is in the officer's mess, if you want to have an informal chat before we conclude the tour?" he say, taking out a silver key attached to a chain from his pocket.

Messages In This Thread
[IC]JKOM 2017 - by Resentine - 03-08-2017, 01:04 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Troenia - 03-12-2017, 09:48 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 03-12-2017, 11:27 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Qwert - 03-12-2017, 11:29 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by The Hunting Pilgrims - 03-12-2017, 02:47 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Resentine - 03-12-2017, 03:53 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Troenia - 03-12-2017, 06:22 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Omega - 03-13-2017, 01:06 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Seraph - 03-13-2017, 07:52 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Imperial Frost Federation - 03-15-2017, 09:18 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 03-24-2017, 01:49 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 04-10-2017, 07:28 AM

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