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[IC]JKOM 2017

The Peonic manor was brimming with people coming in and out, they had wanted to meet with The Peony to discuss about some items regarding to the state. However, after just three meetings, The Peony ordered her knight, Rin, to tell everyone to leave their proposals on the front table and not try to approach her in her house with such vulgarity ever again.

Her guest was waiting in her study, and The Peony got back to her guest with a plate of muttabaq. Her guest had been sipping quite some tea and Gi-Lanndian chocolate.

“Thank you for waiting a couple of minutes Caitlin.”

“I could not impose on you, Yan” answered Caitlin, “and I have to say this chocolate is quite lovely.”

“Thank you, you taught me how to make it, and I had imported the finest cocoa from Gi-Land.”

“I may have to check that country out sometime.”

The Peony drank some more tea, and told Caitlin about the JKOM.

“What are your opinions about it?” Asked The Peony

“What you can do is entirely up to you, Yan.”

“I’m asking your advice, who should I send out?”

“For one, you should not send out your navy. You may have one of the most prominent largest naval powers in the region, but one should not flaunt it.”


“They would ask for numbers and the amount of assets the navy has, do not give it to them, it would be best if your foes do not know the cards that we play the most, let them open theirs.” Answered Caitlin.

“On the other hand, we must not be too secretive as well.” Rebuked The Peony, “The state would need to look as if they are open with grand arms, however, little they know, we proceed with caution.”

“Correct. You’ve learned” answered Caitlin.

The Peony then gave a brief thought, and after she gulped a bolus of muttabaq, she provided an answer.

“Field and PRiM2. That should be enough to do the job.”

“I could help choosing the companies for you, Yan.”

“No thanks, Caitlin. I already have some in mind.”

The Peony grabbed a clean brush, and wrote two sets of characters on the table. “Hikari” and “Tánxìng”

Doctor Aminah Teh had just arrived with her troupe of forces, she had decided to inspect both BLUFOR and REDFOR placements as well as the terrain she would be working on. The Army doctor led Tánxìng, a medical regiment of PRiM2 that is well enough to be acclaimed but it is most certainly not the best nor the largest. She had snooped around all the armies and checked their medical preparedness, and so far, they were mediocre to Peonic standards. Though Doctor Teh had never tasted war, she had tasted combat and disasters both natural and manmade, where she successfully led Tánxìng to aid the fallen with swiftness and grace.

She had wondered on the usefulness of Tánxìng being in this exercise when it is not live-fire. Then there would be no one to cure or tend to. No airways to be checked, no stretchers to be used and definitely no circulation examinations to be done. Why should they? Unless a soldier is truly met with a disease, every palpation in the carotid artery would always end up with a pulse showing.

Nevertheless, Doctor Aminah Teh took her headscarf and twirled it, she continues to look at battle plans and oversee the preparations made by Tánxìng, who shall carry the most complete set of medical gear and equipment on this field. They must not forget the strategy of the game, however.

“Insya allah, things will go smoothly in this.”

Not far from there, Captain Maku Kamui stood on the tallest tree that overlooked the entire area. He was chosen by General Rem Kara Hara to lead the Hikari. He was confused as to why Hikari was chosen for this game as well, there are certainly much more proficient troupes than Hikari, and there are dozens of commanders significantly more talented than Kamui.

Nevertheless, Make Kamui surveyed the lands and the area, leaving no stone unturned and turned to marking trees. The forests are their forte, and it has been noted in history that the barriers of nature has served the Peonic soldiers well. For Huawan is a country where, by land use, had the most amount of nature than anywhere else in the region. It did not waste time to utilize the gifts of nature, thus the Peonic infantry are versatile in jungle warfare, unlike these “foreign people with their pale skins and their long noses.”

Maku dangled on a tree and waited for the results of their team alignment. He had decided that in the first few hours, his troops will complete “preparations”.

Admiral Xi Ma noted on the amount of ships and naval power brought by nations across the region. It hopes to know the enemy’s movements and decide on wether they may be a threat that can be heavily exploited in times of war, or great allies in times of need.

General Rem had decided to oversee the lands by foot himself, taking visits to Doctor Teh and Captain Kamui, as well as giving them briefings on what should be done.

Of course, by The Peony’s request from Lord Zheng He, General Gunter of Nohr, a general from the Knightisian Alliance, also came to survey the proceedings along with the Admiral. Gunter was not accustomed with the tropical jungle warfare as being a Zollern, he was more versed in winter warfare, that does not mean that he is inadequate.

Those of the Peony were awfully quiet, and did little to no contact with other teams until the colors were drawn.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Messages In This Thread
[IC]JKOM 2017 - by Resentine - 03-08-2017, 01:04 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Troenia - 03-12-2017, 09:48 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 03-12-2017, 11:27 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Qwert - 03-12-2017, 11:29 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by The Hunting Pilgrims - 03-12-2017, 02:47 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Resentine - 03-12-2017, 03:53 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Troenia - 03-12-2017, 06:22 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Omega - 03-13-2017, 01:06 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Seraph - 03-13-2017, 07:52 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Imperial Frost Federation - 03-15-2017, 09:18 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 03-24-2017, 01:49 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 04-10-2017, 07:28 AM

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