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[IC]JKOM 2017

Onboard the KTM Sveinung, there was utter silence as they waiter for their orders to come through.

"Sir! They've begun stress testing the comms!" One of the radio operators say and look up at cpt. Jensen.

"Good. Respond to their messages like normal" He say as he's handed a stack of papers

"These just got through, sir!" A young radio operator say. "The orders for the exercise!"

"Ah. Excellent. So we'll be defending this place. Makes sense, since we already have Blakk and his lot on land" He say, mostly to himself as he read through it, walking to the CIC.

"Listen up, people! Orders have come through! We're on the defending team, so let's try make the attack as hard as possible for them, okay? We can expect heavy surface and subsurface attacks. Let the AEGIS system deal with the airspace. XO Bendiksen! Come with me to the bridge! I want to plan our position and defensive area! Comms! Get me 1st Naval Squadron and Navy Group West on the horn as soon as you can!"

"Yes sir!" The brige radio operator say and jump up in his chair. "It's a bit difficult to raise them! All the lines are extremelly busy, due to the stress test!" He look over at Jensen and Bendiksen, who are standing by the chart table.

"Keep trying! It's a stress test, isn't it? Let's give them some more. See how bad of a headache they get. I want to group up and make sure we're all up to speed on this one" Jensen say, looking over at the radio operator, before looking back at his maps.


At the 3rd MASH, Col. Blakk is on his back on a sunbed outside his tent. The clerk come running, holding a clipboard with some papers on it. "Sir! Sir! The orders are here!"

The colonel barely open one of his eyes. "So? It doesn't start for three more days! We have plenty of time. Calm down. Let's enjoy the weather while we still can"

"But shouldn't we plan and give orders and stuff? I mean. You haven't even finished the duty rosters yet!"

Blakk sigh and slowly get up. "Give me those" He grumble and flip through it. "Huh. It seems like these guys have a lot more sense than our own. You remember that exercise a couple of years back when we were ordered to assault that hill?"

The clerk chuckle a bit. "Yeah! You were furious! You kept shouting into the radio: "What am I supposed to do!? Chuck bedpans at them!?" That was hilarious"

They walk into the administration tent and Blakk grab a microphone. "Attention everyone! This is colonel Blakk! I want to see the senior surgical staff, the head nurse, the company clerk and the guard commander in my office in fifteen minutes. Orders have come through and I want to make sure this goes as smoothly as a... uh. Something really smooth" He say and put down the microphone again, sitting down by his desk. a few moments later, they are all gathered by his desk.

"Okay. So it seems we'll be defending Barden with the rest of the BLUFOR. They expect REDFOR to throw everything they have at us. Luckily, we have a lot of friendly forces, but most importantly artillery, air support and naval support. Hopefully, they'll be able to stop most of them before they're able to make land, or at least force them to land somewhere else outside Barden"

"Don't worry. I am prepared if they come our way" Doctor Monchon say with a grin, waving a small white flag

"Cut it out" Blakk reply, trying to sound stern. "Reidar. I want you to get hold of... What was her name again?" He flip through a stack of papers on his desk. "Ah! Doctor Aminah Teh. She's in charge of Tánxìng medical regiment. I'd prefer a meeting, but I guess a phone call could work as well. As long as we can coordinate our positions. Find out if she have any special capacities we can use. And vice versa. Our max capacity is 600 wounded per 24 hours. Find out hers"

The clerk nod and walk out, starting to work the radio as the others get up from their seats, Blakk handing out duty rosters before they start working out details.

Messages In This Thread
[IC]JKOM 2017 - by Resentine - 03-08-2017, 01:04 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Troenia - 03-12-2017, 09:48 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 03-12-2017, 11:27 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Qwert - 03-12-2017, 11:29 AM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by The Hunting Pilgrims - 03-12-2017, 02:47 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Resentine - 03-12-2017, 03:53 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Troenia - 03-12-2017, 06:22 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Omega - 03-13-2017, 01:06 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Seraph - 03-13-2017, 07:52 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Imperial Frost Federation - 03-15-2017, 09:18 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 03-24-2017, 01:49 PM
RE: [IC]JKOM 2017 - by Hammerstar - 04-10-2017, 07:28 AM

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