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Stoinian Armed Forces Directory

Disclaimer: Any information in this thread is not to be considered known by your nation IC unless told so through RP or my approval. This serves as a small overview to help with RP as to what the Stoinian arsenal exactly is and how it acts.

[Image: YHDaO35.png]
The Battle Flag of the Stoinian Armed Forces
The Stoinian Armed Forces is an essential pillar of Stoinian society. It serves as the main protection of the people of the Stoinian Star Kingdom, led personally by the Monarch itself. Its goal is not only to protect every Terran and Stoinian citizen within the Star Kingdom, but also protect the Terrans abroad. Since the MacArthur Reformations the Armed Forces have become completely independent from the civilian government. For this reason its head is the same as that of the government, the Monarch. The military also has its own law and justice system and rules of engagement as to not be a free playground for warmongers. Military personnel don't have a salary from the civilian government, although they receive special military pensions and help from the civilian government after their service time. Because of the nature of colonial expansion within the Star Kingdom, the military is mandated to govern the first 5 years of a colony's lifespan after a joint approval by the Ministry of Colonial Affairs and the Colonial Expansion Department in the Armed Forces. The Stoinian Armed Forces is a formidable fighting force even though its active members make 0,05% of the total Stoinian population. Because of the nature of Stoinian society, there also are a lot of reservists which puts the fighting force to roughly 5% if taken into calculations. These reservist however are solely used for defensive purposes and are not immediately mobilized when an offensive war or a crusade is called upon.
Estimations put the total number of personnel at roughly 10,7 billion of which ~6,680 billion serves in the Royal Army, ~168 million serves in the Royal Marine Force, ~350 million as ship personnel, ~1,3 billion as pilots and the rest (~2,2 billion million) are spread over specialized roles ranging from Spartans to Chaplains and Logistics Officers to PR-representatives.
The centre of the Stoinian Armed Forces is the Stoinian Royal Navy which is omnipresent throughout the Star Kingdom. It is estimated that the Royal Navy boasts over 530.000 ships and has become a symbol of the nation. These numbers however are heavily guarded against other nations and while the Armed Forces aim for 600 ships per planet, if asked Stoinians will tell that merely 20 ships per planet is the size of the Navy. This is to keep the large Navy of the nation a secret to help with the war effort. Not even to their allies will they tell the true size of their military in the beginning unless absolutely needed.

At the head is the Monarch, directly under him is the Strategos. The Strategos serves as an aide-de-camps and right hand man to the Monarch. When the Monarch is deemed incapable or unavailable, the Strategos takes over control of the Armed Forces. The Strategos is elected for life by the Royal War Council. The Royal War Council serves as an extra advisory board to the King and is central to planning out large military operations. The Royal War Council consists of the 13 Grand Admirals and 10 Grand Marshals. 
Grand Admirals: Winton, Ironheart , Alexander, Pyke, Arnold, Boxleitner, Harrington, Corvousier, Keyes, Clarke, Shepard, Vir, Jensen 
Grand Marshals: Piłsudski, Zhukov, Ganowicz, Volos, Mereel, Akhtar, Grant, Williams, Jankovic, Raeth.
Although the Armed Forces has only two main branches, there are multiple subbranches to ensure that every type of warfare

[Image: NPjnHTu.png]

Rank Structure:
Enlisted Ranks:
[Image: Enlisted.png]

Commissioned Ranks: (O designates an Officer, FO a Flag Officer and SO a Supreme Officer)
[Image: Comissioned.png]

Composition Structure:
[Image: Composition.png]

Composition naming:
[Image: Composition-naming.png]

As the bulwark defenders of the Stoinian Star Kingdom and Mankind, a strict disciplinary system is kept in check at all times. Military Personnel also don't receive salaries for their service as they only join to be part of Stoinia's defenders. To only have the truly courageous soldiers with a sense of duty. However once in the military system education, food, living spaces, etc are provided by the military itself. This includes the harvest of food and mining operations, although these are highly automated. Ever since MacArthur's Reforms the Military has become self sufficient in every way and in some instances even cooperating with civilian businesses and contractors to ensure optimisation. Hence why there is an enormous Logistical Branch that supports the fighting forces through health, resource mining and even a Chaplain Corps.

Cole Protocol: This Protocol was created by Prescott Cole during the Velutarian War. This Protocol ensures that the location of Stoinia and other planets isn't going into enemy hands. Therefore it is an Officer's duty to erase or destroy elements before they can be captured by enemies. This way any data on ship structure and important locations are kept safe. Military communication channels are also heavily encrypted with end to end- encryption to ensure secure communications.
The Cole Protocol also served as a basis for modern planetary defence doctrines.

Infantry Doctrine: The Infantry is meant for ground combat on planets. However due to the large variaties, soldiers are trained in multiple biomes: zero g, plains, jungle, urban, airborne, arctic, desert and even environments without atmospheres. As well as basic medical training and limited field engineering. This requires extensive training and basic training takes about 16 months, but this can be shortened in times of war to 4 months and soldiers are then only specialised in only one biome. However the Army focuses on high quality soldiers and is very careful where they deploy them in times of war. Units are also made from soldiers from multiple planets to ensure that when a unit is destroyed the population blow is spread more evenly on planets which otherwise could prove devastating to rural planets. Interspecies units are not unheard of since the Cheunh Compromise. This is a first step into accepting xenos into the ranks.
The Infantry also uses an extensive rank structure to have a clear command structure when multiple NCO's are killed in battle which was quite common in the Velutarian War.

Air Support: The Stoinians use a variety of air support aircraft to support the main ground units. Because of their heavy focus on supporting the ground forces most aircraft are designated gunships. However this doesn't mean that gunships are used exclusively. For more subtle and hit and run attacks specialised aerial fighter such as the Arrow and Fortress Fighters are designed for optimal aerial performance. 

Naval Doctrine: The Royal Navy has an enormous amounts of ships to protect the large borders of the Star Kingdom. Frequent patrols are the norm, especially in the outer colonies where pirates may arise. However the Sectors are each protected by an Armada based on multiple military bases. Through the use of buoys these military bases are alerted of unidentified ships entering Stoinian Space. From these bases an appropriate response can be sent out. When faced with unknown forces, Stoinian Officers are often noted to used excessive amounts of force as they don't want to underestimate potential hostiles.
Because the Stoinians use MAC cannons as their primary weapon, they often begin battle from far away even 0.1 AU away and start trying eliminating the bigger ships and then proceed to come closer and eliminate the smaller ships and deploy their Star Fighters. Stoinians will always try to enter battle far away and pick on the larger ships and even ram when up close. However this doesn't mean that Stoinians use a particular set of tactics. On the contrary tactics are constantly changing depending on war and a lot of variety is seen in tactics due to the different ways of thinking from the many colony worlds.
Unlike the Infantry the Navy doesn't have a sex split and interspecies crews are growing by each day.

Shipbuilding Doctrine: Although the current threat are pirates, the Stoinians have learned from the Velutarian War and have changed the way they build their individual ships. As a basis of a ship is a honey cone-like structure that enables tremendous stability and due to this ships can withstand up to 85% of hull damage and still be operational. Every aspect to make a ship sturdier is taken into account, that's why the hull of ships is made by reinforced Titanium. Larger Dreadnoughts can even withstand multiple Mac hits on their armour. Large shipyards spread across the Star Kingdom are optimised and automated to easily repair/retrofit and build new ships.
The majority of Stoinian ships may appear smaller compared with their counterparts in other xeno nations, but this is due to Stoinian Naval Philosophy. During the Velutarian War ships systems were automated because ships had a high casualty rate and the Stoinians wanted to limit the Terran casualties during such a war. Because such a war can arise anytime, the Stoinians adopted the philosophy of many ships armed to the teeth with a minimal crew. This philosophy is often extended to the Marine detachments which are often not on board when fighting large naval battles where high ship casualties are expected.

Planetary Invasion Doctrine: Stoinians will invade planets of enemies to establish a new Stoinian order. Their eventual goal is to colonize the planet and establish Terran dominance on it. For this reason infrastructure is highly valued on planets and preferably kept intact. Initial warning bombardments are fired and force a planet into submission through a gradual process. If the planet proves zealous in their defence and the Stoinians are forced to initiate a ground invasion, they will initiate by targeting infrastructure of industries which can sustain ground battle. The use of Support Dreadnoughts and Troop Carriers are needed for such invasions which only come after a planet proves to be zealous in their defence. These will then deploy fire bases on the planet to create a foothold as the main ground base is established. From here the ground campaign begins after a final warning to the planet's government. If the offer is refused then the Stoinians will target military strongholds and try to crush the military and force the government to surrender. The civilians are evaded at all costs during these campaigns. However if the population proves resistant to this point, most officers will then contemplate for a complete and total extermination of the population if the defendants are xenos. Transmissions will be scrambled as to not allow this information to spread as a rally to other planets. It is yet unknown if this tactics still holds true to if the planet's population is Terran or deemed of citizen status within the Star Kingdom.

Planetary Defence Doctrine: While Stoinians will try to capture a planet non violently, they will go to their limits when it comes to defending their planets. Some might even call it fanatical in some cases. Initial defences may vary as orbital defences are more prominent when a planet is more important. Spire cities came often with their own orbital defences as they are linked with it. However each Stoinian colony has a planetary shield or city shields which can hold off incoming bombardments for months on end. Thus forcing the invaders to initiate ground combat. In these cases, spire cities are tall fortresses, although their main focus is as a civilian construct. Here the Stoinians will make improvised defences to halter the invaders advance. The planetary garrisons then prepare for the invaders, while some train new recruits which will likely flock to their planet's defence.

Discipline Doctrine: From early training soldiers are taught songs to help keep up morale during training and are often later used during marches and off duty activities. The use of Drill Sergeants is also an essential part in forming disciplined soldiers. Male and female units also are trained and serve separately as to not distract the focus. Although most female soldiers enlist in support roles, especially in the logistical branch.  Insubordination is not taken lightly and is taken to military court and in some cases resulting in dishonourable discharges. For the most severe charges such as rape and treason soldiers are spaced.
Contrary to what most believe xeno nations believe, the Armed Forces make a clear distinction between xeno military and civilians. It should be noted however that once a xeno population starts to rebel and openly work with military elements then purges may be allowed by the higher ups unless no other option is found. This is also made clear when invading planets for civilians to not interfere with military forces to ensure a more peaceful transfer and minimal casualty rate.
War trophies of xenos are only allowed to be taken during explicit Purging Crusades. When liberating primitives, the Stoinians refrain to expose themselves to them, but if the situation calls for it, they won't hesitate. Even accepting primitives as acceptable casualties in some cases.

Leadership Doctrine: Commanding Officers are expected to lead on the frontlines and by example. However due to sometimes having less experience than senior NCO's, they are also taught to advise with their senior NCO's. This goes for all branches. An Admiral, even though he has his separate Command Bridge, is expected to lead his from his Flagship himself. This is also done by nearly all the General ranks with only a few selected Flag Officers not expected to enter battle such as the Strategos, Grand Admirals and Grand Generals

Morale Doctrine: Morale is an important aspect in the Stoinian Armed Forces. This is most commonly maintained through Soldier chants and concerts from the Military Bands and famous Stoinian artists. Military bases also have enough recreations such as sports fields, shooting ranges, BBQ's and many other accommodations to keep morale high. This also is applicable on ships who have built in gardens to have fresh air on board. Animals are also often used as mascots and morale boosters.

Public Affairs Doctrine: To maintain relations with the civilian population, the Office of Public Affairs was created. They are in charge of informing the public about military evolutions and holding military parades. However they also are in charge of recruiting new members of the military and help with Veterans settling back into civilian life.

Usage of Animals: Animals are commonly used to help with military operations or morale. Smaller animals are often used as support animals to help detect certain undesirable elements on the battlefield namely dogs. Larger animals such as horses, Suph horses and large herbivores are used within the cavalry either for mobility or battering jobs. However the role of cavalry has been reduced to more ceremonial tasks and only really served as real military unit during the War at Home.

Technological Details:
Offensive Weapons Systems:
  • Plasma Cannons: Plasma based weaponry designed to destroy a ships hull and armour. Equivalent to Star Wars' Turbolasers and Star Treks Phasers.
  • Disruptor Cannons: Tachyon based weaponry designed to deplete shields and disable electrical parts. An equivalent to Star Wars' Ion Cannons
  • Missile Tubes: High yield explosive rocket designed to destroy a ships armour. Size may vary in accordance with ship size.
  • Torpedo Tubes: Same as a missile only bigger. Size may vary in accordance with ship size.
  • Mac Cannons: Magnetic Accelerator Cannon, Cannons which through electromagnetic acceleration fire big projectiles.
  • Ballistic weapons are preferred by the ground forces because of their reliability compared to plasma based weaponry in smaller sizes. It is but a mere question of time before plasma weapons are more commonly used in the Army. However their armour is designed to stop ballistics and plasma based weaponry. 
Propulsion Systems:
The ships are equipped with both Impulse and Warp Drive. Impulse Drive is used for intra-system transportation. Warp Drive is used for inter-system transportation, with the practical speed being at half a light year per hour, however 1 ly/h can be achieved, but it is only sustainable for a few hours.

Defensive Systems:
  • Shielding: Protective layer generated through the use of magnetoplasma on port, starboard, dorsal, ventral, front and rear sides of a ship. Can withstand energy and plasma based weaponry.
  • Gravitational Shielding: Shielding through the use of gravitons. Uses gravitational waves as barriers for kinetic based weaponry. However when these shields are up they can't allow kinetic weapons from the ship to penetrate it. However holes are created as to allow kinetic weapons to reach hostile vessels. However the locations of these temporary holes are frequently changed as to not create a pattern which might be exploited by hostile ships. This requires a lot of energy and computational power.
  • Hull Plating: Polarizes the hull of a ship to withstand kinetic based weaponry. Has a certain limit to how much punch it can take, depends on the ship.
  • Point Defence Guns: Projectile weapons which aim to pre-emptively detonate incoming missiles and torpedoes before hitting the ship.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
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Messages In This Thread
Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:53 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:55 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:56 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:57 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:58 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:00 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:00 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:01 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:02 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:03 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-19-2020, 05:06 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-20-2020, 07:51 AM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-14-2020, 03:54 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-14-2020, 04:35 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-15-2020, 08:23 AM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 12-28-2020, 10:54 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 12-29-2020, 01:21 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 01-11-2021, 07:20 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 01-18-2021, 07:27 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 02-02-2021, 03:24 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-04-2021, 10:22 PM

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