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Campaign - MoRA - ProfessorHenn

(07-15-2014, 10:50 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Question time!
  1. You are quite new to the region. Would you say that is a strength or a weakness? Why?
  2. How do you plan to “involve the entire South Pacific” in regional events?
  3. We often start roleplays but never end them. Is it that we there isn’t one person to keep everyone together and create interest, or perhaps the South Pacific is just not that much into roleplaying?
  4. Right now there are two Deputy Ministers of Regional Affairs, one for Communications and Integration and another one for Planning and Development. Do you think the current structure works, or do you think it is time for a change?
  5. What do you think of the job that has been done in terms of regional affairs during the last four months? Has the Ministry of Regional Affairs been active and proactive enough?
  6. If you lost this election, would you still be involved in the region, perhaps even apply for a deputy position?

1: Well, both. The strength of the fact that I'm new to the region is my enthusiasm. I feel that I could bring a renewed sense of energy to TSP, and it might show through in RP Central, the Assembly, SPINN, and others. (EDIT: Forgot to finish my answer.) It is also a weakness because I haven't been here as long as other Ministers and as such, I do not have a lot of experience. I am essentialy an inexperienced enthusiastic person running for MoRA. But I learn.

2: From what I've read in Roleplays so far, TSP is great at roleplaying, at least from my experience. That isn't the problem. The problem is that people lose interest and no one wants to renew it. If people have an interest in a thread and feel they can contribute to it for the better, then they should post in it.

3: I don't feel that there should only be 2 Deputies. If someone shows a great interest in becoming a Deputy, and shows it by some way or another, I believe they should become a Deputy. Where, well, I can think of 3 places, Communications and Integration, Planning and Development, and Resident Spotlights. There would be a limit, most likely 5, but I don't expect there to be a great interest among TSP for becoming a Deputy MoRA. IT would be great for getting involved in government though.

4: I've been here since June 1st and during my time here, I haven't seen much in the way of any big projects. While I'd like to believe there is a project in the making, I haven't seen any traces of it. I would do more in the way of having the Ministry be more involved and proactive with the region, and would most likely appoint new Deputies with the current ones after a test of abilities.

5: If I lost, I would most certainly continue to be involved with TSP. A lost election is not enough to keep me away from TSP. I would go for a Deputy position if possible. I still believe the Ministry of Regional Affairs can use some new blood and be more active with The South Pacific.

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Campaign - MoRA - ProfessorHenn - by ProfessorHenn - 07-15-2014, 02:39 PM

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