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Stoinian Armed Forces Directory

Special Forces
The Stoinian Star Kingdom's Armed Forces sometimes need more specialized troops for complex tasks. For this reason the Special Forces exist with different branches specialized for different tasks. Although the ranks of enlisted men are standardized, those of Commanding Officers are flexible and fluid compared to other branch like the Army and Navy. This is to suit the needs of each subbranch of the Special Forces with their needs.

[Image: Structure-2.png]

Spartans: Elite Super Soldiers genetically augmented to become one-man armies and fight off the strongest enemies of Stoinia in 4-man squads. Results from Regen MacArthur's reign they served as Mankind's Last Defence in the Velutarian War. There is a distinction within these group. Spartan-II and Spartan-III's. Spartan-II are the first batch of large scale genetically augmented super soldiers. Trained from childhood to be the best and last hope. Spartan-III's have the same goal, but were a response to the growing front in the Velutarian War and were the more affordable option to the Spartan-II's. Over time Spartans have been streamlined with the same gear. Their primary role is to support Infantry and execute the most extreme and dangerous missions. Aside from their augmentations, they also are equipped with specialized armour designed for each generation of Spartans.
Spartan-II's now use Mjolnir-II Armour, an upgrade of the previous Mjolnir-I Armour. Meanwhile the Spartan-III's used SPI Armour, but in the meanwhile have also switched over the Mjolnir-II Armour. This armour is the best engineering the Stoinians have and has multiple layers each with their own tasks. It is connected through cybernetic with the Spartan's body and is capable to absorb both projectile and energy based weapons. These armours also have chargeable shields and capabilities to absorb massive kinetic energy. This combined with being vacuum-rated, they can survive direct drops from space to a planet combined with built-in thrusters. Their armour also recycles their fluids and prevents loss of nutrients in dire situations. As well as a hibernation mode for when retrieval can take a long time.
Their weaponry and armour varies wildly as they are free to modify it as they please, though they largely use the same weaponry as Marines and soldiers. Their amour may vary according to their preference and mission.
Spartans have become somewhat of a legend from the Velutarian War and are currently a mystery to the public. Only the fact that their suits will self-destruct near any governmental building is known. This is to prevent a military coup through the use of these super soldiers.

[Image: Mjolnir-II.jpg]
The updated Mjolnir-II Armour.

Cheunh Covert Special Ops: Covert Ops of the Star Kingdom tasked with gaining intelligence, assassination and creating turmoil with political effects. Most members are of Cheunh origin since they have a natural affinity to covert operations as they prefer to move behind the front lines. This pared with their armour specialized in stealth makes them perfect soldiers for covert operations. Terrans also join this Cheunh dominated department, but Terrans are mostly in charge of operations. Their armour is a direct descendant of the Spartan-III's SPI Armour, but tuned to more stealthy specifications. Though these can stand against kinetic and energetic projectiles, their capabilities are less so than SPI Armour. Instead focusing on scrambling devices throughout their armour. Even the coating and paint of the armour is designed in such a way to absorb wave based signals as to not reflect them. With these specifications, hit and run tactics are a norm with the Cheunh Covert Special ops. Most often than not, Operators execute their missions alone and rarely join up with others for a mission.
Their weaponry varies depending on their missions and are one of the few that have access to the prototype plasma based weaponry. Ranged weapons often have suppressors on them and other modifications to keep their stealthy nature. Specialists in ranged weaponry have become expert snipers and these snipers often support the larger armies in their operations. Melee combat is also an important focus in this branch and Operators can often be seen wearing knifes or other melee weaponry.
They wear signified black berets, though very few see these as they are kept as far away from the public as possible and don't share the pride of participating in parades.

[Image: Cheunh-Eliminator-Operator.png][Image: Cheunh-Reconnaissance-Operator.png]
Eliminator and Recon Covert Armour, the most used armour types within the Cheunh Covert Special Ops.

ODST Corps: Elite Drop Shock Troops that operate behind enemy lines in 6-8 man Squad. They are used to support the Infantry and execute more difficult and specialised tasks. In essence they are more affordable Spartans, but are dropped from orbit in Drop Pods behind enemy lines to wreck havoc and disorder. They are the airborne troops of the Star Kingdom and have specialized armour. Their armour is more resilient compared to that of the Cheunh Covert Special Ops, though they don't have shields like Spartans do. Because of their airborne nature, their armour is rated for every kind of medium. Be they cold or warm, ODST's can face anything and even to a limited extent vacuum. They carry backpacks with ammunition and rations to keep them going for as long as they need for their missions. Like the Covert Ops, their weaponry have suppressors on them to somewhat hide their presence. ODST's also carry multiple combat knives in different sizes for when they are forced in CQC situations. Their visor has many functions and has a HUD interface that help the ODST's keep track of their mission tasks as well as their squad members.
All citizen races of the Star Kingdom join the ODST Corps and gain an admiration for such an accomplishment. For ODST's are seen as super soldiers second to Spartans themselves. They have become the poster boys of the Special Forces and are wildly seen on propaganda and recruitment posters as a method to raise morale. Due to their reputation, they are often the highlights of military parades and rightfully so.

[Image: 1.png][Image: 2.png]
An ODST in his armour and drop pods used by the ODST's.

Stoinian Commando Corps: Overt Special Forces of the Star Kingdom who support the main Infantry through front-line reconnaissance, sabotage and demolition. However, they are also used for counterterrorism operations and hostage extractions. They operate in Squads of 4 members and have a focus in urban warfare, though they are capable in all types of warfare. They serve as a more streamlined force for what the Spartans used to do in the Velutarian War as they are kept only for the most dire situations against technologically superior enemies. For this reason the Stoinian Commando Corps has gained more popularity and has significantly grown in number after the Velutarian War. In the First Mardakii Crusade they became famed for their actions and bravery and have gained a similar reputation to that of the ODST.
Their armour is a descendant of ODST Armour with a focus on projectile reflection and less withstanding against thermal resistance. Their armour may not be vacuum-rated, but they have built-in filters to protect them from poison as their mission might require. Their weaponry is more sophisticated compared to standard Marine issued weaponry, though unlike ODST and Covert Ops, they don't have a focus on stealth. On the contrary they are known for carrying heavier weaponry on the open battlefield.
They are the famed green berets of the Star Kingdom and are known for bravery on the battlefield who never back down. Due to their new reputation they have a friendly rivalry with the ODST's often challenging one another off-duty.

[Image: 3172904c6591b127ac71b66b300a87f4.jpg]
The Commando's  Gungnir-II Armour.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Messages In This Thread
Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:53 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:55 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:56 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:57 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 07:58 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:00 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:00 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:01 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:02 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-15-2020, 08:03 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-19-2020, 05:06 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 06-20-2020, 07:51 AM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-14-2020, 03:54 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-14-2020, 04:35 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-15-2020, 08:23 AM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 12-28-2020, 10:54 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 12-29-2020, 01:21 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 01-11-2021, 07:20 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 01-18-2021, 07:27 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 02-02-2021, 03:24 PM
RE: Stoinian Armed Forces Directory - by Maverick - 08-04-2021, 10:22 PM

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