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Past, Present and Future (a MoFA Campaign)

For those who might wonder "just who is this guy?" you can learn more about my background here.

I got up this morning, started my daily routine, put on my headphones and left for my morning coffee. Usually, I take this time to make up my own anime characters and place then in pre-existing shows. This is what I usually do, but the only thing I could think of was my campaign. This is a big deal for me, not just as a citizen of TSP, but personally. My hands are shaking even as I type this out. Why you ask? Well, for me it's a bit like stage fright. I haven't addressed so many people (both physically and metaphorically) like this since my short time in college, but during my walk I came up with a few things.

Firstly, as Professor Henn pointed out, we are dangerously low on allies. This is not a good place for TSP to be. We need more allies, that much is true, not just for military reasons, but cultural as well. Furthermore, we need to readdress some of our current allies.

The Past

I'd like to start off by addressing the termination of the TNI treaty. This wasn't surprising to say the least. As soon as the TRR treaty was ratified, TNI packed there things and moved out. A bad move on the part of TNI. Why you ask? Well, I believe it revealed their true intentions. TNI (and by extension the UIAF) had purely militaristic interests in TSP. I believe the following picture accurately depicts TSP-TNI relations up to the termination of the treaty:

[Image: 1992.gif]
The role of Charlie Brown, played by TSP and the role of Lucy, played by TNI. The resulting conversation at the end is The Coalition debating the treaty termination.

The Imperialists continually express "concern" over what direction TSP is going in on the NS forum, but if there was any sincerity in their words, they wouldn't have terminated the treaty in the first place. They used the UIAF-FRA war as an excuse to justify the termination of the treaty and they spam the forums with biased, half-baked conspiracy theories, claim they can prove their wild accusations, but refuse to reveal it. Let's be honest, that will NEVER end. It's like chewing gum. You can only chew it for so long until it loses its flavor. I believe what they expect in an ally is complete and total obedience and they reject anyone who doesn't bend over backwards for them. This is not an ideal ally for TSP and the termination was a godsend.

On the other hand, we have the TRR treaty. Not only is this beneficial to TSP, but they respect TSP's military stance in the R/D aspect of NS.

The Europeia Incident was a terrible attempt to sway TSP into Europeian interests. The conference they boasted about so proudly, was essentially a piece of paper with doodles drawn all over it while they attempted to get something done, which they failed to do so. Despite the way they treated TSP, they are still our ally and we need to reaffirm foreign relations with them.

In-case anyone might ask why I was able to elaborate on TNI so much compared to the others, it is because they make it easy.

The Present

We need to revisit some of the other GCR's. Yes, there was that whole mess with Operation Brave Toaster from certain key members of TEP, but all is not lost, we can fix this and maintain friendly relations with them. We also need to encourage some of the other GCR's to stop by and socialize with us on the forum (more specifically TNP and TWP). We have some serious reworking  to do with TNP. We need to seek more allies. We need to rebuild our numbers to keep the region secure from those who would harm it, promote culture and increase forum activity.

The Future

There are a lot of potential allies out there. Allies who won't require us to throw away the part that makes TSP what it is. Whether they be raider or defender is irrelevant. If elected Minister of Foreign Affairs I will strive to build new bridges and maintain them for the sake of TSP.

I'll answer any questions to the best of my ability, but ask that you be patient in waiting for a response. I can't type very fast and I need to think about my responses carefully or I can't guarantee it will be satisfactory.

Messages In This Thread
Past, Present and Future (a MoFA Campaign) - by TAC Saxton - 11-06-2014, 02:50 PM

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