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The United Cascade


Sunday, 1 March, 2015

Issue #91: Interview, President Elect Gabriel West

Journalist James McHenry of The Qvaitican Cascade had a one-on-one interview with President Elect Gabriel David West on Sunday, 1 March, 2015. McHenry asked the President Elect a series of questions about his upcoming presidency. "I felt compelled to interview Mr. West and what future he wanted to produce," McHenry said to Editor Alice Jamison, "I wanted to know more about what he wanted to do in his presidency."

McHenry's first question to the Governor, now President Elect, was what would his first action as President be? To that, Mr. West said he would repeal the socialistic bills passed under the Buzinsky Administration. McHenry asked an impromptu question regarding Sporaltryus' threat over the repeals and West answered that Qvait is an independent nation that is sovereign from Sporaltryus and that it should stay out of another nation's politics.

The third question was about expanding or contracting the 'Central Metropolis' consisting of Stockholm, Chicane, and Brooklyn. President Elect West said that the metropolis could expand adding that "the provinces of Alderney and Algonquin can be an urban landscape while Euron, Silesia, and Unicy stay predominately rural." Mr. West furthermore stated that the city of Brooklyn will have a boundary around it where it could no longer expand, seeing that it is in the province of Silesia.

A little more than four months ago, Qvait was rocked by a major earthquake which was overshadowed by the Sporaltryan invasion. McHenry asked President Elect West about what he was going to do about earthquake preparedness and natural disasters. West said, "We need to train ourselves to prepare for such disasters. And as such, I will go to Congress to fund programs that would teach our citizens how to be prepared for natural disasters and precautions to take once they occur."

McHenry then asked what would President Elect West do in international politics. Mr. West said, "I would form alliances and treaties with other nations in the South Pacific and the rest of the world. We need to make a name for ourselves. We have to show the world that not only are we a force to be reckoned with, but we give a hand to friends in need. So far, we have made a name for ourselves when we retaliated against Sporaltryus and when we helped out Ryccia. Every Qvaitican agrees with each other when they say that this nation needs a sphere of influence."

Question number six was what would West do with the Qvaitican Defense Forces. The President Elect said he would triple the budget of the Defense Forces and fund the construction of weapons and vehicles for the military. Mr. West said, "I want to make the QDF mean something in the world. We need to train our soldiers as if they were training to become special operators. As you may already know, I have military experience, and I know what I want to do with our military.

The next question asked was the President Elect's position about the Cleaner Air Act (CAA). He said, "I am a supporter of the bill. We all want to breathe in air that won't someday kill you." Mr. West added that the CAA is important for the future of the nation of Qvait. He also noted that millions of tourists come to Qvait because of its beauty and that harmful air would contaminate the nation's environment.

McHenry's final question was what legacy would the West Administration leave behind. To that, the President Elect said, "A stronger Qvait."

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The United Cascade - by Jay Coop - 03-31-2014, 09:04 PM
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