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TSP Arena I: Hunger Games - Game Over! Feirmont Wins!

The entrants are shuffled into a small elevator shaft by their handlers, and the door slams shut. Even though it is glass, the deafening silence isolates them in an instant.

ProfessorHenn looked up the shaft, and saw a small beam of light outside. "Daytime," he thought. "Good."

Darkstrait fiddled with a pin tied to his lapel. It was a pin worn by his cousin 3 years ago, when he died. Perhaps it will bring him great luck... then again, it didn't do much good for his cousin. He sighed. He knew people were going to be gunning for him, his silence at the ceremonies was going to make people not trust him. Perhaps that wasn't the best idea.

Sam111 zipped up his jacket nervously. "Well, if they're gonna kill me, at least I'm gonna take somebody down with me."

The countdown timer started. 10. 9.

RandomGuy199 closed his eyes to try and calm himself. But it was hard with the loud countdown, his heartbeat syncing along with the timer.

8. 7.

Feirmont couldn't control his quivering. He would give anything to be back at home, watching the hunger games on TV. He fought back tears... weakness would not be good here.

6. 5.

Doom weapons inc laughed as he cleaned his fingernails, almost oblivious to the proceedings. His mind was clearly not all there. He was just looking forward to the violence.

4. 3. 2.

Escade tried to remember what she had been taught... she had her strategy all mapped out. She really hoped the arena had what she needed to win this thing. She would know any moment.


The elevator shafts thrust the contestants up, into blinding light. They were completely unable to see while their eyes adjusted.

In a moments time, they could see.

The lights stood red. Nobody was able to leave their pedistal until the light went green.

Feirmont looked around... and the scenery was like nothing he had seen before. A Giant castle lie in the middle of the arena, surrounded by a moat. Draw bridges were on all 4 sides of the castle, leading to a courtyard full of glistening items. Weapons, armor, and more... all piled right in the center. He looked around. Smaller piles could be seen off to the edges, away from the bloodbath in the center. But he knew the choiceist items were going to be there in the center.

A large buzzer sounded.

"Welcome, to the Inagural TSP Hunger Games!" the loud voice of The Kingdom of Fyjbarrzee boomed.

And the light went green.

Arena Effects for Phase 1:


Available Equipment:


Phase 1 Begins. Actions for Phase 1 are due in 24 hours, Tuesday Mar 24th at 12:00 PM EST (noon).

Please PM your choice to the GM.

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