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Treaty TSP - TWP

I received this following draft of a treaty from Llamas and TWP:

We, the signatories of the West and South Pacific:

Acknowledging that, in the past, our regions have suffered from less-than-ideal relations and disagreements;

Realizing that these problems have obscured our common interests and hindered collaboration, despite the benefits it would bring to both regions;

Wishing, however, to overcome these challenges and work together to improve relations between the two regions;

Hereby agree to the following Treaty of Amity and Mutual Cooperation.

Article I: Non-Aggression.

Section 1. The parties to this treaty hereby commit to the principle of non-aggression.

Section 2. Both parties will refrain from engaging in any action designed to undermine the regional security of either party.

Section 3. Both signatories will refrain from conspiring, either directly or through a third party, to destabilize or overthrow each other.

Section 4. The parties to this treaty agree to settle any and all disputes between them through peaceful means, in such a way that friendship and cooperation between them are not harmed, and to refrain from the use of force or sanctions.

Article II: Cooperation on Military Affairs.

Section 1. Both parties to this treaty agree to work with each other, from time to time and as circumstances permit, on mutually beneficial military operations, including training missions and confidence-building measures.

Section 2. Both parties agree that diplomatic and political concerns may prevent military cooperation, and will not consider the rejection of cooperation as hostile posturing.

Section 3. Both parties agree not to reveal any information gained during these exercises without the other party’s consent.

Article III: Mutual Defense.

Section 1. The parties to this treaty may seek assistance for their self-defense by lodging an official request with the appropriate officials.

Section 2. Both parties acknowledge that this treaty does not establish a requirement to grant military assistance upon demand to the other signatory, but shall act in good faith to help secure mutual security between both regions and shall be expected to support the other whenever possible.

Section 3. Both parties shall provide one another with military assistance during delegacy transitions at the request of the other signatory.

Section 4. Both parties will report any known threat or concern related to the other party's security, to the appropriate security organs.

Article IV: Exchange of Cultural Values.

Section 1. The signatories shall cooperate on cultural activities, to the benefit of the people of both signatories, and to promote their shared ideals and visions.

Article V: Exchange of Embassies

Section 1. The parties to this treaty agree to establish and maintain permanent embassies on their respective community forums.

Section 2. Both parties agree that embassies may accommodate private discussions, but shall not be the sole means of official communication.

Section 3. The ministers of foreign affairs for both parties will strive to regularly communicate about the implementation of this treaty.

Article VI: Deposit and Clarification of Terms

Section 1. This treaty shall come into effect upon its ratification by the duly authorized individuals or bodies of both the signatories.

Section 2. Upon being ratified, this treaty shall be displayed publicly on both signatories’ forums.

Section 3. The signatories may establish memorandums of understanding in order to clarify this text or fix minor errors within it by mutual agreement of the Delegates of both regions.

Section 4. Either party may suspend the terms of the treaty, if the other party has materially breached its terms, until such a time that both parties peacefully settle the dispute and adopt a memorandum of understanding that the treaty is again in force.

Section 5. Either party may terminate the treaty after giving a weeks’ notice to the other, after which the terms of treaty are no longer binding on either party.

Please note, it's late and I was tired as I read it.
I told Llamas that I would pass it on to the rest of the Cabinet (seeing as the MoFA elections are still underway).

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Treaty TSP - TWP - by Feirmont - 04-14-2015, 11:50 PM

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