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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) 165th Basil Day

Lux Universus.

ButterFire smiled. "I'd love to see what Hammerstarian literature has to offer," she agreed, "And I'm sure my accomplice would like to have a look too. I'll go get John." She sweeps her hand at the main building. "After you, Commander."

Lux Universus.
John Smith

John glances over at his acquaintance, the FED Delegate Howard Green, who has wondered off for about the hundredth time. He sighed, taking a sip of the grape juice that Howard has given him one of the few occasions he returned. The fruit was sweet, but not as sweet as the grapes by home. He shook his head and sighed again. While his accomplice was continuously disappearing off into the crowds, greeting one of hundred nation leaders he just happens to know, he was waiting for the Baron to return, not knowing which one of the thousand possibilities might have happened to her.

John stared at the round, circular object on one of the walls. The object had some sorts of symbols painted onto it. Three long sticks of various lengths rotated around the surface of the object at various speeds. When the room was quiet enough, John was sure that the object emitted a ticking sound when one of the sticks moved. The object fascinated John as he had absolutely no idea what the object is, or what it's meant to do.

Lux Universus.
Howard Green

Howard raised his hand in farewell at one of his friends before turning to the spot he last saw Mr. John Smith standing. As he turned, he unintentionally intercepted the path of the President, Hubble Einstein.

"Pardon me, sir..." He apologised politely, "I didn't see you there." Howard turned to resume his walk when he stopped. He realised he has overlooked some small detail. He turned back to the President "Mr. Einstein?" He began.
Butter and fire mixes well, apparently...

"Chaos is the natural order"- The wisdom of a Pillow.


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165th Basil Day - by Hammerstar - 07-03-2015, 12:23 PM

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