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The Empire

I just remembered something ....

I said earlier we weren't able to use the Prohibited Organisations section against The Empire, because The Empire never was hostile to TSP - but this wasn't true - The Empire was an accessory to Sedge and Crazygirl's coup of TSP. Biyah and Dali were in the channel and privy to knowledge about the coup. Whamabama, another Empire member, was actually supposed to inherit the delegacy from Sedge - his account was Goblins, or something like that. 

Biyah and Dali only reported the identities of those couping and stuff AFTER the coup was over. A few weeks later, even. Going public before that would have spoiled Wham's chances of taking the delegacy. And they only went public then because they realized if they went public first, Sedge and Crazygirl might be crushed in the upcoming TRR elections - they weren't, Sedge actually still won and subsequently, The Empire lost control of TRR too. 

Given this, The Empire squarely fits within the definition of hostility provided in Article 7: "actively involved and complicit in an attempt, successful or otherwise, to illegally overthrow the legitimate government of The South Pacific."

BOOM! I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.


Lead members of The Empire were both complicit and actively involved in the attempt to coup The South Pacific (circa 2011). Biyah ("Lord Rahl" in The Empire), and Dalimbar ("Lady Anastasia") were aware of the leaders of the coupers before the coup ended  - and the former two attempted to reap private benefits from the coups. 

Naivetry Wrote:[....] While serving as Foreign Affairs Officer in The Rejected Realms, Sedge took control of the delegacy of The South Pacific under the nation Devonitians, using all native endorsements. Only Crazy Girl, who followed him to TSP shortly after he was elected delegate, was aware of Devonitians' identity prior to his seizure of the delegacy. Biyah and Dalimbar, also Officers of The Rejected Realms, discovered Sedge's identity and attempted to work with him to influence the outcome of the elections procedure he had begun. TRR Delegate Naivetry was informed of Sedge's identity shortly before the end of the coup, after Devonitians had forwarded correspondence to her concerning another nation's attempt to overthrow TRR, but was not privy to any other discussions which took place during the event.

During the coup and its aftermath, Sedge neither asked for nor received any help from The Rejected Realms. Biyah and Dali secretly assisted him in pursuit of their own private agenda. Crazy Girl's involvement was limited to chatting on the RMB and endorsing Devonitians (in compliance with his rules for election) shortly before he was forcibly removed from the delegacy. [....]

Sedgistan had not planned to involve The Empire in his plans; he only made them aware of his identity during the coup, after Dalimbar had mostly figured out the identity of the couper(s).

Sedgistan Wrote:Dali had pretty much worked it out for himself, and was asking me about it. I confirmed it when it got to the point that I could no longer plausibly deny it to him. He then told Biyah. It wasn't a case of me boasting to them about it, or choosing to bring them on board. I know better than that.

Biyah and Dali became aware of the identity of the coupers (intelligence of liberations was leaked to Sedgistan because he was a former FRA member,) and did not report these coupers - instead, they assisted Sedgistan in pulling in invader support to protect the delegacy with the hope that Sedgistan would pass the delegacy off to a "couple others [they'd] selected".....

Biyah Wrote:Pursuant to that, I hereby announce that Devonitians of recent TSP infamy is also known as Sedge, the Admin and Foreign Relations officer of TRR. Also privy to this knowledge and an active participant was CrazyGirl - who made a run to take the Delegacy from Dev - and Dali and Myself, who were made aware the day after he’d taken the delegacy. At Sedge's behest, we attempted to pull raider support into the region to hold the delegacy so Sedge could hand off the delegacy to CG or one of a couple others we'd selected.

One of these selected would-be coupers was GreenGremlins, aka. Whamabama ("Lady Tisiphone") who was nearly successful in trying to take over The South Pacific during Sedgistan's faux "elections" (free-for-all). Sedge said, in public:

Quote:What what? If CG had wanted the delegacy, she'd have been endo-swapping, rather than sitting on about 10 endorsements. GreenGremlins was the nation just 2 endorsements off taking the delegacy at the end, and that was the person I was trying to get the delegacy to, as no-one else had managed to get that close. The end being the time leading up to the update where I lost the delegacy. You may not have noticed it, but GreenGremlins was two endorsements behind Southern Bellz when the region updated. She only regained the seat due to endorsements from outsiders, whereas GreenGremlins was endorsed by natives only.

GreenGremlins claimed on the official forums:

GreenGremlins Wrote:I am not sure who Sedge is [...] It was Devonitians, who explained to me, that there was more to this game than answering issues, and voting in the WA.

When Southern Bellz returned to power, four nations were banned: Devonitians, FraternizingWithHumans, Scary Old Dude and, of course, GreenGremlins.

FraternizingWithHumans was likely the other player that The Empire hoped would reach the delegacy - that account was never unmasked. It's possible, although never confirmed that FraternizingWithHumans was New Kervoskia ("Lord Griffin",) especially because FraternizingWithHumans attended a "Crossfire" IRC debate as a 'special guest', while New Kervoskia actually did not attend his own talk-show (Dali, Biyah and Oliver lead the debate):

Whamabama, meanwhile, continued to play dumb on the official forums:

Whamabam Wrote:One reoccuring theme I have noticed is, this sence of entitlement. People get the impresion that the feeders actually belong to a select group of nations simply because they have the delegate with them, and have posted a seperate from the game forum. This simply isn't true. It's easier to hold onto the delegate spot because of it sure. Doesn't mean you own the region, and if that minority group loses it, doesn't mean that a wrong has been done. It simply means you no longer have the delegacy, which is alright, you have no more right to it than anyone else.

And as the old saying goes, use it or lose it. The group in TSP wasn't using their position in TSP, so they lost it. It's not just about security it was everything, they wasn't doing anything but keeping their nations alive.

If that is what you want to do, fine. Nothing wrong with that. But don't hold everyone in the region hostage over it.

Personally, I say good job Sedge. Your plan might not have worked, but at least the region might do something about the problem.

During 2012's April Fools, Whamabama made a vital error of sending his IPO shares from greengremlins to his main nation, which revealed greengremlins' identity....

Quote:1 year 304 days ago:  Whamaball (3,445) traded 3,445 share to Whamabama (248,344).
1 year 304 days ago:  Wham helsing (1,507) traded 1,507 shares to Whamabama (246,837).
1 year 304 days ago:  Wham (980) traded 980 shares to Whamabama (245,857).
1 year 304 days ago: Traveling spy (114) traded 114 shares to Whamabama (245,743).
1 year 304 days ago: Greengremlins (1,939) traded 1,939 shares to Whamabama (168,728).
1 year 304 days ago: Field Hockey Players (6,595) traded 6,595 shares to Whamabama (162,133).
1 year 304 days ago: Dominantion master (2,347) traded 2,347 shares to Whamabama (159,786).
1 year 304 days ago: Rohhirrim (2,007) traded 2,007 shares to Whamabama (157,779).

Overall, The Empire was both complicit and active in participating in the Sedgistan coup of TSP; they only later reported the identities of the coupers to the public after the coup failed, when releasing this information was politically convenient for Biyah and Dali (who hoped Sedgistan and Crazygirl would lose political support in TRR). Prior to the coup's failure they had hoped they may be able to secure the delegacy for themselves.

With The Empire's long history of subversion in, not only TSP, but in Osiris, TRR, and TEP - we find The Empire as having shown hostility to our region under Article 7.1-2 and seek to establish The Empire as a prohibited organisation in The South Pacific. 

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