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Being Banned from IRC

She wasn't the op that unbanned you. Raven removed the ban.

Ok Raven is clearing in the wrong here. You don't ban someone just because you disagree with them. Raven is the least most impartial person on the planet. He shouldn't be an op because he is not a citizen or even a resident of TSP I think.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
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(04-16-2015, 08:09 PM)Hileville Wrote: She wasn't the op that unbanned you. Raven removed the ban.

Hileville, I received a message from Asta about being unbanned. Then I tried joining the channel and was able to.Therefore, I do not know or have any way of confirming what Raven did other then banning me in the first place. Being banned without due reasons and then unbanned again without any sense of why or what the normal moderation policy is specifically is not a game I enjoy playing.


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(04-16-2015, 08:26 PM)Escade Wrote:
(04-16-2015, 08:09 PM)Hileville Wrote: She wasn't the op that unbanned you. Raven removed the ban.

Hileville, I received a message from Asta about being unbanned. Then I tried joining the channel and was able to.Therefore, I do not know or have any way of confirming what Raven did other then banning me in the first place. Being banned without due reasons and then unbanned again without any sense of why or what the normal moderation policy is specifically is not a game I enjoy playing.

You were banned for the argument that happened. I don't remember exactly what was said to cause it.

I do however remember discussing the ban with Raven. Shortly after he removed it. I don't know what other discussions may have taken place. I do know that Raven was the OP to actually perform the task of unbanning you.

As far as everything else is concerned. The moment you create an IRC channel that is completely under government control is the moment people won't join it. IRC is nice because you can talk about a wide variety of topics not necessarily about NS. While people may get banned or kicked out for a while typically they are allowed back in.

Unibot, you have been banned and unbanned from IRC more times than I can count. Your behavior on IRC is what gets you banned. Not people having grudges against you. You cannot just say whatever you want and insult whoever you want just because it is IRC. You know very well that you have earned ever single ban you have received on IRC. I personally blame each and every OP (including myself) who continue to give you another chance.

If you want something for just TSP citizens make a Skype group. Leave the way we (like many other regions) handle IRC alone. If you have a problem with an OP discuss it with Asta. I used to be welcome to having discussions and removed OPs before based on input from others. I am sure she would be more than willing to discuss this with you.

Making this a big public issue is wrong. There is absolutely no problem with the way IRC is being ran. There hasn't been since the channel was founded years and years ago. Don't try and change something because you have a personal beef with one of the OPs.

First, let me say that at no point was Escade ever going to be banned forever. Common tactic to kick/ban people, during times of "crisis" for a few hours to let things calm down. Second, when arguing against a channel OP, you do so at your own risk. Their sandbox. It's THAT SIMPLE. Again, I wasn't there. Didn't see it and it's not worth going back into the logs since it was resolved before I even noticed.

I log the channel for simple reasons. Primary one is I own a data center with 40 Servers and have 3 PCs in my wife's house (where I currently live) and 2 in my house (currently occupied by my mom). I am on the internet an average of 12-16 hours a day making sure my business are up and running. I leave mIrc running on a server so I can get to it wherever I am thru remote connections. In my office at home I have 4 36inch HD monitors with windows open all over the place to monitor my life. Just the way it is.
You will NEVER see me publish a log anywhere in a public forum. You will NEVER see me go after someone in a public forum. No one's business. I have used them to back up arguments when I have issues with people. I have put them on personal web sites and pointed other OPs to them to bring attention to something.
When someone does something I feel needs to be dealt with, I will do it privately. Moderation is NOT a group decision. It is what it is.
As for personal attacks against Kris and GR, I see people voicing opinions. Is he called names? Probably but then so am I. Welcome to IRC and the internet. It's NOT a place for Unicorns

First of all, I make issues public when IRC is a public place and it has repercussions on players.

Raven made it about personal beef through his actions not mine. He not only took it from TSP's IRC channel to his own forum. He shouldn't be an OP in TSP's channel. He has beef with several players in the region.

For the two years I've been in this game, I've never had an issue with Ops until one Op made IRC political. Either the TSP IRC channel is one where everyone is treated with the same courtesy and with the same moderation rules or its not a channel that we should publicize.

So basically, QD you are arguing that the Ops in TSP's channel, well one particular one, may do as they wish? That if you do not politically agree with them a ban is acceptable? That if one player calls another names its fine? But its not fine if the Ops doesn't like it? Actually, the internet is a vast place but in this case, it seems what we are talking about is not the degenerate havens but a respectable place where people who are part of an imaginary region with imaginary nations and make imaginary decisions about their nations are able to discuss freely within certain bounds.

This issue was made a big deal out of in IRC, on Skype and on GP forums so therefore if my name is going to be taken along for the ride, I will defend my self publicly.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
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~ The Sparkly One ~

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OP's are required to use their better judgment and ensure the civility of the room is maintained. If one of them feels that is being threatened, they will act, either by taking immediate action or bringing it to the attention of the other OP's. It may not be the best or most popular action, and it may be reviewed later (as was the case with one of the actions mentioned in the thread). But that's the way the channel has been maintained, and how it will continue to be maintained.

That's pretty much the long and short of it.

Quote:Leave the way we (like many other regions) handle IRC alone.

Sorry. Excuse me?

I am leaving the way you handle IRC alone - I think your way is terrible and you continue to run your little channel with public advertisements on our WFE and our forum which suggests your channel is actually a public channel. It's not a public channel - it's your little private channel; you can run it however you like it and I am not going to stop you from running it however you like, but I do wish to see to it that your private property is not treated as a public monopoly on TSP's IRC communication. 

You seem to very scared that any competition could kill the value in your private property which suggests a vested interest on the subject. Given we both know the only reason why people stick around in your channel is because they think they have no alternatives for a chat among TSPers, your fears are probably well placed. 

As for Skype, I really dislike Skype. I don't see why we couldn't run a public IRC channel for TSPers. 

(04-17-2015, 12:39 AM)Unibot Wrote:
Quote:Leave the way we (like many other regions) handle IRC alone.

Sorry. Excuse me?

I am leaving the way you handle IRC alone - I think your way is terrible and you continue to run your little channel with public advertisements on our WFE and our forum which suggests your channel is actually a public channel. It's not a public channel - it's your little private channel; you can run it however you like it and I am not going to stop you from running it however you like, but I do wish to see to it that your private property is not treated as a public monopoly on TSP's IRC communication. 

You seem to very scared that any competition could kill the value in your private property which suggests a vested interest on the subject. Given we both know the only reason why people stick around in your channel is because they think they have no alternatives for a chat among TSPers, your fears are probably well placed. 

As for Skype, I really dislike Skype. I don't see why we couldn't run a public IRC channel for TSPers. 
The channel is not a private channel. Currently there is only one person from ANYWHERE that is not welcome there. You've been give MANY chances to get it right and you can't. #the_south_pacific isn't even the only regional channel your banned from so it's not just us,

Posting this on Asta's behalf:

In case people are not aware, a new policy has been implemented in #the_south_pacific, effective April 6th. Operators have been instructed to refrain from moderating discussions they are involved in, be it targeted at them, something they're participating in, or otherwise.

Additionally, Raven has voluntarily chosen to give up his Operator flags.


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