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Citizenship Applications

I, Lady Phedre, accept the terms and conditions of the Charter of the South Pacific.

World Assembly Nation: NA

All past and present regions/organisations in which I have been or am associated with:

The West Pacific in various positions and at various times over the entirety of my NS life
Osiris but I don't recall what positions I held there
Gatesville very briefly
The Meritocracy a long time ago
The East Pacific as Delegate during the TEP Empire government
I might have joined Equilism once... not positive about that, though.
I might be forgetting the odd region here or there, but in my defense, it's been a long time.

The Empire, as Empress, because if we're still scary for whatever reason, I'm using my proper title Tounge
The East Pacific as a Citizen in present government.
Her Imperial Wickedness the Imperatrix Neenee

"But really, in the end it'll all be the same, won't it? Whether there's a ceiling or whether there isn't? Yes, that's the nub of the whole damned question! Well, and if there isn't a ceiling then there won't be any hooks either. And if there aren't any hooks, and that's the end of it, then I still find it hard to believe in: who'll drag me off on hooks, and if no one does, what will happen then, where will there be any justice? Il faudrait les inventer, those hooks, especially for me, for me alone, because if only you knew, Alyosha, what a shameless fellow I am!..."
The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Both of you, Dalimbar and Neenee, have already been denied citizenship due to security concerns, and both of your appeals were upheld by the Assembly.

Neenee's appeal was denied not even a full two months ago. In your case, Dali, your appeal was denied barely two weeks ago.

I'm sorry Glen, but we were both informed by both government officials and other citizens of the fact that we could re-apply after the election. At no time did you raise concern over this prospect.

You are raising it now because you are fearing the absolute worst, our corruption and subversion of this region. We don't need to do that, Glen, when you and others are already doing that.

I wish for the Vice Delegate to judge both Nee and myself fairly and without interference.
Delegate (Ret.) of The North Pacific
Delegate (Ret.) of Osiris
Folk Hero of the Pacifics
Member of the Ex-Feeder Tyrant Club
TSP's Best Mall

I posted as a reminder of events that may be lost in the array of issues this region has faced in the past month and a half.

It's certainly an active if deeply politicized region. But right, a citizenship thread...
Delegate (Ret.) of The North Pacific
Delegate (Ret.) of Osiris
Folk Hero of the Pacifics
Member of the Ex-Feeder Tyrant Club
TSP's Best Mall

(03-20-2015, 03:53 PM)Gladio Wrote: I, GladioTSP, accept the terms and conditions of the Charter of the South Pacific.
World Assembly Nation: Gladio
All past and present regions/organisations in which I have been or am associated with: TNP, TBR, BoM, TBH


(03-24-2015, 12:42 PM)Prussia Wrote: I, Prussia Steinbah, accept the terms and conditions of the Charter of the South Pacific.
World Assembly Nation: PrussianEmpire / might have moved for EPSA
All past and present regions/organisations in which I have been or am associated with:
Oh boy...

The North Pacific
The Pacific
The South Pacific
The East Pacific (still am associated with)
The Rejected Realms (kinda??)
Kingdom of Alexandria
Right to Life
United Defenders League
The Black Hawks

Bulk of my modern gigs are in TEP.


Should be well worth noting the VD is currently dealing with RL issues, the majority details of which will be kept classified.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I, The Collector Hive, accept the terms and conditions of the Charter of the South Pacific.
World Assembly Nation: The Collector Hive
All past and present regions/organisations in which I have been or am associated with:

The East Pacific
The Independent Order
The Universal Allegiance

I have joined many regions, but those are the only regions I have applied citizenship for and gotten involved with deeper than RMB messages.

I, Chadistan, accept the terms and conditions of the Charter of the South Pacific.
World Assembly Nation: None
All past and present regions/organisations in which I have been or am associated with: None. I'm new.

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