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What would you do if...?

Kringle. That is all. Just for that damn post count. Tounge

WWYDI you were able to be any person in history, with five years of foreknowledge regarding everything?


(Are you trying to get admin powers?)

Not use that power, if possible. If I can actually change history rather than just know how it will go/went, I would be Lincoln.

What would you do if you accidentally received admin powers?
[Image: flag%20of%20esfalsa%20animated.svg] Esfalsa | NationStatesWiki | Roleplay | Discord

[Image: rank_officer.min.svg] [Image: updates_lifetime_2.min.svg] [Image: defenses_lifetime_4.min.svg] [Image: detags_lifetime_3.min.svg]

Rule the world. Admin powers of the world. :0

WWYDI You slipped back to Feb. 14 1929 and got captured by Capone's men?


I would-a make him an offer he cannot refuse-a.

WWYD if you were Robert E. Lee?

Depends at what time. Before the Civil War? Help the Union. During the Civil War? Change sides.

(Lee actually didn't support slavery, he just supported his home state of Virginia)

What would you do if you were Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau?
[Image: flag%20of%20esfalsa%20animated.svg] Esfalsa | NationStatesWiki | Roleplay | Discord

[Image: rank_officer.min.svg] [Image: updates_lifetime_2.min.svg] [Image: defenses_lifetime_4.min.svg] [Image: detags_lifetime_3.min.svg]

Talk to the nearest person to discover who the hell I am.

WWYD if you gained the power to turn rain into bananas?


I would cause lots of funny weather phaenomena.

WWYD if you discovered a way to immortality?

Be immortal.

WWYD if green was purple? Tounge


Id walk over the nice purple grass.

WWYD if youd meet Sun Tsu?

Hug him.

WWYD if you met your grandson.


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