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The Hunting Pilgrim's Official Radio Station

A transmission from the Land of the Hunting Pilgrims:

*Begin Broadcast*

bzzt... Hello Fellow TSP nations! The Land Of the Hunting Pilgrims hope that you are able to receive this transmission, even though our radio transmission technology may be a tad dated. This Transmission station will mainly be used for more important LOHP news broadcasts, as well as any comments that you may or may not have. ...bzzzt... ...apologies, but it appears we... ...bzzzzt... losing signal. Thank... ...bzzt... for listening!

*End Broadcast*

A Transmission from the Land of the Hunting Pilgrims:
*Begin Broadcast*
...bzzt... Hello fellow TSP nations! If you weren't aware, the King of our Nation, Narcisco Osborne, along with multiple council members were arrested for treason, participation in illegal markets, and the sale of highly confidential military papers a few days ago. After farther investigation by the Committee of National Security, it appears that both the King, as well as the council members, were framed. The Committee of National Security is unsure how far the identify theft goes, but has currently put a halt on foreign affair dealings with the King and council members until further notice, and any communication attempts made by the King should be considered false by other nations. The Committee of Foreign and National Affairs will take care of all dealings with other nations until the identity thieves can be apprehended. We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. ...bzzzt...
*End Broadcast*  

A Transmission from the Committee of National Security:

*Broadcast transmission start*

This is an official report regarding the raid on an underground cyber terrorist operation that stole the identity and impersonate the King and Several Council members via hacking government servers undetected, as well as attempting to get them arrested for treason. They are also accused of stealing and attempting to sell multiple highly secret military papers. These papers were confiscated and returned to government hands, and multiple new security measures have been put in place to prevent this from occurring again. 

The head of the Committee of National Security, Tomas Steele, will give a rundown on the raid.
"There were three different raids, only the last one being successful. The terrorist group knew our intents to raid several days before hand in the first two cases, requiring the third raid to be top secret. Each raid was preformed by a four man terrorist neutralization squad, with two operatives posted outside as backups. The building in the third raid was a five room storage warehouse with a two room basement. The location is classified as of now, so we cannot provide a photograph.  The squad entered the building with the orders of capture and interrogate, they were armed with tranquilizers, hand pistols, and high powered shotguns. The first main storage room was empty, besides trash littered about. The squad then split into two groups and began searching the four side rooms splitting off from the main warehouse. Two rooms, labeled room one and two, were empty, with two outdated computers running a modified operating system found inside. They were both connected to a network cable running into the basement. There were also two small desks, two used office chairs of differing models, an average computer monitor in one room connected to the computer via a VGA cord in room one, and twenty inch flat screen television in the other room connected to the computer via an HDMI cord in room two. There were also multiple computer accessories, such as mice and keyboards. Both computers were powered off. There were also multiple food items, such as soda, chips, pizza containers and several types of candy found in both rooms. The other two rooms, labeled room three and four, were occupied by five young males, each in their twenties. There were two people in room three, watching what is expected to be a movie they pirated from an illegal download site. They were eating popcorn, as well as some other snacks. One of them was sitting in a worn office chair, unarmed. The other was standing, armed with a low power hand pistol located in a holster on his belt. Upon squad entry, the armed gentlemen attempted to fire at the squad members, was able to get off two shots, and then was shot with a tranquilizer. Both of his shots missed. The other person who was sitting down offered little resistance, and both were taken into custody. The room looked much similar to the other two, except this room was slightly larger, and the computer was hooked up to two average computer monitors. One monitor was  being used to watch the movie, while the other was assumed to be monitoring the government servers. The network cable was quickly unplugged from the back of the computer. In room four, the squad members found multiple soda and snack machines, a table, and a water cooler. There were three people sitting at the table, eating sub sandwiches. Non of them were armed except one who had a lead pipe. All but one offered little resistance. The one resisting mostly did so by attempting to tackle one of the squad members and hitting them with a lead pipe. He was shot with a tranquilizer and taken into custody. The two basement rooms were used for the network router, which seemed to be modified by the hackers in some way. There was also two freezers holding multiple food items. All the items found belonging to these hackers was confiscated and will be further investigated later. It is believed that these are the only members of this organization, however investigation will continue and those taken into custody will be interrogated and persecuted as the council sees fit. I thank you for your time."

The King and council members will take over foreign dealings again as well, and have proposed the creation of a committee of cyber security that is awaiting a Council vote. The Committee of  National Security would like to thank you for taking the time to listen.

*Broadcast transmission end*

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