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Volaworand Business Daily

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Prime Minister Hovland's Statement on Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs.  Dec 20, 2017

Soon after the last midterm elections I directed a comprehensive study of our defense policies and programs. There had been no such review since our independence. As a result, objectives and policies in this field were unclear and programs lacked unified definition and direction. Under the auspices of Cabinet, a committee of the Departments of External Affairs, Defence & Security, and Science & Research, with input from our intelligence community, legal experts, and other agencies, has worked diligently on this study for over ten months. Our government's efforts were greatly aided by contributions from the scientific community.

This study has now been completed and its findings carefully considered by the Cabinet. Our generation faces a special responsibility, because the march of modern technology has made ever more deadly the weapons of war.  I am now reporting the decisions taken on the basis of this review concerning the government's positions concerning weapons of mass destruction, namely nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.


Nuclear technology has harnessed the power of atoms.  This awesome power can be harnessed for good and for evil purposes.  It is the policy of my government that the Dominion:
  • rejects and condemns any use of nuclear weapons of mass destruction and we reaffirm our status as a Nuclear Weapon Non-Proliferation State;
  • reaffirm our commitment to include explicit non-proliferation clauses in our bilateral military and trade agreements;
  • to support diplomatic efforts to advance test bans and restrictions with a goal of the total removal of nuclear weapons from the South Pacific;
  • continue to support to the research, production and use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, specifically the Volaworand Defence Force Nuclear Power Program, the Volaworand Infrastructure Modernization Programme's construction of civilian nuclear reactors, and the Nuclear Medicine Research Programs of Volaworand Antarctic College;
  • strictly regulate the potential mining of Uranium and related nuclear materials specifically concerning potential exports;
  • shall seek a positive affirmation from our Supreme Court under the Constitutional Questions Referral Act of my government's position that our domestic and international legal prohibitions apply to our space program.

Chemical weapons can cause untold and long lasting health and ecological harms.  As to our chemical warfare program, the Dominion:
  • Reaffirms our oft-repeated renunciation of the first use of lethal chemical weapons.
  • Extends this renunciation to the first use of incapacitating chemicals.
  • Consonant with these decisions, the government shall conduct a chemical weapons review, to study the various international agreements concerning chemical warfare and the impact of any potential ratification on our domestic defence initiatives. We take this exploratory step to reinforce our continuing advocacy of international constraints on the use of these weapons in warfare.

Biological weapons have massive, unpredictable and potentially uncontrollable consequences. They may produce global epidemics and impair the health of future generations.  We have therefore decided that:
  • The Dominion shall renounce the use of lethal biological agents and weapons, and all other methods of biological warfare. 
  • The Dominion will confine its biological research to health and defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures. 
  • The Department of Defense has been asked to make recommendations as to the disposal of existing stocks of bacteriological weapons. 
  • In the spirit of these decisions, the Dominion associates itself and accedes to the 1972 Convention on Biological Weapons which bans the use of biological methods of warfare.
Neither our association with the Convention on Biological Weapons nor the limiting of programs to peaceful purposes will leave us vulnerable to surprise by an enemy who does not observe these rational restraints.   Our defence remains strong and vigilant.  Our monitoring, early warning and defence systems are maintained.  Our intelligence community will continue to watch carefully the nature and extent of the weapons programs of others.  These decisions provide a common, unified foundation for policy in all parts of government.

The Dominion of Volaworand always seeks the path of peace with freedom and justice.  In our view, sustainable security can only be attained through cooperation and disarmament. The lack of cooperation and disarmament has led to a more unstable and insecure world.  This development must be turned around, not only for ourselves but even more so for the sake of the younger generation.  Humanity already carries in its own hands too many of the seeds of its own destruction.  We call on all nations to commit to setting our world on a safer course.  These important decisions, which I am pleased to announce today, are taken as an initiative toward peace.  By the examples we set today, we hope to contribute to an atmosphere of peace and understanding between nations and all humanity. 

Prime Minister Lina Hovland
Parliament House
Rothera, Volaworand

-Volaworand Newswire

Legislator | Local Councilor | Aspiring TSP Curmudgeon
Messages archived by the Ministry Of the Regal Executive - Bureaucratic Services


New poll shows tight three-way election race in Volaworand
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 A new poll shows Volaworand voters are in a “grumbly mood” at the midpoint of the federal election campaign, leaving the governing Liberal Social Democrats in second spot in a tight three-way race, trailing the leftist Labour as the Nationalist party bleeds off support on the right wing.
Pollsters caution, however, that voter anger with the government won’t necessarily endanger the LSD dynasty on election day on Jan 2.
The survey of 1,835 voters on a phone survey and online panel shows the Labour Party in the lead overall with the support of 31 per cent of decided voters, followed by the LSD at 26 per cent, and the Nationalists at 25 per cent.
The Republican-Reform come in at 12 per cent and the Constitutional Monarchists at five per cent in the poll, which was conducted over the five days last week.
“Voters are in a pretty grumbly mood,” say pollsters.  “A lot of them seem to want to take the LSD party out behind the ice shed, but I don’t know necessarily they want to lead them to the gallows at this point. It’s really too close to get into that, to be honest. I think this poll is much more a reflection of dissent than future intent.”
About a quarter of those who were polled are still undecided. When those undecided voters are factored in, Labour has 24 per cent support, the LSD 20 per cent, the Nationalists 19 per cent, the Republican-Reform nine per cent and the Constitutional Monarchists at four per cent.  Support for the the Green, Libertarian and Constitutional Peasant party's have all dropped to record lows with supporters flocking to Labour or LSD out of fear of the rising Nationalist Party support.
The poll shows some real disenchantment with the Constitutional Peasant Party leaving the governing coalition, Hovland’s “good people on both sides” comment about student protests, the slashed spending and taxation budget and the Midand internment during the South Pacific Cold war. 
As well, the Nationalists were essentially tied in Faraday with the LSD, but the survey shows the LSD with 42 per cent support in the capital, 20 points ahead of the both Labour and Nationalists.  The Labour party is well ahead in Halley and smaller communities in eastern Coats Land and Alexander Island.
Half of the House and one third of the elected portion of Senate seats are up for election, following the LSD wave four years ago.  Given the LSD stacking political cronies into the appointed seats in the Senate, they are more likely to hold the upper chamber.  If LSD does lose the House of Commons Volaworand could be looking at a minority or coalition government and gridlocked legislative branch for at least the next two years. 
The poll was conducted using a phone survey and online panel between December 14 and 19th.  The polls exclude military personnel and cell phone only voters, which, given the close numbers mean it is difficult to predict the outcome.
-Volaworand Newswire

Legislator | Local Councilor | Aspiring TSP Curmudgeon
Messages archived by the Ministry Of the Regal Executive - Bureaucratic Services


It's been difficult to know exactly what is happening inside Volaworand for some seven months now.

[Image: JctdgmK.jpg]
Colourful dancers in Rothera's downtown square

Only small snippets of information get out about the social situation and the lives of the people living there.  These bits of news from Volaworand are faithfully chronicled by the websites of those outside the country, but generally focus on the negative aspects of governance in the country (and there are many of those).  We do know that the once vibrant nation appeared to withdraw from the world and allowed its international relations and connections to wither.  Rumors of a nationwide disaster have circulated widely, but little is known. What we do know is that the nation had become increasingly isolationist, to the point that many believed it had ceased to exist.

One young person returned to Volaworand after two years outside the country.  Given the nature of the Volaworand regime, we are withholding the name of this colleague who still has family and friends back home.  We shall call our young friend the "Vatanchi (Homelander)."

Young enough to be termed a member of the "Golden Era" generation (i.e. the supposedly "blessed" generation who came of age under the "wise leadership" of Lina Hovland following independence in 2017), this individual recounted what was different and what was the same.

Not everything there is bad it seems.

The customs official at Rothera's airport had a predictable welcome for Vatanchi. "What were you doing there [in Midandia]?" he "rudely" asked. Another customs official arrived and the two engaged in a brief, hushed conversation. Vatanchi was waved through.

Only two years after Vatanchi last looked upon Rothera, the downtown appeared different Vatanchi said the current prime minister's love of marble buildings has turned central Rothera into a monotonous assortment of various government and commercial buildings that bear a strong resemblance to one another.

Buildings that pre-dated Prime Minister Lina Hovland, or even Volaworand's independence, and once broke up the long blocks of white or green, new buildings have been almost all razed.  When Vatanchi asked what happened to the old tiki bar he used to work at, the locals simply lowered their heads and whispered "Lost … in the palcohalypse".  When pressed, they simply broke down in tears and would say nothing further.Just outside the city center the buildings have fresh coats of paint but Vatanchi said there is no change to the apartment buildings inside.
Vatanchi noticed changes while walking around the capital.  There were many drunks observed in public.  Some old women, Vatanchi lamented, are forced to try to sell small items -- socks, ice blocks -- on street corners to get money, which our young friend said is a great shame in a culture that usually holds its elders in high esteem. There are more bikes on the roads, even luxury snowmobiles. In fact, Vatanchi noticed that more people seem to have more access to money now than they did four years ago.  Vatanchi was not convinced that was a good thing since the general poverty of nearly all had previously formed a strong bond among the people. Now, Vatanchi said, there is a wide economic gap opening up between the people.

The list of available goods sounded promising.  Vatanchi said people were wearing modern clothes; most young people seemed to have mobile phones and the selection of food was much better.  Government-run detox centers seemed to be everywhere. But Vatanchi noted, "Internet connections are a problem."

Police are more visible around the city, but Vatanchi said their presence is hardly necessary.

"You can feel the presence of the security service. It's a feeling you're controlled, watched," Vatanchi said.

Restrictions on traveling within the country have eased and it is now possible to travel from one city to another without any problems. But inside the cities there is a (undeclared) curfew at 11 p.m. and the streets are empty.

Sadly, but understandably, people are politically apathetic. No one wants to talk about politics, certainly not Volaworand's domestic politics.  While the specter of facing death penalty in the penguin gladiator rinks are gone, the fear of crossing the authorities remains.

The people are not apathetic about community concerns, however. In the past, the people addressed complaints about utilities or poor roads to the country's prime minister to try to scare city or provincial officials into taking some action.

Now people tell these officials, "I will complain to Hovland if the problem is not solved," Vatanchi said, adding that some have traveled to neighboring British Pitcairn Islands just to get a phone or computer connection to Hovland and vent their grievances.

- Volaworand Newswire

Legislator | Local Councilor | Aspiring TSP Curmudgeon
Messages archived by the Ministry Of the Regal Executive - Bureaucratic Services


Volaworand's longest nonstop commercial flight: STC announces launch of Kerlodia flights

[Image: 0UGaru4.jpg]

Volaworand's Southern Transportation Corporation will launch its longest non-stop flight route with a plane that offers no economy class seating.

The airline will begin the ultra-long haul route on December 28 with the first flight taking off from Volaworand's Rothera Airport bound for Citaiti Dei Kerlodia International Airport in Kerlodia.

The flight will cover over 5000 nautical miles (9,700km) and take approximately 12 hours. The company will operate three weekly flights connecting its home terminal in Rothera to Citaiti Dei Kerlodia and Citaiti Dei Noctos in Kerlodia. These new non-stop routes will be in addition to the current 19 hour passenger/cargo flights on STC's aging Ilyushin IL-76TD, but have a stop in North Prarie en route.

STC will fly the newly acquired Airbus A350-900ULR (for "Ultra Long Range") on the new routes. These aircraft are a major acquisition of STC at a reported cost of £1B for five of the A350-900ULR. The acquisition increases STC's fleet to 6 planes, and extends STC's operational range to all of the South Pacific region.

See Also:  Volaworand Attractions and Tourist Activities

In a bold move, the plane flying the Kerlodia routes will only offer premium seating, with 67 business class and 94 premium economy class seats.

It represents a major expansion in the South Pacific market for Southern Transportation Corporation and a test of whether the carrier can charge the 20 per cent price premium that travel industry data shows is typical for ultra-long non-stop services due to their popularity with time-sensitive business travelers.

STC executive vice president of commercial Mak Swee Wah said there was existing demand for business class which he expected would continue to pick up.
For premium economy, however, he said some markets were not "entirely familiar" with the product, which offers more leg room and other amenities than a typical economy class.

"Since the passage of the Kerlodia-Volaworand Friendship and Cooperation Agreement we have seen a surge in demand for this route. I think we need to stimulate and encourage the market to consider this product, initially with very attractive pricing, but eventually I think people will see that what we offer it is a good product to purchase because it is a very long flight," he said at an analyst and media briefing.

Seats for the route will go on sale on today. Fares for the inaugural flight on the STC website were listed at £2161 one-way for premium economy and £5881 for business class.

- Volaworand Newswire

Legislator | Local Councilor | Aspiring TSP Curmudgeon
Messages archived by the Ministry Of the Regal Executive - Bureaucratic Services


KFP unveils Festive Menu items

Kentucky Fried Penguin (KFP), the fast food favourite is brimming with festive treats

The popular fast food giant unveiled its festive menu, and fans are in for a treat with new special items and the return of the an old classic on the menu.

The new festive menu sees the return of the Big Tasty and introduces a number new festive-themed menu items, including the mouthwatering new SPIT and SLIME beverages.

It looks like this year will be the most delicious yet.

The Christmas menu is available until mid January.

Penguin Santa Bento
[Image: uL2zUdy.jpg]
The festive Penguin Santa Bento is a healthy treat (photo credit: KFP)

For the first time ever KFP's has released its own festive-themed tofu bento bowl with the Penguin Santa Bento, which comes with Tofu capped rice and aioli cucumber rolls, served with crunchy veggies and a choice of dipping sauces.

The new item is expected to be hugely popular in the run-up to Christmas and comes in two sizes - a standard bowl for £4.29 and a mini version for £2.89, which weigh in at 357 calories and 179 respectively.

The Big Tasty
[Image: 9iRa7Wr.jpg]
The Big Tasty is making a welcome return (photo credit: KFP) 

A fan favourite, the Big Tasty, is 2 delicious whale meat patties, with lettuce and signature Big Tasty Sauce, topped with cheddar and thin strips of barbequed lamb, served in a black-pigmented brioche bun.

It is making a long overdue and welcome return to the menu this year to the delight of customers, and is being sold for £6.99.

The Rockcod Big Tasty Burger and Wrap
[Image: PCFtjEN.jpg]
The Rockcod Big Tasty comes in a bun or a wrap (photo credit: KFP) 

Also joining the menu are the incredible Rockcod Big Tasty Burgers and Wraps, which are again brand new items for KFP.

The Rockcod Big Tasty is made with two handcut Rockcod Select fillets, topped with shredded lettuce and cabbage, the signature Big Tasty Sauce, and served in a crustini bun.

The warp is a lower carb alternative packing a fillet lettuce and cabbage, and the signature Big Tasty Sauce.

The Burger is cheaper than the original Big Tasty and costs just £4.99, while the warp is being sold for only £2.99

Chocolate Caramel SPIT
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Chocolate Caramel SPIT: A decadent treat (photo credit: KFP)

A decadent Chocolate Caramel SPIT, consisting of South Pacific Iced Tea, caramel biscuit syrup, chocolate flavoured ice cream and caramel sauce, will delight SPIT fans and is priced at £2.99 for a small or £3.49 for a large.

Also available in a virgin, non-alcoholic version.

Southern Local Interregional Mango Eggnog
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North Prarie SLIME: A holiday favorite (photo credit: KFP)

Exclusive to North Prarie KFP locations last year, this local favorite is being added to festive menu in all KFP's globally.

This creamy eggnog highlights the taste of mango and only available during the festive season. These are priced at £3.49 for a small or £4.79 for a large.

Like the Chocolate Caramel SPIT, SLIME is also available in a virgin, non-alcoholic version.

Cheesy Melt Dippers
[Image: RXJHPHS.jpg]
These cheesy balls of deliciousness are being sold for just £1.69 (KFP) 

The festive menu also features Cheesy Melt Dippers for £1.69, which replace the nacho cheese wedges, are made with Camembert cheese and come with a tangy tomato dip.

Reindeer treats
[Image: xa6gYBq.jpg]
Reindeers love treats too apparently (photo credit: KFP)

"Reindeer treats" are also another addition to the Christmas menu, but these are just rebranded baby carrots - a delightful and healthy treat for children.

You can pick some up for just 89p.

About Kentucky Fried Penguin

Kentucky Fried Penguin's parent company, Krill Grill, Inc is a proud Volaworandian company. Established in 1989, the brand is well known and loved for its irreverent and comfortable non-pretentious Asian/Antarctic fusion BBQ experience that resonates with diners looking for great food, affordable indulgences and unique style. Krill Grill currently operates 7 Krill Grills, 22 KFP's domestic and 85 international locations in the South Pacific and around the world. Outside of Volaworand, KFP currently operates in British Falkland Islands, S Georgia and S Sandwich Islands, St Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, British Pitcairn Islands, Argentinstan, Paleno, Reino do Brazil, Arthropol, Pilarcraft, Sacrosanct Group, Techganet, North Prarie, Elykyellek, El Fiji Grande, EstRADia, Kuronami, The Royal Empire of the Lemons, Premier Knowhere, Kerlodia, Beepee, Roswaesia, The cat citadel, Gandoor, Dreshand, New Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Beloura, and South Pacifica Isles.

For more information about Kentucky Fried Penguin, or to apply for a franchise location in your nation, please visit Kentucky Fried Penguin on the Global Economics and Trade Board.

- Volaworand Newswire

Legislator | Local Councilor | Aspiring TSP Curmudgeon
Messages archived by the Ministry Of the Regal Executive - Bureaucratic Services



[Image: m2kQAeG.jpg]

We’re turning two million holiday lights on just for you. Come wrap yourself in a warm winter hug with ZOOLIGHTS and start glowing from the inside out. Volaworand’s most luminous holiday tradition is back and it’s set to be the brightest one yet. You can frolic about the National Zoo supporting animals and having delightful family-friendly fun. Fill your belly with the warmth of hot cocoa and your heart knowing your visit contributes to animal conservation. We’re dedicated to making the world a better place while enjoying this incredible event, together.

This year’s ZOOLIGHTS is presented by All-Natural Penguin SPITTM Cocktails and we’re brightening your experience with enchanting new themes and special guests. Of course, we’re bringing back all the classic activities you’ve come to love and have added in some new ones designed to light you up. You’ll find games on animal habitats to teach you about conservation all while having a sparkling good time.

[Image: cYnVaGg.jpg]

Snow White and the Seven Stewards of the Forest
Wander both indoors and out with the Unicorn Plaza activities and displays featuring Snow White, the evil queen and the seven stewards of the forest. Throughout our magically decorated topical oasis and surrounding gardens, you’ll find a Giant Gingerbread House, an Enchanted Forest, an Apple Wishing Tree, our Sustainability Factory with craft stations and Santa himself.

Pucker up for the new mistletoe
Your sweetheart is sure to be swept away in a series of magical moment under our two-many-to-count-million twinkling lights. There’s something special about getting all those warm fuzzy feels while touching cold noses. A leisurely handholding stroll around through the displays takes about 90 minutes to fully experience.

Ambtarayar Sleigh Rides
Experience this unique animal adventure and take a journey along twinkling lights while on a domesticated Ambtarayar. Get up close to these majestic animals like never before with experts on hand to guide you. Ambtarayar rides are available daily and located in the Kids Farm.

Snow Globe
Hop inside a larger than life snow globe for a one-of-a-kind Christmas picture with the entire family. This could make for a fun Holiday Greeting card!

Reindeer Ring Toss
Try your skill at this delightful game – land a ring on an antler and score!

Holiday Express
All aboard the Holiday Express monorail ride! Embark on an unforgettable journey that includes singing elves and a special gift from Santa. Tickets can be purchased at the O-line Depot.

[Image: YkZJ5se.jpg]
Open nightly from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Parking is £10 — access closes at 8:30 p.m.

Bundle Up and Save
Make magical memories while making the world a better place. Bring your family and friends to skate, craft, see the Snow White, get a picture with Santa and sip hot chocolate by the fire. Doing the planet some good by supporting conservation has never been so easy. Everything you need to enjoy the evening is included with the price of admission—except hot cocoa and snacks.

You'll always find our best price online. Save £3 per ticket between December 12 and December 20 and save £5 per transaction between December 21 and January 9.
FONZ patrons have unlimited free access to ZOOLIGHTS.
  • Child (3 - 15) £14.95/ea
  • General (16+) £19.95/ea

Interested in a family fun package? Consider the ZOOLIGHTS and Rothera Kraken Family Pack. It includes: 4 tickets to ZOOLIGHTS (2 general & 2 child) and 4 vouchers for a Rothera Kraken game.

[Image: xQEGRja.jpg]
Want to stay up to date on ZOOLIGHTS and more?
Check out RNZP on the web.

- Volaworand Newswire

Legislator | Local Councilor | Aspiring TSP Curmudgeon
Messages archived by the Ministry Of the Regal Executive - Bureaucratic Services


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