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The Conclusion of The Official Investigation into the Cabinet

After in depth discussions with Roavin, Escade, Somyrion, Tim, and research of my own I have reached a conclusion on the matter regarding the current situation the cabinet finds itself in. I will go over the information gleaned from each of those interviews as well as supplying evidence, if applicable to each of the minister’s concerns and claims regarding their actions and the actions of their colleagues. I shall then finish this conclusion with a recommendation both to the current cabinet members and the Assembly regarding this issue.

The first interview conducted was with Roavin. Some cabinet members were concerned about his goals as a Prime Minister due to his actions regarding He and Escade’s move to the SPP. The Primary concern raised was that he had the intention of solidifying himself as the only real person with say in The South Pacific. The line of questioning was as follows:


Serres: “It has been said that you are guilty of creating a group dm with the goal of securing SPP as the only political power in TSP. What do you say to this? 

Roavin: “So. I think that is a gross misrepresentation. It was a group DM for something different that turned into that. Basically, I was concerned about the APC sucking up everybody, and thought Seraph’s SPP was cool, and suggested as a power play that a few powerful peeps join the SPP to counterbalance the APC.”


Upon gaining access to the relevant portions of this DM group the following follow up question was asked:


Serres: “Do you believe you acted undemocratic by joining the SPP with Escade? Do you regret those actions if so? If not, for what reasons do you believe those actions justified within your own mentality?”

Roavin: ”It's not undemocratic. Party membership has no bearing on the individual's right to vote. APC's stuff wasn't undemocratic either, and I wouldn't ever claim that. But I think the APC's paradigm helped undermine accountability! They sucked up all sorts of people, then decided on their preferred candidates. Of course, most APC members then voted for their party's preferred candidate rather than making their own choice. There was no ideological basis for that either except generic stuff like "The region should work". I thought that was not good for TSP. I still do. The point of doing the powerplay with SPP was to try to break the APC's stranglehold on the TSP party meta-politics. And indeed, the APC doesn't have that stranglehold anymore (though I don't think it has anything to do with that effort) I've stayed with SPP because it's less effort than leaving.”

Serres: “So you took those actions because you did not believe APC was operating in a way that was healthy under TSP’s Democratic system?” Roavin: “I took those actions because I didn't believe APC's near-monopoly was healthy for TSP”


I have determined based on this line of questioning and evidence provided regarding this dm group that there is no reason for concerns that Roavin acted inappropriately during this time. Roavin’s actions were based on his beliefs that APC’s way of operating was not healthy for The South Pacific. I have been supplied with no evidence to the contrary and as such refute any claims otherwise. The following questions were also asked of Roavin in regards to his behaviour as a Minister and a Legislator:


Serres: “It has been said that you have a tendency to act superior to your fellow colleagues to the point of lashing out and in some casing trying to convince others to perform character assassinations on those that you deem disruptive and argumentative. What do you say about these claims?”

Roavin: “On the Former - maybe, that’s not something I can judge well from my own perspective. On the latter, I don’t think so. Like, I don't mind doing a bit of manipulating here and there in backrooms, that's part of the game imho, but telling others to outright character-assassinate people doesn't seem like something I'd do.” Serres: “You have been accused of ordering Escade to ‘take out’ Tim is this true?”

Roavin: “I doubt that. I cannot think of a scenario where I would have ordered that. Or ever considered it to be a good idea to do that. Can I have some context on that claim? Like, I'm trying to think if there was a situation that could be construed that way and I can't think of anything of that sort either.” 


In regards to this I have deemed that Roavin is not guilty of attempting character assassinations and has not acted in a way that would be deemed as ‘superior’ by my own judgement. This is supported further by evidence supplied to me in dm’s between Roavin and relevant parties.

The second interview conducted was with Escade. Some Cabinet members claim that she is guilty of bending the truth to suite her own rhetoric. The following line of questioning was implemented to identify the claims as true or false as well as address issues regarding the actions she and Roavin took in regards to the SPP and her behavior towards Somyrion during their shared time in office:


Serres: “Do you personally have any admittance about your own actions in regards to how they contributed to this situation?”

Escade: “ Am I Blunt? Yes. Do I argue with people? Yes. Do I cross lines in those arguments? Not that I know of.” 

Serres: “Do you personally feel justified in your argument? Have you ever acted out of line during a discussion?” 

Escade: “I mean sometimes I’ve argued without knowing a whole story or gotten more info later. Acted out of line in a way people also encourage? Like in the LegCom and AJ committees I was like, “WE’RE GOING TO SOLVE THIS NOW SO EVERYONE GET READY” Because we were spending months just going around in circles.” 

Serres: “So during debate you feel your actions have been either justified or due to a lack of personal knowledge of the situation. Correct?"

Escade: “Either justified, or resulting in impatience from excessive delays, or not knowing the full picture or suspecting things.” 


Based on my own investigation into the relevant channels supplied to me I can say without doubt that Escade’s actions during her time as minister and her opinions as an individual are not at all removed from the truth. Most of her decision making can be justified by the thought process explained in this interview as well as via investigation into discussion between the cabinet via #cabinet-office. The questioning continued:


Serres: “Now, do you feel that in joining the SPP, you and Roavin acted in a way that was subversive to tsp’s democratic policy and independence? Do you believe Roavin acted in a way that was undemocratic and diplomatically predatory? Do you think you acted in those ways?” 

Escade: “Honestly, that's a good question. I think joining a political party with people who you feel support you or want to support isn't bad. However, there was something off about it. It made me feel weird. Like I think a two party or three party system would be ideal.” 

Serres: “Do you regret assisting him at this time?” Escade: “Yes, I do.”


Based on both this line of questioning, my own research, and Roavin’s responses to this same topic I can conclude that the discord and trepidation between both parties is simply a matter of differing approaches to conducting politics in The South Pacific. The opinions of both on this matter and their actions in regards to this are justified from their perspective when viewed from a neutral ground and as such I conclude it has no further pertinence to this investigation.

Finally a line of questioning her behaviour towards Somyrion during this most reason term was pursued: 


Serres: “Do you believe that the way you acted towards Somy was unnecessarily aggressive? Did Somy act in any way towards you that you deem unnecessarily aggressive? If so can you supply screenshots of an example?” 

Escade: “From the cabinet? We were both aggressive to each other. We had a lot of pot shots. In the NSGP embassy thread as well. Mostly, from my point of view; Souls had approached me when I was new and tried to get me to hate Roavin and Tim and used Imki story. So I asked Imki because I like straight up things and she said no so that solved my beliefs in Souls. On the other hand I felt Somy might have faced the same thing but not asked so I did ask him directly. He didn't say anything to affirm or deny.” 

Serres: “Was there anything Somy said to you that was out of line?” 

Escade: “I mean we took potshots at each other but that's normal like he may have called me dumb or used fancy latin terms to imply so but like I don't take that as something to go nuts over.” 

Serres: “Was there ever a time that you felt the cabinet could not reach a decision based purely on the grievances between its members?”
Escade: “I don't think so, there were delays and stuff but eventually even after heated issues we came to compromise of some sort, or like the issue went away.”


Based on her responses and my own research into the relevant channels it is apparent that Escade acted in a way that was inappropriate towards Somy during debates regarding cabinet policy. However this behavior did not prevent the discussions from being concluded. Furthermore this behavior comes from a place of concern and, while expressed incorrectly by Escade, can be overlooked based on the context and its lack of impact on Cabinet discussions. Furthermore it was brought up as a concern that Roavin had ordered Escade to politically assassinate Tim during his campaigning period for MoFa. However, based on the evidence supplied I can determine this was simply a misunderstanding of Roavin’s expressed dislike of Tim as a candidate as he viewed him to be a potential problem in the Cabinet due to his aggressive debate tactics and strong opinions. This eventually blew over and never ended up impeding Cabinet discussions. A such that line of questioning will not be included and the concern deemed irrelevant as a misunderstanding.

The third interview conducted was with Somyrion. Based on the information gleaned from both my research, and interviews with the other minister’s the line of questioning was kept entirely to his behaviour towards Escade: ~


Serres: “Due to the lack of mention in regards to your personal actions during this time in Roavin’s post I would like to give you this moment to identify how you believe you contributed to the hostilities in the cabinet during this term.” 

Somyrion: “Basically my big and really only thing was hostilities towards Escade.” 

Serres: “Do you believe you acted unfairly towards her? Do you have specific examples you would like to share?” 

Somyrion: “She would imply something about me, I would fall for the bait. I'm sure I acted impolitely to her, but I felt (and still do) justified, for the most part.” 

Serres: “Now, is there anything else that you would like to bring to my attention that could be pertinent to the investigation?” 

Somyrion: “I don't think so, no. I haven't played nearly as big a part in all this as any of the other ministers. I've seen the problems in the cabinet and sometimes been a part in on-server arguments with Escade (and maybe indirectly over policy with Tim). But I have really no substantial DM communications with any of them - I've never felt very connected to the rest of the cabinet in the way that I get the sense they are.”


It is clear that the behavior between both Somyrion and Escade was inappropriate, their disagreements with one another often came up while discussing cabinet issues and while this problem never prevented the Cabinet from fulfilling its duties, it often threatened to. Both parties are guilty of this behavior and through investigation I can confirm that their fighting often stalled discussion about Cabinet policy. Outside of this however, after extensive questioning of all Ministers and via my own research, I can confirm that Somyrion performed his duties in a perfectly adequate fashion. 

The final interview conducted was with Tim. The primary concern found in regards to him was his aggressive attitude and tendency to fall back on the ‘nuclear option’ that at times would skirt the line of what was appropriate. The line of questioning pursued these concerns: ~


Serres: “You say that you are aggressive in your defense of your values and opinions as a minister. Is there any specific examples where you believe you have gone too far with that behavior? Have you ever acted in a way that would be inappropriate for a minister to act due to this mentality? If so pls share an example.” 

Tim: “I would say I have had individual clashes with individuals at times, during which arguments have gotten incredibly heated. For an example, Glen-Rhodes and I have frequently butted heads in the MoFA Team HQ on a massive portion of FA decisions, which is natural as his  intended purpose for being on the team is to present opinions others wouldn't normally convey. At this point, I have begun to believe this is a personal campaign by Glen based out of bitterness from the previous MoFA election. I have implored him many times to message me so we can resolve stuff, and have asked other people to try to reach out to him too, but he refuses to engage in such discussions. Due to this, I'm unable to resolve stuff with him, and it tends to at-times get very heated in debates between us. In addition, there was an incident in the joint-security-room in TSP server where I vented extensively with rather aggressive rhetoric (about a day or two prior to Roavin's motion) regarding The North Pacific and the results of the Administrative Investigation there with Imki. I was beyond frustrated at some of the viewpoints being presented by members of the CRS, especially with Tsu having  complete apathy to the fact that Imki was fucked over hard on an OOC level by TNP's Team. I would say that was behavior which was rather inappropriate from me, and it led to a lot of arguments in the time that could have been averted. I could have conveyed my opinions and nuclear-option portfolio powers in more productive ways.” 

Serres: "Have you noticed any behavior from the other ministers that you would deem inappropriate?” 

Tim: “I think regarding behavior, we've all toed the lines at times. In terms of inappropriate behavior, I've been generally concerned with Roavin's tendency to forego conflict resolution and instead go behind peoples' backs or take actions such as the one which led to this investigation. I think if anything has been a catalyst towards problems in the Cabinet, that has felt like an extensive one. While Escade and Somyrion have clashed at times this term, I don't think anything went too far beyond the realm of spirited argument, and while some things were  at-times taken personally, I don't think it was ultimately inappropriate or creating a situation where it was unworkable. I was not privy to DMs between them so can't speak on anything there, but it seemed like it was still workable. People disagree, sometimes passionately, and while I think our Cabinet could have done better in terms of resolving these issues and being more forthcoming with each other regarding interpersonal issues, I don't think anything was an unworkable situation.” ~


Following these answers and investigation of my own into interactions between Tim and the other ministers it is obvious that at many times his behavior was inappropriate and clearly side tracked productive discussion. Regardless never was it the case that productivity was halted completely. Investigation into Tim's behavior within relevant channels showed no other clear issues with his behavior however.

Finally, while it is clear that Minister behavior has been less than ideal in the past three terms I for one cannot find the justification for a recall order. It has and continues to be the case that all four ministers, despite being at odds, continue to carry out their duties in a somewhat timely fashion and have in all cases put aside their grievances for the betterment of the region. However, as mentioned before, behavior often has become inappropriate and often talks have been stalled because of this behavior. This has left me concerned about the relevance of the grievances shown between cabinet members. While I do not support a recall of the cabinet at this time it is my stern recommendation that none of the sitting ministers participate in this coming election cycle and instead take a term to focus on the region in other productive ways. It is also my recommendation to the assembly to assist in enforcing this by not allowing Roavin’s proposed recall order to pass. It is my firm belief that the divide in this cabinet is simply a byproduct of misunderstanding and differing approaches to politics within the region. From neutral ground none of our ministers have entered a political approach that should be deemed concerning. However what is concerning is the accusations each minister has made about their colleagues and I believe it pertinent for each of the four to take a term off to better understand why the different political approaches their colleagues take should not affect the decisions they make as ministers or as a cabinet as a whole.

I thank The Ministers for their cooperation and The Assembly for its time, 


PS; The following link is a complete release of the chat log between myself and The Cabinet as a group during this investigation: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/4...yrion.html
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

I would like to release the DM logs between Escade and myself that we gave Serres. @Escade ?
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

I really appreciate that last paragraph from Tim as I think it captures the crux of the issues this term. We as a region maybe need to figure out what we wants PMs to do. We've had PMs that mediate and guide in the past but the precedent set in more recent times has been captured by Tim clearly.

Thank you, Serres. I appreciate this quite a lot.  I think this election is going to be a referendum on many things and am open to your recommendation. If that is what the region wants and all of us involved as well are in agreement, then that should happen. 

Perhaps its time for a fresh slate. Let new people try things and make their own mistakes.

Edit: Sure, to the DMs being released as they bring context to that whole section.


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I, of course, would support the assembly following my recommendations. However at this point my support of my own findings is in fact biased. Don’t need to explain why. So I will leave it up to others to decide how to move forward with this.
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

There are several things I don't feel this investigation adequately covered. Here are just a few. I'm also slightly concerned by the lack of any hard evidence to any of your conclusions except the statements of the Ministers. I think this investigation could have done with a little more time and detail.

Were any questions asked about Tim reportedly repeatedly failing to fulfil promises and deadlines?

Did you have a chance to review the fights among Escade and Somyrion in various channels and assess whether they were unprovoked, as characterized by Glen and Roavin?

Why did this investigation concentrate so much on the matter of the SPP, which was not brought up in the Motion of No Confidence?

Something else also concerns me about the investigation into the SPP. According to Escade, it was Roavin's idea to recruit various members into the SPP. 

However, Escade actually approached me just before she and Roavin joined the SPP. She told me that she was trying to convince Roavin to create a concentration of power in the SPP. At the time, she seemed to have not persuaded Tim yet, and asked me to help influence him. She then asked me if I would also join (which I only did since I'd already been considering it).

Thankyou for your concerns Nakari, allow me to address them.

1: To address your concerns about a lack of hard evidence. While the evidence was supplied and considered (IE: Via DM logs shared with me, screen caps of conversations and my own digging into the #cabinet-office and #joint-security-room quite extensively to find examples of pertinent conversations or behavior) I ultimately decided to redact that information as it was of either an op-sec or personal nature. As is mentioned extensively throughout every point I raised and conclusion I came to was primarily the result of my own research and then comparing that research to the statements of the cabinet members during my interviews with them. It was actually raised by Roavin that not including quotes of some kind of the info I found would perhaps be confused with a lack of them existing at all. It was then discussed and eventually the majority of The Cabinet decided to leave that information out of the final post. I assure you that every conclusion and claim I personal make as a result of this investigation is backed by one or more factual examples of that behavior or occurrence.

2: In regards to Tim's failure to meet deadlines created by himself and others during his time in office, I did not feel that was pertinent to this investigation as its primary purpose was to uncover the truth behind the discord between our cabinet members and while I would argue that Tims inability to meet these deadlines does in fact bring his ability as a minister into question, I would not say that behavior was an issue when it came to the Cabinet discussing policy and working together as a team when deciding on TSP's stance on specific inter-regional events or issues. The primary concern was the Cabinets inability to work together, not their individual failings to maintain their respective offices.

3: As mentioned in regards to Escade and Somyrion's fighting. They are both at fault and I was able to find examples of disputes between them where they both behaved immaturely and without provocation. This is why my conclusion on the issue was that both of them were guilty of inappropriate behavior during their time in office.

4: The matter of the SPP was included due to the fact that it created a rift between Roavin and Escade. My conclusion after investigating the event is that neither of them had acted in a way that would be considered inappropriate during the time the 'Caballarinas' group was formed and active. However the event did create distrust between the two of them. This distrust however, via conclusion of my own research into the matter, can be summed up as a simple difference in approach between the two of them. Escade prefers to be outgoing and interactive in her politics in TSP while Roavin enjoys back door deals and power plays. Neither of them have done anything that would threaten the regions sovereignty and therefor I concluded that there was no harm in them playing the game in the way they enjoyed. I hope that through this discussion the two of them can reach an understanding of their differences so they can work better together in the future. Finally a last note for the size that this specific part of the investigation had. Reaching this conclusion took a significantly higher amount of digging and sorting than the other conclusions I had reached, therefore I wished to express that through the amount of space it took up within the final post itself. Multiple large portions of multiple dm's as well as multiple questions regarding the matter had to be asked and sorted through therefor it took quite a bit more time then say, finding examples of Somy and Escade fighting with one another.

4.5: Yes, Escade did say that Roavin was the primary recruiter in the SPP situation, however, upon further research it became clear that while to a point, she was correct that he led the group responsible and had the idea to begin with, she played a heavy handed role as well throughout the process. This is why I took the time to note that I concluded that neither of them had behaved inappropriately during this time. However on this point I must confess that I could have been clearer in my conclusion so I will say this now:

It was found through my own research that both Roavin and Escade played a heavy roll in the SPP plot however it was also found that this political move was not in any way inappropriate and in no way threatened the sovereignty of the region. Their mistrust of each other following this event stems only from their differing political approaches and ideals. I would recommend that they both take the time to further understand each other in the proscribed time out of office.

Finally, if you have any more concerns regarding the format or detail of the conclusion please ask me. I am happy to explain any misunderstandings about my findings.
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

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