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The Reunion

"Rome? I have never heard of this place. But...actually, it is quite embarassing...this liquid makes you sick, and then you can proceed to consume anew"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"So it makes you throw up to make room for new food? Am I understanding this correclty?"

The Chancellor and Queen now stopped with eating and turned towards the Emperor.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
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  • Ryccia

"...In a manner of speaking, yes..."
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Stoinians immediately stopped with eating and put their food back on the plate for they knew what was going to happen next. All of them were disgusted by this practice. How could one justify this spillage of food. The King did a cross, then proceeded to put his elbows on the table and rest his face in his palms.

"My God ..."

The Ryccians looked confused at the King. What had they done wrong? All were looking at the King now. He lifted his head to the roof and held his hands together. He whispered.

"Please God Almighty, forgive me and especially these people. But I am about to tell them what they need to hear."

He then stood up and looked at the Ryccians who were confused. The King took a breath and straightened his uniform. He raised his tone, he was angry no doubt could be held about that, but his tone was gravely serious.

"So you mean to tell me, that people around your Empire live in poverty while you sit here and spill all this food? Just what kind of a stuck-up tradition is this? To serve your aristocratic needs? Is this what happens at the seven-star restaurants on Daonlathas? Is this what the government pays citizens to do on their visit on Daonlathas? Let them spill food for fun while other families struggle? Is this what the mighty Ryccian Empire has come to? Is this a tradition from the Terrans or taken from the other races? How can you do such things and not insult the very uniform you wear? You are embarrassed to say what the liquid does, but not by the act itself? How, in the name of every holy Saint, could that happen?"

The last bit was pointed at the Emperor. Although by now it was clear that he didn't have any real power, but he still felt he was a beacon of what it meant to be Ryccian.

"By God, I knew we would have different cultural clashes, but this can't even be justified within your moral point of view. How can the monarch, or any official for that matter, sit here relaxing doing this practice, while your people are struggling? I thought the role of the monarch was the noblest of roles and to serve your people. Not sit in eternal luxury and enjoy whatever unholy pleasures come to mind. And it's not just the monarch apparently, it's all the other representatives as well."

The King noticed he had made a fist. He relaxed and unfolded it, but leaned over the table.

"Let it be clear, that we Stoinians will not proceed to do this decadent practice of yours. Our people have gone through hell and we won't stand here while others continue this decadent method. Now tell me, will you show the Stoinian people how decadent the Ryccians are? Or show us that you have some form of decency and nobility in you?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

The entire room fell silent.

"...Auferat a Roseven, statim", said the Emperor in Latin.

"Sed, maiestatem tuam...", responded one of the servants.

"Statim, placet"

Chancellor Ferul stood. He attempted to calm the situation.

"Your Majesty, I can assure you that we have a national welfare programme designed to feed every citizen who is struggling. Companies that do not sell their consumable wares are forced by the state to donate it to the needy. These practices are reserved for those who can afford it. Indeed, even the middle class engages in this kind of feast at select special occassions"

As Ferul spoke, the aristocratic Imperial Chief of Staff whispered the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, please, do not retire the roseven liquid. I wish to enjoy this me-"

"Are you mad? Look at the Stoinian King, he is furious. I may be powerless, but forget not whose residence you step on"


"I do not wish to hear it. Unless you wish an escalation of this incident, your mouth shall remain shut. I shall make certain that you are shamed in posterior parties we attend"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


When the Emperor spoke those words his reflex made him subtly reach for his sword. He suspected anything could go wrong now. Luckily the Ryccian Chancellor had stood up just in time.

It had appeared the true leader of the Empire had revealed himself at last. At first glance it looked like a sentient snob fox, but nonetheless he knew where to direct his politics from now on. The King also noticed the Emperor talking with one of the flamboyant Ryccian officials. It was clear now that the aristocracy had become decadent in the Ryccian Empire. The only thing calming him down now was the hope of reasonable Ryccians on the rural worlds.

"But please do tell me, Chancellor, how did these practices originate? Is it an old tradition that goes way back when there were no such policies? Does the rural population also endorse this?"

"And let this never happen again in the surroundings of any Stoinian official, is that much clear?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"If I recall accurately, this practice originated long ago amongst the human nobles in the Late Old Empire, when the militarism of the human aristocracy waned", said Ferul, "This practice was stopped for a century when the new democratic age came a millenia ago, but it resurged as peace and prosperity returned once more. In wealthy regions such as the human-dominated Core, this practice is common in the elite. More far-flung and poorer regions consider this an unnecessary splurging of money and food on average, but, as the Empire becomes wealthier, this attitude is changing slowly. I can assure you that this shall not be repeated in your presence here"

The Emperor was already texting the Master of Ceremonies to remove the roseven from all subsequent festivities. What a strange, austere people.

One of the few who were pleased with the King's reaction was Liat. She saw this practice as superfluous, and thus agreed with this barbarian.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)



The King took another look around. It really looked like Ferul was the real man, or xeno, in charge here. The King then seated himself. He took a fruit and started eating it and tasted its exoticness. He was intrigued by it. Then Chancellor Sheridan spoke up.

"Chancellor, I know from where these fruits come from, but do they also have a name? And where exactly might this Juno be exactly?"

Chancellor Sheridan tried to create a new conversation, though the King was still sounded annoyed.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Ferul gestured at a servant.

"If you may, please turn on the room's holomap"

The servant did as instructed. There was a tiny, unnoticeable holoproyector in the middle of the table. It displayed a holographic map of the Empire.

"Map, show me Juno"

The holomap did as ordered and focused on the Core, pointing at the planet Juno.

"As you can observe, Juno is a planet in the Core. It is not far from here. Map, highlight Constantinople"

Once more, the map did as ordered and highlighted Constantinople.

"Juno has a native plant called the Florgast, an alien organic specimen that produces a fruit of the same nomenclature. The humans from antiquity that colonized that world discovered that these fruits are consumable for most species, except notably the Kaminoans, and thus they have farmed it for their value as a type of native food. If this species takes even a single bite of this foodstuff, they shall have severe stomach pain. To eat 15 or so of these in a short span of time can be lethal for them"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Well I am sure they have plenty of other delicacies they can eat. Perhaps these vegetables can be part of trades between our empires. Lady Valois, certainly was open to such propositions."

The Chancellor took another bit from it.

"But tell me, these vegetables aren't that rare are they?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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