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Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Printable Version

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RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Farengeto - 05-23-2016

"As we have already said they are treated no different than a normal tourists. They have the same rights and protections as any of our citizens abroad, and the same personal obligations in planning and organizing their travels. We will not give them special status merely because they claim a special intent to their travels."

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - RandomGuy199 - 05-24-2016

Karnetvor is a secular state; there is a strict line between state and religion. If anybody wants to go on pilgrimage to Karnetvor, they are welcome as tourists, and they enjoy the same rights as any other foreign citizen would. We will not give special privileges to any group of people just because they are religious. Likewise, if a Karnetvorian citizen wants to go on pilgrimage, he or she is free to do so, and has the same rights as any Karnetvorian citizen abroad, but we will not give him special status for his religious beliefs.

It is not the duty of the State to organize pilgrimages, as they are a purely religious affair.

Anna Wong
Permanent Representative to the Southern Cooperation Organization
Federal Republic of Karnetvor

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

"So what should be the idea? To just let them loose? What if they pass away in the foreign land? Is it the host state's responsibility to care for your people?

We are open for further suggestions to how this resolution could be amended."

Acting Hanmerstarian Chief Counselor to the SCO
Lady Priscilla Rowena

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - RandomGuy199 - 05-24-2016

Well, if they went there on their own accord... Yes, it is the duty of the host nation to care for them. Let's imagine for a second that Karnetvor organizes a football tournament. Lots of people from other countries come. Who should have the duty to care for them and provide security for the event? The hosts, of course.

Anna Wong
Permanent Representative to the Southern Cooperation Organization
Federal Republic of Karnetvor

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

"We could not stand idly by could we not? We are not going to let our nationals run wild and free without care? Is it the stance of this organization to let them run and travel completely unmanaged and unprepared by the state?"

Acting Hammerstarian Chief-Counsellor to the SCO
Lady Priscilla Romanov

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Farengeto - 05-24-2016

"We ensure our citizens are protected against what we can, but it is still their responsibility to be properly prepared and insured for their trip. We can't exactly extensively monitor our citizens outside our nation either. But as stated previously we will not provide special privilege to those who want to make religious journeys.

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

"Our final statement. As the leader of the Hammerstarian Crescent Party, I myself have been in managing many travels of Hajj for years. And let me tell you these pilgrims are not your every day tourists, normal tourists could just go to their location just by bringing a passport and a plane ticket. Pilgrims are a different story, some of these people have never been on a plane yet and even people as old as 100 would like to have a spiritual journey. In such a crowded place, they shall be faced with many diseases, extreme weathers and such. Do you think that the host country would have the time to manage the entire pilgrimage and prepare our pilgrims at the same time? No, pilgrims are not merely tourists, pilgrims would need to be prepared by their nation before their journey. The provision of vaccines, equipment as well as teaching them on the norms and codes of pilgrimage. If we treat holy pilgrims like simple and normal tourists, you'll find quarantine chambers filling up twice a much.

If such precautions are not taken to heed in this court, then so be it. We're done here, the number for this resolution has been taken up by Vale anyway.

Acting Hanmerstarian Chief Counselor to the SCO
Lady Priscilla Rowena

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

His translator was not there, but he said a speech anyway. It was the delegate of Sriwijaya, and these are his first words.

"Sejujurnya kami, Sriwijaya, merasa sangat sedih bahwa organisasi internasional seperti SCO tak ingin memberikan bantuan bagi ummat - ummat yang ingin berziarah untuk mendekatkan diri mereka dengan tuhan. Bahkan satu nasi pun kalian tak ingin berikan kepada kita. Dengan perasaan seperti ini, bagaimana organisasi ini dapat berkembang jika mereka pilih kasih.

Sriwijaya, dibandingkan negara - negara lain dalam persatuan ini, adalah negara yang miskin, dan kami memerlukan bantuan yang banyak untuk peziarah di negara kami dikarenakan kendala yang begitu banyak. Memang kalian semua negara yang kaya raya, namun kita tak dapat melakukan sesuatu seperti kalian, oleh sebab itu kami ingin bantuan anda...

Saya mohon, berikan bantuan bagi negara - negara di benua ini untuk mempermudah perziarahan mereka. Saya mohon.."

Utusan Sriwijaya kepada SCO
Tommy Sughiarto

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Ryccia - 05-24-2016

The Federal Union, like many other states here, is a secular nation. It is prohibited for the government to fund any religious activity unless it benefits at least a member state economically. It would not be in our interest to fund any religious activity unless we get something in return, and even then we would refuse to advertise it.

RE: Resolution 007: THE SAFE PASSAGE OF HOLY PILGRIMAGES - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

"Jadi utusan dari Kys tidak akan membantu kami? Bahkan sesendok nasipun tidak ingin diberikan?"

Utusan Sriwijaya kepada SCO
Tommy Sughiarto