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That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Printable Version

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RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Escade - 05-27-2015

Tsunamy's name is being thrown in there because Belschaft has been running about on IRC trying to figure a way to take down others with him. He even approached me with the "Tsunamy knew all about it."

The difference is a history of record in the region. Belschaft's is toxic and aimed to remove people who he doesn't like from the region. When I was delegate he threatened civil war on numerous occasions if I didn't do what he wanted and support his removal of "undesirables."

Tsunamy has a record of trying to be even handed and fair and listen to all sides. He's like Switzerland or Sweden and he's always been like that. He also believes the best of people and doesn't like to get into altercations. Always. That is the major difference. His record to the region is spotless (and he's been here the longest out of all of the people partaking in this conversation) so he's got that behind him.

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - HEM - 05-27-2015

(05-27-2015, 05:27 PM)Escade Wrote: Tsunamy's name is being thrown in there because Belschaft has been running about on IRC trying to figure a way to take down others with him. He even approached me with the "Tsunamy knew all about it."

The difference is a history of record in the region. Belschaft's is toxic and aimed to remove people who he doesn't like from the region.  When I was delegate he threatened civil war on numerous occasions if I didn't do what he wanted and support his removal of "undesirables."

Tsunamy has a record of trying to be even handed and fair and listen to all sides.  He's like Switzerland or Sweden and he's always been like that. He also believes the best of people and doesn't like to get into altercations.  Always.  That is the major difference. His record to the region is spotless (and he's been here the longest out of all of the people partaking in this conversation) so he's got that behind him.

I'm really struggling to comprehend your belief that your opinion of people should be a factor in whether or not they are guilty.

That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - ProfessorHenn - 05-27-2015

So this turned from a small praise of HEM's commitment to TSP and his relatively bad times that he had, to a standard TSP versus Belschaft argument with Belschaft's lead arch nemesis, Escade, leading the charge against him. I should have known better than to keep reading this thread, since it so clearly gives away the true nature of some of the Assembly's members.

Belschaft didn't like Escade, and her response is to also remove him from the region? That's more retribution than Justice, or at least how it appears to someone who didn't read the original fights. Sorry.

~Professor Henn, Hardcore Leftist, Totally not a Dinosaur

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Escade - 05-27-2015

Sorry HEM, you seem to be missing the point. He already admitted to the crime.

That's publicly available.

Henn, perhaps your should read carefully. Maybe look at my NS nation and my last dispatch. Belschaft went outside of the boundaries of game play with his dealings with me and other people. He crossed lines that, in this kind of game, shouldn't be crossed.

That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - ProfessorHenn - 05-27-2015

You have, however, threadjacked a memoir thread to talk about someone who was mentioned rather infrequently in the opening post itself. I ask, why you do so in this thread over one of your own where it is entirely about you and Belschaft?

~Professor Henn, Hardcore Leftist, Totally not a Dinosaur

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Escade - 05-27-2015

I haven't thread jacked, several people started commenting on an issue that came out of the thread. Not just me. The memoir itself is hardly apolitical and is bound to get some response. I mean HEM basically used it as a platform to advocate for Belschaft and I imagine some upcoming elections.
Or are you missing that?

You also seemed to have missed this,

"She had all the potential in the world to be an excellent delegate, but allowed herself to become jaded, bitter, paranoid, and unable to accept any opinions contrary to her own. I imagine she still dreams of a harmonious South Pacific, but I think in her mind such harmony is only possible after everyone she hates is gone."

It's a strong attack and a personal one. I mean 1. It has nothing to do with my delegacy which was actually quite great and 2. Ignores the reasons and culprits behind my issues in this region that led me to resign as VD. and 3. Basically makes it seem like I don't listen to anyone when there are 5 or so people who I actively talk to and engage with so basically it boils down to me not listening to him and his little circle.

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Escade - 05-27-2015

Like it's actually a severe personal attack that has absolutely nothing to do with my service to the region and everything to do with my reactions to and about Belschaft. Therefore, I find it abhorrent, a low blow, and in need of response.

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Kris Kringle - 05-27-2015

[warn=unofficial]Enough. This is staying locked for one hour, and once I unlock it I hope people will think twice before threadjacking again.[/warn]

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - Kris Kringle - 05-27-2015

[warn=unofficial]Unlocked. I remind everyone that this thread is not about Belschaft nor is it a place to accuse each other of whatever. HEM posted a memoir, and discussion should be at least tangentially related to that.[/warn]

RE: That Time I Was A Terrible Administrator, And Other Stories - HEM - 05-27-2015

Quote:It's a strong attack and a personal one. I mean 1. It has nothing to do with my delegacy which was actually quite great and 2. Ignores the reasons and culprits behind my issues in this region that led me to resign as VD. and 3. Basically makes it seem like I don't listen to anyone when there are 5 or so people who I actively talk to and engage with so basically it boils down to me not listening to him and his little circle.

1. I'm not taking about your Delegacy. I am talking about your attitude. You were once a cheerful and kind negotiator who truly wanted to be friends with everyone. Then people disagreed with you, and did some truly unpleasant things to you, and you became jaded and bitter. You became apart of the problem (as am I at times).

2. Your use of the word "culprits" implies that there are only people to blame who aren't you. You cast all the blame onto others. In your head, truly nothing is your fault. That's not how the world works.

3. LOL, "my circle"??

Escade, let me level with you 100%. I have no influence in this region. That's the way it has been for easily a year, maybe longer. I'm not complaining. I've been busy in real life, and when I am around, I'm usually being direct and not super friendly. That being said, I don't have a circle. Nobody cares about my opinion. And that's fine, but just stop pretending that you are some angel swinging nobly at the powerful gates of evil.