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Introduction of the Federal Republic of Kliegme

Federal Subjects of Kliegme
  • Federal Oblasts- Federal Oblasts are constituent political entities in a federal union with representation in the Federation Council, and serve as a first-level administrative division. Each oblast features a state government holding authority which is lead by the Governor, Proclaimed by the Federal Represantative of the House. A state legislature, the Oblast Parliament, is democratically elected by its Residents. Oblasts make up Federal Districts alongside Federal Cities.
  • Federal Districts- All of the federal subjects are grouped into four Federal Districts, each administered by an envoy appointed by the President of Kliegme. Federal districts' envoys serve as liaisons between the federal subjects and the federal government and are primarily responsible for overseeing the compliance of the federal subjects with the federal laws
[Image: uaVL2zF.png]
Central District-Most Populated and Economically Developed
  • Federal City of Mumiea: The Capital of Kliegme, and the Largest Metropolis in the nation. It is home to Kliegme's Major Companies, which utilize Mumiea's Wealth pretty well. It also has nice parks, and a well-organized subway system. It also is the Centre of education, with Kliegme's most bright signing up to the University of Mumiea. A lot of Government Buildings are located here as well.
  • Hakoza Oblast: Due to it's well maintained infrastructure with Mumiea, Hakoza Oblast houses the Tsukumo International Airport, the gateway of Foreigners to Kliegme. There is also an Nuclear Power Plant located in the Oblast, giving power for the entire District. The City of Bealz, is too an port city, and houses a Casino. Only Foreigners can use it, however.
  • Federal City of Yatagaru: The Control Centre for Kliegme's Weather, GPS, and Research Satellites are located here, alongside the Tsukumo Observatory. The Island was connected to the Kliegmean Mainland in 2018.
  • Ourokro Oblast: The Industrial Core of not only the district, but the entire nation. Many factories and research labs are located here. Borossirk is the 4th most populated City in Kliegme.
  • Nadeyatsya Oblast: An Innnopolis. This oblast is home to many Government Research foundations, most importantly the Kliegmean Nuclear Power Research Foundation(KNPRF), and the Kliegmean Aerospace Research Institue(KARI) which is why Foreigners cannot tour the Oblast without Monitorization.
Itrysh District-Named after the River that Kansata Oblast's Capital, Phonixburg resides in. It is a well developed region.
  • Ceresia Oblast: a Tourist destination, Well known for its Natural Parks and Hot Springs, it is where people come to heal after a long week of work. Most of the region is protected by law as a National Park
  • Calia Oblast: the Hotspot for Kliegme's Entertainment industry, with many Entertainment companies. Bisei's concert hall can be expected to be having some kind of event almost every week. It also has a lot of Historical sites, such as the Karnetvorian Royalty's Summer retreat being located in this Oblast. Bisei is a populated port city, and has a small garrison of Sallodesian Marines to protect a Naval base Leased to Sallodesia
  • Federal City of Gawrnov: "The Second-Capital". In fact, it used to be Kliegme's First Capital, as this is where the Karnetvorian Colonial Office was formed. It was only during the Allied Mandate of Crabry that Mumiea was used as a Capital City. This history leads to it being not only an Economical giant, but also home to several historical buildings, and political offices. A good Example would be Akuloi Dvorets, which used to be the residence of the Governor of Kliegme, and in some cases, even the royalty themselves. Kliegme's First President, Dmitry Kerensky, and all after him, decided that they would continue the Palace's history of Governing Kliegme.(tl;dr: the president lives here)
  • Kansata Oblast:populated by Alman Diaspora whom arrived in Kliegme's Colonial Era, it's development was thanks to it being near the Irtysh river, an important(even today) waterway of transportation. Phonixburg is a beautiful city with Gothic Architecture, and home to Kliegme's most popular Fast Food Chain: KFP/Kansata Fried Phonix(sadly, it serves Chicken)
  • Amel Oblast:This Oblast is populated by Australs, and its economic status is part of why Austral is an Official language, while Alman is merely an "recognized minority language". It is the IT hotspot of Kliegme, with many developers and companies for said developers. It also houses the Kliegmean Engineering Institute. Watsonville is the Third Most populated City.
  • Ninome Oblast: an Artist's Haven. Many Poets, Artists, and Writers have lived here during the Karnetvor Colonial rule, and museums and statues are built in their honour. It still continues the Artistic legacy to this day.
Nepolav District-Agriculture and Industry
  • Laminsk Oblast: Economical Power of the region, only dwarfed by Polkola. It is home to Bootcamps for conscripts, and houses the Federal Military Academy, the Kliegmean Logistics Command, Central HQ(Combination of Army, Navy, and Airforce HQ). The Oblast's Economy is very closely tied with the Military.
  • Nemosuzu Oblast: A city developed by rail. It is a must-see for those infatuated with trains, as The Kliegmean Railroad Corporation was founded here. It is also the biggest producer of Copper and Iron in Kliegme.
  • Omaria Oblast: at the Crossways where Itrysh is branched off, this Oblast is similar to Phonixburg, an important trade city. There is a Hydroelectric Power Plant located in this Oblast.
  • Shirovskaya Oblast: A wintertime tourist destination. As the Romordian mountainrange is not exactly the most safe, many tourists instead use Ski ranges built in the mountainous terrain of Shirovskaya. Botansk is home to Kliegme's oldest brewery: Kliegmea Distillery
  • Aloyets Oblast: An Agricultural region. Cows grown here are considered Top grade.
Transromordia District-located on/near the Romordia Highlands, this District was originally its own nation, which broke away from Karnetvorian Crabry during the Great war. While there are no separatist movements(mostly because the region is ethnically closer to Kliegme than Romordia), the People of Transromordia pride themselves in the fact that they strived for independence first.
  • Kometya Oblast: The Kliegme Project For Astronomical Researches are Set in this location, as such, Tourists can visit the Museum of Aerospace, it is also the testsite for Jet Engines of Kliegmean Design.
  • Sakudyerev Oblast: an Economical Giant in Transromordia. It was also the site of conflict during the Transromordia-Karnetvor Independence War, where the Defeated Karnetvor army signed an armstitice guaranteeing the independence of Transromordia.
  • Tsunoa Oblast: an Agricultural Powerhouse. This Oblast alone produces 45% of all produce in the country. Thanks to its position(a river delta), it has been blessed with rich soil and abundance of water.
  • Tokoya Oblast: A trade city, just like Phonixburg and Polkola. It houses the biggest Steel Refinery in Kliegme as well.
  • Kiryatska Oblast:This Oblast houses many refineries to make the resources mined in Amania Usable, and has a Nuclear Power plant to power everything. It also houses an Air base for Sallodesia.
  • Kansata Oblast: The most resource rich Oblast in Kliegme. Oil, Natural Gas, and Gold are all being mined here. Thus, this region is quite fortified, and sadly, the most polluted.
  • Memori Oblast: While Resource deposits were discovered in the region, Memori's Historical sites and Artifacts prevent any significant Resource Mining. Kliegmean officials seem to be fine with that, thinking of it as a reserve for when Kansata is drained.

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RE: Introduction of the Federal Republic of Kliegme - by Kliegme - 07-30-2022, 04:36 AM

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