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By Swifty

Who am I?
Most of you probably already know me, but for those of you who happen to live under a rock, my name is Swifty. I'm a new and up and coming TSPer. I joined NationStates in late May 2020, about five months ago and have been active ever since. My nation is Imperial Dodo and my discord username is SwiftyGamer#9602 but I go by the name "swifty". I am a member of every ministry including, being an ambassador to South Pacific, a officer-in-training in the SPSF and a Senior Staff member in OWL aswell as being a fellow in the ex-Ministry of Regional Affairs (RIP). I am active everyday on the both discord and the forums. Although I don't post all the time on the forums, I never go more than a couple hours without checking them (except during the night because sleep smh .___. ).
[Chapter 1: The Ministry of Culture]

It was a chilly october evening, when swifty walked into his house, took off his coat, and sat down in front of the fireplace. Felling happy, he decided to write a book, recounting the marvelous story of his campaign for MoC. And so it began...

What is the Ministry of Culture?
I'd Like to start by talking about the Ministry of Culture and what it is in my eyes. In my opinion, the Ministry of Culture's main purpose is to host and organize events that are fun, entertaining, unique and that are just a good place to chat, hangout and do fun things with your friends. It's job is to organize these events as regularly as possible and try and come up with new and unique events that you can't find anywhere else to encourage people to participate. The MoC should encourage people to join and help plan and organize these events, possibly even rewarding those who help. 

The Importance of this Term
This first term from October to January, will arguably be the most important one in the history of this Ministry. It will be a term that will determine the survival of The Ministry of Culture. It will be a term that determines if the 5 months of debate to split up MoRA will have been worth it. It will determine wether the Ministry of Culture will become a sprouting ministry with new members applying to join everyday and where there is always projects being completed and new work to do, or will it become MoRA v2 where nothing gets finished and everything was dead. If elected, I vow to do everything in my power to make the Minsitry of Culture the best ministry in TSP and make sure that MoC gets off to a running start and starts on the right foot. I vow to make my term the best it can be and make my term an example for future ministers to follow on how to properly run this ministry. 

[Chapter 2: Transparency]
Always knowing what is happening
Something that I previously campaigned on in my run for Chair was transparency. I think that transparency is very important for the Minister to be trusted and for people to know what is actually happening. Think of the mahem if everyone was left out of the loop for everything. It would be hectic and not very fun.

Weekly Progress Updates and Agenda
So solve this issue and keep everyone in the loop about what the Ministry of Culture is currently working on, I will  release weekly progress updates where I detail the current progress on events, who is working on them, and when we expect them to be completed. I will probably do this through the form of a press release on the forums. Additionally, the first thing I will do if I win, will be to publish a detailed agenda about my plans for the term, what events I have planned, as well as other technical stuff. Hopefully, this should make everybody, even those who are not in the ministry, comfortable and aware about what is currently happening and what is planned. 
[Chapter 3: Plans]
GTKY (Getting-To-Know-You):
During this MoRA term, planning started on a GTKY event(s) with other regions who we haven't really done much with. However, work on this has kinda stalled and not much has really happened. My goal would to be to finish planning and work on this and start hosting these with regions such as XKI, UDS, South Pacific, Lazarus and more. GTKY should be the first step in us improving relations with a region and hopefully try hosting more events with them and maybe become friends. 

Other Events:
Here are some other things I have planned for my term:

This would be a Halloween related event, maybe 2 or 3 days right around Halloween, and especially now, with this devastating virus going around the world, most people won't be doing much so maybe they can come and hangout. We could plan some Hallowean games and maybe even have a movie watching session or something like that. (PSA: wear your god damn mask plsokaythanks)

[insert cool name here]
Maybe some sort of New Year's celebration event, with some fun activities, maybe a story telling session where we all tell some funny or interesting stories about 2020 (because we all have some this year lol). But most importantly, celebrate that 2020 is finally done because, well, it speaks for itself. 

We've done this previous years, so I see no reason why we should stop. So my plan would be to begin and hopefully finalize planning on Winterfest, but have it be hosted under the term of my successor (so after mid-January).

Creation Day
November 13 is the day that NationStates was created, so I plan to host an event to celebrate this. it would probably be similar to the Independence Day event but I'm not sure yet.

Defender Related Events:
Having been really active in the SPSF, I've seen how many regions we do operations with. I'd love to try and host some vents with these regions and improve relations with them and get to know them better because of how often we end up working with them. Another, a little more ambitious idea, is, as most of you probably already know, we have been leading the push for a defender bloc for some time now. With almost all of the people running for MoFA promising to get it done, I'd love to work with the MoFA to host events with regions who we are negotiating with to hopefully, have the negotions start on the right foot and have them be happy about joining this bloc.

Something I noticed while being a fellow in MoRA is that the Roleplay community was kinda neglected and not really supported. I feel like the Ministry of Culture should be supporting the Roleplay community, but not doing their job for them. For example, if the RP community needs help planning an event, we provide that help. If they need help to advertise an event we do that for them.

TSP Campus:
Lastly, I'd love to really turn TSP Campus into an actual thing. However, I'd probably just provide help and leave the "dirty work" to Penguin and Phoenix because they are currently running it and doing a good job.
[Chapter 4: Questions]
If you have any questions, just post them here, or send me a Discord DM (SwiftyGamer#9602) or a Forum PM or a Telegram to my nation (Imperial Dodo).
[Afterword: CoI]
- Imperial Dodo (main)
- Imperial Dodo SP (my Ambassador Nation to South Pacific)
- Imperial Dodo TNP (my TNP puppet)
- Office of WA Legislation (OWL Nation)
- Card Farmer Dodo 1-10 (my card farmers)
- Like 50 switchers which I can list if the CRS asks

Current Positions:
- Deputy Chair of the Assembly
- MoRA Fellow
- OWL Senior Staff
- MoFA Ambassador to South Pacific
- SPSF Soldier
- Cabinet Advisor
- Legislator (Obviously)
- Citizen in The North Pacific
- Citizen in South Pacific
Nation: Imperial Dodo
Discord Tag: swiftygamer#1448

[Image: K732CSn.png][Image: IL1nUV5.png][Image: iEwICrf.png][Image: 5bDBXB8.png]
[Image: q6bfWoR.png] [Image: vJjA98X.png]
Other Achievements/Roles:
- Minister of Culture (October 2020 - February 2021)
- SPSF Tidal Force Coordinator (April 2021 - Present)
- Deputy Chair of the Assembly (September 2020 - October 2020)
- MoM Member (October 2020 - Present)
- MoE Member (October 2020 - Present)
- Cabinet Advisor (August 2020 - October 2020)
- A TSP Legislator (July 2020 - Present)
- SPSF Soldier (June 2020 - Present)
- Ambassador to South Pacific (August 2020 - October 2020)
- Ambassador to The League (April 2021 - Present)
- Local Council Candidate (July/August 2020)
- Chair of the Assembly Candidate (September 2020)
- The MasterMind behind SPSFphoenixcoup2020
- The Loyal Servant of Goddess Phoenix
- The Most Active Member of OWL
- A very cute bear on the outside but on the inside, well, no one knows...
[-] The following 4 users Like Swifty's post:
  • anjo, Divine Owl, North Prarie, phoenixofthesun14

What kind of structure will your MoC have?
Midwesterner. Political nerd. Chipotle enthusiast. 
Minister of Culture of the South Pacific // Former Prime Minister

(10-07-2020, 11:39 AM)North Prarie Wrote: What kind of structure will your MoC have?

Do you mean like different postions and such? Could you please elaborate a little.
Nation: Imperial Dodo
Discord Tag: swiftygamer#1448

[Image: K732CSn.png][Image: IL1nUV5.png][Image: iEwICrf.png][Image: 5bDBXB8.png]
[Image: q6bfWoR.png] [Image: vJjA98X.png]
Other Achievements/Roles:
- Minister of Culture (October 2020 - February 2021)
- SPSF Tidal Force Coordinator (April 2021 - Present)
- Deputy Chair of the Assembly (September 2020 - October 2020)
- MoM Member (October 2020 - Present)
- MoE Member (October 2020 - Present)
- Cabinet Advisor (August 2020 - October 2020)
- A TSP Legislator (July 2020 - Present)
- SPSF Soldier (June 2020 - Present)
- Ambassador to South Pacific (August 2020 - October 2020)
- Ambassador to The League (April 2021 - Present)
- Local Council Candidate (July/August 2020)
- Chair of the Assembly Candidate (September 2020)
- The MasterMind behind SPSFphoenixcoup2020
- The Loyal Servant of Goddess Phoenix
- The Most Active Member of OWL
- A very cute bear on the outside but on the inside, well, no one knows...

(10-07-2020, 01:03 PM)Swifty Wrote:
(10-07-2020, 11:39 AM)North Prarie Wrote: What kind of structure will your MoC have?

Do you mean like different postions and such? Could you please elaborate a little.

Yes. Organizational structure.
Midwesterner. Political nerd. Chipotle enthusiast. 
Minister of Culture of the South Pacific // Former Prime Minister

(10-08-2020, 08:36 PM)North Prarie Wrote:
(10-07-2020, 01:03 PM)Swifty Wrote:
(10-07-2020, 11:39 AM)North Prarie Wrote: What kind of structure will your MoC have?

Do you mean like different postions and such? Could you please elaborate a little.

Yes. Organizational structure.

Okay. So one of the first things I will do is start by appointing a Deputy to assist me with my work. They will have a lot of input in my plans and will basically be my "right hand man". An idea I had was a hierarchy system. Basically, When you join the ministry, you'd become a "Project Helper". You would be assigned to a project and that is what you would work on. Then, the "Project Helper" would report to a "Porject Organizer" who would be in charge of organizing all the different parts from each of the Project Helpers and making sure everything gets done on time. Then the "Project  Organizer"(s) would report into me and my deputy who would be in charge of everything. This would permit the ministry to work on multiple projects at once while still getting everything done well and on time. However, this is just an idea which I will propose to my deputy and the first staff members of MoC to see what they think and we'll go from there.

ps: I can make a little drawing if you don't understand the hierarchy system
Nation: Imperial Dodo
Discord Tag: swiftygamer#1448

[Image: K732CSn.png][Image: IL1nUV5.png][Image: iEwICrf.png][Image: 5bDBXB8.png]
[Image: q6bfWoR.png] [Image: vJjA98X.png]
Other Achievements/Roles:
- Minister of Culture (October 2020 - February 2021)
- SPSF Tidal Force Coordinator (April 2021 - Present)
- Deputy Chair of the Assembly (September 2020 - October 2020)
- MoM Member (October 2020 - Present)
- MoE Member (October 2020 - Present)
- Cabinet Advisor (August 2020 - October 2020)
- A TSP Legislator (July 2020 - Present)
- SPSF Soldier (June 2020 - Present)
- Ambassador to South Pacific (August 2020 - October 2020)
- Ambassador to The League (April 2021 - Present)
- Local Council Candidate (July/August 2020)
- Chair of the Assembly Candidate (September 2020)
- The MasterMind behind SPSFphoenixcoup2020
- The Loyal Servant of Goddess Phoenix
- The Most Active Member of OWL
- A very cute bear on the outside but on the inside, well, no one knows...

What will you do to cut back the government bureaucracy which is strangling freedom in this great region?

(10-09-2020, 07:20 AM)RON Wrote: What will you do to cut back the government bureaucracy which is strangling freedom in this great region?

anyone who disobeyes shall be reported to chief justice indiana
Nation: Imperial Dodo
Discord Tag: swiftygamer#1448

[Image: K732CSn.png][Image: IL1nUV5.png][Image: iEwICrf.png][Image: 5bDBXB8.png]
[Image: q6bfWoR.png] [Image: vJjA98X.png]
Other Achievements/Roles:
- Minister of Culture (October 2020 - February 2021)
- SPSF Tidal Force Coordinator (April 2021 - Present)
- Deputy Chair of the Assembly (September 2020 - October 2020)
- MoM Member (October 2020 - Present)
- MoE Member (October 2020 - Present)
- Cabinet Advisor (August 2020 - October 2020)
- A TSP Legislator (July 2020 - Present)
- SPSF Soldier (June 2020 - Present)
- Ambassador to South Pacific (August 2020 - October 2020)
- Ambassador to The League (April 2021 - Present)
- Local Council Candidate (July/August 2020)
- Chair of the Assembly Candidate (September 2020)
- The MasterMind behind SPSFphoenixcoup2020
- The Loyal Servant of Goddess Phoenix
- The Most Active Member of OWL
- A very cute bear on the outside but on the inside, well, no one knows...

What qualifying experience do you have to be Minister of Culture?
Being Minister of Culture entitles you to have access to potentially sensitive information. Can we trust that you will handle this information with care?
Do you believe that you will be able to serve a complete term?
What do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
At this time, the South Pacific does not have a well developed cards culture like some other regions, and a candidate for Minister of Engagement has already touched on this topic. What steps do you intend to take to develop this culture, if any?
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

(10-09-2020, 11:13 PM)Jay Coop Wrote: What qualifying experience do you have to be Minister of Culture?
Being Minister of Culture entitles you to have access to potentially sensitive information. Can we trust that you will handle this information with care?
Do you believe that you will be able to serve a complete term?
What do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
At this time, the South Pacific does not have a well developed cards culture like some other regions, and a candidate for Minister of Engagement has already touched on this topic. What steps do you intend to take to develop this culture, if any?

1. I have been an extremely active member of the TSP community and I am active in all the current ministries. On top of this, I am a senior staff member of OWL and a Officer in the SPSF aswell as being the current deputy chair of the assembly and I am still able to manage all of these things without any issues. Additionally, I have laid out a well thought out plan which in my opinion, is more organized then both of the other candidates. I believe that those are the reasons that I am qualified to be Minister of Culture.

2. I have proven my self trustable with sensitive information as I have served as a member of the SPSF and have been trusted to be told sensitive information about military operations and I have have never leaked any of it. So yes, I think that you can trust me with this information and that I will keep it secret.

3. I am 110% sure that I will serve as a full term and if anything were to come up where I'd not be able to serve for a period of time, I trust my deputy who will do their best to do my duties while I am unavailable.

4. As I said above, I feel like there is two things that set me apart from my opponents. The first is that unlike both of them, I have a detailed and well thought out plan on how I will run the Ministry and especially with this being the first ever term, I feel like having a plan is crucial. The second reason is that I am more active and more experienced than both of my candidates. I've served as deputy chair aswell as almost being Phoenix's right hand man in the SPSF. Along with this, I have served as a Senior Staff member in OWL for over 2 months and have been helping to make sure that we don't fall behind on recommendations. I also have experience in terms of running and hosting events. I was a main member that helped host the Independence Day festival aswell as I was a crucial part of the admin team who set up Paradoxical'VE (you can join using this link: http://discord.gg/8dWyTPB ).

5. As a matter of fact, I was the original person who came up with using card farming in the TSP government. Originally, it was gonna be used in OWL but that never took off. I myself am a card farmer and I look forward to working with the MoE to help us use these as rewards in events and as incentives to help set them up or participate in them. In terms of the steps I will take, I will see what I can do in partnership with the MoE to get people interested in card, maybe even trying, and I emphasize trying, to set something up similar to the Cards Guild in TNP.
Nation: Imperial Dodo
Discord Tag: swiftygamer#1448

[Image: K732CSn.png][Image: IL1nUV5.png][Image: iEwICrf.png][Image: 5bDBXB8.png]
[Image: q6bfWoR.png] [Image: vJjA98X.png]
Other Achievements/Roles:
- Minister of Culture (October 2020 - February 2021)
- SPSF Tidal Force Coordinator (April 2021 - Present)
- Deputy Chair of the Assembly (September 2020 - October 2020)
- MoM Member (October 2020 - Present)
- MoE Member (October 2020 - Present)
- Cabinet Advisor (August 2020 - October 2020)
- A TSP Legislator (July 2020 - Present)
- SPSF Soldier (June 2020 - Present)
- Ambassador to South Pacific (August 2020 - October 2020)
- Ambassador to The League (April 2021 - Present)
- Local Council Candidate (July/August 2020)
- Chair of the Assembly Candidate (September 2020)
- The MasterMind behind SPSFphoenixcoup2020
- The Loyal Servant of Goddess Phoenix
- The Most Active Member of OWL
- A very cute bear on the outside but on the inside, well, no one knows...

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