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[Appeal] Denial of Citizenship

Several other personalities are far more loquacious and elegant than I. My apologies if that is a desired trait.

I'm BGP and you can find me in a couple screenshots and a tabloid or two (I'm the big, hairy ape playing hide-and-seek). We can sit and go rounds over the causalities, eventualities, and ramifications of OBT, but that has been done to death. The truth of the matter is precious few of you knew of me before seeing a screenshot. I am not a known player with a long history of raids, coups, or subversive behavior. I am not a personality that commands a host of minions across NS.

I took what was coming on my feet and without complaint back in October. It's March. At what point does genuine concern become paranoia, or worse, a grudge?

As for why I'm applying for TSP citizenship: I've gotten to know a couple of the cats here from my time over in Alexandria. I honestly thought if they were so open and welcoming, that this entire kerfuffle was over with.

No agenda.

No scary sleeper armies.

I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

I am approaching this with an open mind, for the record.

What did you think of Operation Brave Toaster at the time, and how have your thoughts about it changed, if at all, since then?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

My question is why you all are applying for citizenship at the same time? You all knew clearly that it would raise red flags. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't just some huge troll.

Sandaoguo Wrote:My question is why you all are applying for citizenship at the same time? You all knew clearly that it would raise red flags. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't just some huge troll.
I'm not certain who "you all" applies to. Are you suggesting I'm a member of The Empire?

Kris Kringle Wrote:What did you think of Operation Brave Toaster at the time, and how have your thoughts about it changed, if at all, since then?
I had honestly forgotten about the damn thing by late October and had to look more than once to find the subforum. It simply wasn't in the forefront after the first week or two. As terrible as it looks, and rightfully so, I'm not certain there was the will to see it through- you have people blowing off steam from a stressful time with a person that was on the verge of being synonymous with "nemesis." It's my opinion that OBT has taken on more of a life as an after-the-fact Frankenstein's Monster in TSP than it ever did on the TEP forum that July-August.

If you are seeking a sign of contrition, please direct your attention to the statement published 20 October, 2014. A disciplinary sentence was dispensed and served. How much more is needed?  There comes a point when continual punishment for a singular act ceases to be a deterrent and begins to damage the growth of players and regions alike.

I guess I am not looking for contrition (in this specific post) as much as I am looking for a sign that you understand the magnitude of what OBT meant to past and current Cabinets. We can be a very friendly region, but that changes when we feel like someone is here to exert undue influence.

On a personal level I would have no problem voting to grant your appeal, if (1) we both have a clear understanding of the seriousness of OBT and (2) your behaviour shows a genuine intention to contribute and have fun. I hope you understand why I am a bit suspicious in the first place, but so far I think you are on the right track.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

You should be skeptical, but not absolute.

I believe there is an unfortunate duality to OBT that all parties struggle to understand. On the one hand are those who didn't consider the threat to TSP's sovereignty as a malicious intent was not present. On the other is a region who saw themselves facing the seemingly sudden arrival of enemies without and within. I've learned more about the nefarious part of OBT in the last month by watching the Assembly battle over the removal of certain citizenship rights, and can attest to that not being present in any discussion or post I was witness to. My use of Frankenstein's Monster isn't a crazy random happenstance. Bit by bit, piece by piece, this thing has gotten bigger and more grotesque; something done with each of the aforementioned hands.

(03-12-2015, 01:32 AM)Sandaoguo Wrote: My question is why you all are applying for citizenship at the same time? You all knew clearly that it would raise red flags. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't just some huge troll.

Clearly they were all ordered here by Belschaft, after he was stripped of his citizenship, in order to vote for him as Delegate, because that makes sense. Tounge

(03-12-2015, 12:59 AM)Kris Kringle Wrote: What did you think of Operation Brave Toaster at the time, and how have your thoughts about it changed, if at all, since then?

Is Brave Little Toaster going to be whipped out as the de facto reason for denial at every Citizenship Denial Appeal or just for the last three?

(03-12-2015, 12:55 AM)BGP Wrote: I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

I appreciate the Julia Roberts reference.

In any case, can you just give us a bit of your NS background since — as you pointed out — you're relatively unknown to the community at large?
[forum admin]

Wolf Wrote:Is Brave Little Toaster going to be whipped out as the de facto reason for denial at every Citizenship Denial Appeal or just for the last three?
Whoah! Slow down there. OBT is a legitimate concern, especially when one of the last three can be seen as having posted in the dedicated subforum. This is why I say the thing has taken on more life after-the-fact than it ever had in July-August. More than a few of you (on both sides of the issue) need to sit down, shut up, and choose to learn more about this rather than trying to be right. Being right has about as much use as nipples on a man -- they complete the picture, but are still useless.

Tsunamy Wrote:In any case, can you just give us a bit of your NS background since — as you pointed out — you're relatively unknown to the community at large?
I stumbled on to NationStates around Christmas of 2007. I had previously played a little political simulation called Superpower and NS appeared to be a fascinating next step. The storefronts on the old Jolt forums lead me to Lineart Inc. and the NS Draftroom. I learned how draw and design military hardware from folks like Hogsweat and The Maccabees, but did little else for over two years.

The British Grand Pacific was founded in TSP August, 2009. The "location" didn't fit the vision I had for the new nation (British New World possession similar to the Pacific NW) so I moved it to TNP, then to TEP. I had a marriage fall apart over the following year and that heralded the end of my time in NS. I dabbled some on NSEurope's off-site forum, but didn't make any attempt to return to NS Proper.

The first Z-Day in 2013 was when I refounded BGP and returned to TEP. Little was done during that time until I joined the Skype community for the second Z-Day. I applied for the Magisterium but once again a breakup pulled me away from the community. By the time of the ByteCoins event, I was back and ready to finally immerse myself in everything TEP. I was nominated for Vizier by Bachtendekuppen in May 2014; appointed Chancellor of UTEP the following July; made Minster of Culture & Education that August; Forum Moderator by Packilvania in September. While I have recently stepped down as Chancellor and MOCE, I've been nominated for Arbiter by Xoriet. It appears I'll be confirmed later today.

Additionally, I've been named to Alexandria's Heliaia (Judiciary) and given Forum Admin privileges for graphics and style.

(03-12-2015, 03:21 AM)BGP Wrote: You should be skeptical, but not absolute.

Frankly, you don't get to tell us what to be. 

Your attitude has been ridiculous here; you were caught as a participant in a mass electioneering scam against The South Pacific - you don't get to tell us when to trust you, or how we're supposed to act with regards to you, or what we should think of you. 

You don't act like someone who was caught as a participant in a mass electioneering scam against The South Pacific and you certainly don't act like one that understands that what he was doing was wrong and was an attempt to undermine our constitutional democracy. 

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