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Message to the SCO

(03-20-2015, 09:03 AM)Ryccia Wrote: We hereby refuse the SCO's proposal. We also warn the Laiwanese Government that if they sanction us, the necessary procedures will be taken. We will not invade, but the city of Mura is a concern. We know what that means.

We are more than glad to impose sanctions to Laiwan, and since Ryccia is the only one that buys the Laiwanese Grape, a profitable business for Laiwanese Farmers and the Laiwanese Government, we hereby impose an embargo on the product(let's see how long you'll last, Laiwan!)
O...oh no... This is not good. We can't sell our grapes anywhere! This will cause an outrage of our farmers! Sad

Also, we know what that means. For defensive purposes, navy ships are patrolling the waters near Mura, and 8,000 troops have been positioned in Mura or near the city, in hopes of defending the city, which we fear that Ryccia will try to attack.

20 March 2015

I have closely monitored this situation from its very start and am seriously concerned about the continued refusal from Ryccia to engage the international community in good faith. We have been working with our allies in the Southern Cooperation Organisation towards a comprehensive agreement that will enable both sides of this confrontation to negotiate acceptable terms. That cannot happen if one side refuses to negotiate in the first place and offers no more than tokens that hide its real unwillingness to talk.

I also find concerning the recent actions of Ryccia towards the People of Laiwan, who are blameless for this confrontation, and the aggressive attitude that has been displayed towards the territorial integrity of Kringalia. Such threads of aggression are unacceptable and have no place in our international order. In view of this, today I have issued executive orders to the following effects:
  • Recommending the Congress to enshrine into law existing sanctions against Ryccia.
  • Raising the Military Readiness Level for the Armed Forces to Guarded and for the Strategic Defence Command to Elevated.
  • Instruct Representative García to propose a resolution before the Southern Council on the specific mechanisms of collective defence in case of attacks by third parties.
  • Establish diplomatic relations with the Mixed Republic of Laiwan and induct it to the International Trade Relief Programme, in order to avert the negative effects of a Ryccian embargo.
I will take further measures and coordinate with our allies as necessary. Ryccia is strongly advised to return to the negotiating table and engage in good faith discussions with the Southern Cooperation Organisation. It is our belief that the formation of an International Oversight Committee is in the best interests of all involved parties.

Jacob R. Williams
President of the Republic of Kringalia
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

The Darkstraitese government would like to remind Ryccia that the Laiwanese government never extended sanctions toward them.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


President Dominic Frost condemns Ryccia's actions in the last few days and says, "Qvait has done its part to keep the government of Ryccia standing through its civil war. Now as a friend, we are helping you. The Pacific Republic of Qvait urges Prime Minister Dave Isvou to step down. If this one action is taken, we will allow Qvait and Ryccia to continue to be allies. If not, Qvait will be forced to cut its ties with Ryccia."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

The Prime Minister has taken power, and we impose full sanctions on Laiwan. We cannot say more due to the unrest of the country(OOC: The one who's speaking to you is Dave's administration, so the King has not decided on this and this is the administration the people want to overthrow)
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Addressing the nation and the world for the second time in a day, President Dominic Frost said, "I hate to do this, but I said that, in order for Qvait and Ryccia to stay as allies, its Prime Minister would have to resign. I'm not going to back down. With the help of the Qvaitican Senate, we will repeal each and every active treaty with Ryccia and cease relations with it."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Official Message from the Federal Republic of Karnetvor 
We condemn the Ryccian coup d'état and urge Prime Minister Dave Isvou to resign. As someone who is responsible for numerous human rights violations, and almost caused a regional war, we believe he should be tried for crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace.

Josef Kyrzinski 
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Official Message from the Cabinet of His Majesty, King Claudius Valhalla III

I am.... extremely dissapointed that a solution for this entanglement could not be found. Based on your official response, it appears that Ryccia is not open to negotiation, which deeply saddens me. If you wish to continue negotiation, please contact me as soon as possible, Mr. Prime Minister. Until that point in time, It is now, as of the King's Authority Article, to officially place sanctions upon THe Constitutional Monarchy of Ryccia, until either further contact for negotiation is made, or if Ryccia seeks to make amends for it's actions against it's citizens.

, King Claudius Valhalla III, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi



20 MARCH 2015, 2255 HRS MT


I condemn the illegal takeover of the Ryccian Government by Prime Minister Dave Isvou. The Awesomiasan Government urges the peaceful return of power to a legitimate government, elected by the people of Ryccia immediately. In addition, we also call for the lifting of sanctions on Laiwan.

Should this be an attempt to threaten the international community into lifting its sanctions on Ryccia, I can assure the Ryccian Government and Prime Minister Isvou that Awesomiasa will not back down. The Awesomiasan Government and its fellow member nations in the Southern Cooperation Organisation are resolute in condemning Ryccia for its actions against its own citizens and acts of aggression towards the international community, and this illegal takeover of government by Prime Minister Isvou will only aggrevate matters and increase sanctions, in addition to hampering international efforts in safeguarding and ensuring the peaceful and democratic transition of government in Ryccia.

I have directed the Secretary of Foreign Affairs Caroline Schenker to inform the Mixed Republic of Laiwan that Awesomiasa will be establishing diplomatic and trade relations with the nation, and Laiwan will be placed under the Foreign Aid and Assistance Scheme list of nations, which will provide aid relief for developing nations or otherwise nations in need of such aid and international assistance.

Should such deplorable actions from the Ryccian Government continue, Awesomiasa will not hesitate in taking further action

H.E. Tobias Murray
Federal Democratic Republic of Awesomiasa


An Official Message from the Punchwoodian Parliament.

"In order to prevent many countries going into far too much debt, we advice ALL countries to remove embargos and sanctions. We condemn Ryccia actions however we also condemn the international community. Ryccia has said it will ban the LX-537 Ultra Sound Bomb, they will ban the death penalty they will not pay bounty hunters and ban the practice of that act and they will prohibit military weaponry in the Nueva España Protests. They have also said if they don't do this in a year they will put the government on trail, they have said they will lower their DEFCON, they will dismantle 6,000 nuclear weapons, they will lower their army from 35,000,000 to 20,000,000 however keep the 15,000,000 as reserve. All they want in return is the is the lifting of stations and embargos."

"The SCO and other countries can not continue making demands of the Ryccian people, remember the common people are going to be hit the most. The Ryccia elections aren't close so the people can't change their government for a long time, this won't do anything but make others life a living hell. Your own countries will also take a hit from stations the owns you placed on Ryccia and the owns Ryccia will no doubt place on you."

"Punchwood will do everything in its power to stop bloodshed, however if other countries do not stop their silly behaviour war will become inevitable. Punchwood will now admit that it ordered the bombing of Skotino Steno and the sea bombardment. It is because of Punchwood's actions that Skotino Steno was liberated and it caused a swift end to the Darkstrait Civil War. If war does happen Punchwood will make sure little blood is spilt however the international community must back down. Punchwood does not and will not take sides as both are in the wrong however both must do everything they can to stop blood spilling."
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

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