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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) War in Ryccia

The Sporaltryan Occupation Force will arrive in 2 days.

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Resentine would advise Sporaltryus to turn it's forces around, as to avoid any conflict.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Daonlathas, Ryccia
The Darkstraitese command center was under attack. Again.
Ryccian citizens had repeatedly tried to drive out the occupiers after the broadcast by Punchwood. However, they had not discovered the base, hidden in the underground warren of storm drains, with just a few buildings above ground. These, however, had been mostly destroyed, as Ryccian citizens had hit them with Molotov cocktails repeatedly. Now armed Ryccians were firing down the staircases into the tunnels.
"Status report, lieutenant!" screamed the commander.
"They're just shooting down the stairs, sir! We've pulled back to the heavy doors, but they haven't followed yet."
A muffled boom shook the tunnel.
"What the hell was that?" the commander yelled.
"I don't know, sir!"
A corporal ran down the hall. "Sir, they've found one of the explosive caches. They're trying to break through the grates."
"Send men to stop them!"
"Captain Emil has them putting plates of steel under the grates, sir."
"Good man. But it won't hold them forever. Get as many men as we can spare to cover them."
Another blast rocked the drain, and the commander's walkie-talkie burst to life.
"They've broken the blast door! They've broken the ---"
The voice went ominously silent.
Black Point Military Center
Alarms whooped throughout the facility. Pilots raced for their planes. Sailors checked their stations. Soldiers hurried to their carrier ships.
The base commanders watched the hubbub from the observation tower.
"How long until they arrive at Ryccia?"
"Probably a few hours."
"That's not enough time. The advance group needs help now."
"We can get the fighters there in 20 minutes."
"That'll do. We cannot use bombers as they will destroy our troops as well as the Ryccians."
The fleet began to sail away, and the fighters started to take off.
"Oh, and send our bombers to attack Punchwood. I have a message from Ridcully ordering us to do so."
Darkstraitese Command Center, Ryccia
The Ryccians had entered the tunnels. However, this was going badly for them, as they were badly equipped. Many had no training and fled. Darkstraitese troops had piled up rubble and set up a machine gun nest behind it in the main tunnel, and had stretched barbed wire across the secondary ones. Soldiers with rifles shot into the darkness, killing indiscriminately those who had dared to attack the stronghold. Others threw flashlights at the attackers, and the beam would illuminate them, giving away their position and making them an easy target for the machine gun.
Despite this, the commander was very worried. A few well placed bombs and the entire base would be destroyed.
And then there were the grates...
A blast shattered the metal plate blocking entry from one of the grates. Several troops were injured in the blast, and others were wounded when a Ryccian dropped a grenade down into the drain. A rope dropped down, and Ryccians began to climb down it into the tunnels.
However, Captain Emil was not willing to give up so quickly. "Fire!" he screamed to his men. They obeyed, firing semiautomatic rifles at the Ryccians, who were made visible by the grey light from the street. In contrast, the soldiers were only visible when they fired their weapons, which only revealed a pinprick of light for an instant. Six Ryccians fell to the floor of the tunnel before the others decided to get out. They began climbing back up the rope. One was shot and fell, bringing another two down with him.
One Darkstraitese soldier threw a grenade out of the top of the hole, which exploded above the squad of militants crowding around it. Many were injured.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Official Transcript from Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting, Resentine Royal Military Headquarters, all members attending, with one guest
Location:The Hexagon, Theron, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Time:6:30 PM, Theron Time

Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock: We have yet another situation in Ryccia....

Lieutenant General Tara McAllister: Another? Can't we just find the missing nukes and go? It's the only way we'll get any actual SDI tests done.

Braddock: If we don't address this situation, we'll never find those nukes, we'll never get program approval, and most of all, a bunch of riled up civvies will have them, and Gods only know how they'll decide to use them. Director, you have the floor.

Director Johnathan 'Jack' Rellan, Royal Intelligence Service: Thank you, Marshall. As you all know, Punchwood has just released a statement to the Ryccian Population claiming that any other nations involved in the invasion as enemies of Ryccia, with claims of not providing any supplies or helping the populus. They are preparing an Invasion with a Massive Fleet on the Eastern Coast. Not only that but we have Sporaltryus preparing to invade RATSPT. While my agency has not done the numbers completely, we can say that we are expecting more casualties than the war itself caused, numbering in several million, if not, ten's of millions. We are looking at a tragic and significant danger to Ryccia, from both Sporaltryus and Punchwood, and if we don't act, we will either be blamed as invaders or for our inaction. The King does not want our foreign relations hampered with another large combat mission, but Punchwood, and to a lesser extent Sporaltryus, represent a far greater threat to our foreign relations and to peace in the region as a whole to simply leave or ignore them.

High-Admiral Thomas M. Day: I'm sorry, son, but just who the hell do you think you are, coming in here, saying all of this stuff is going to happen, giving us numbers, and telling us the King himself has already approve action against them?

Major General Steven M. Brady: This man, sir, is probably the smartest man in this room, and I would like it if you showed him a bit more respect.

Day: Really? Perhaps you can explain who he is to me then? And why he has the title of 'Director' of anything?

Brady: He's Johnathan Rellan. Director of the Royal Intelligence Service, so you'd best start listening.

Day: What in Sam Hell is the Royal Intelligence Service? You got any more secrets you're not telling me, other than stealing Nukes and an Intelligence Service I've never heard of.

Brady: Sir, that would be a list so long that you'd retire before I could finish listing all of the things the RSFD has done in the last 30 years that are classified to you.

Day: Fine. Alright, Director, what is your advisement for this?

Rellan: Thank you, Admiral. Honestly, the best we can do is possibly create our own militias to fight whatever people actually believed Punchwood's broadcast, and train them. We'll need to set up an actual Government for us to work with. The RIS is currently tracking the King's location.

General Ferris Hardeck: Wait, 'Tracking'? We haven't been able to even hear from him, much less find out where he is. How'd you do it?

Rellan: That, I'm afraid, is classified.

Hardeck: Damn. Alright. What do you have for us other than your plan.

Rellan: I have video evidence of Punchwoodian Bombers attacking Civilians.

Day: Bullshit. Why would they even attack civilians if they're trying to get them to turn on us?

Rellan: To be honest, that wasn't their intended target, but they were caught in the crossfire. We could have propaganda painting this as a direct attack on civilians, try and get them to ignore Punchwood's propoganda.

Major General Tyler Mcfadden: Alright, what about the Homefront? Is there anything we can do to assist our current efforts on the defence.

Rellan: For the moment, no, sir, we can't. We just have to wait and see what happens.

Braddock: Alright. Tara, I want you to start helping the Ryccians not only rebuild infrastructure, but get them some help in rebuilding Farms and such. Try and see if you can get some more aid to help win them over. Consider yourself dismissed.

McAllister: Yes, sir. [McAllister Exits]

Braddock: Ferris, get as many of your fighters ready to attack Punchwood's fleet. Cluster Bombs, Napalm, everything we got that can do some damage to them. Day, I want you to prepare the Navy for a coordinated assault. If we hit them hard enough, maybe they'll back off. Ferris, You're dismissed, Day, I want you to stay back for a minute.

Hardeck: I'll get right on it. [Hardeck Exits]

Braddock: This is where things are going to get tense. Brady, you'll be working with Day to help Sedunn in RATSPT. Special Forces and Marines will be deployed to defend the territory with Sedunn. We have no idea how big The Sporaltryan force is going to be, so expect to fight to the very end. I do expect some Spec Force to stay at the Nuclear Facilities to keep it secure. As for the Army, We're going to lock down the Nuclear Facilities and support the Royal Engineers on the Mainland. If the Air Force and Navy effort to stop Punchwood fails, we'll engage them the moment they reach the shore. For the sake of Ryccia, we simply have no choice. Good luck, dismissed.

Day: Good luck to you, Phil. You've still got the hardest job out of all of us.[Day Exits]

Brady: I won't fail you, Marshall. [Brady Exits]

Braddock: I really hope this works John. If it doesn't, we're going to end up a hell of a lot more crippled than we were after the Civil War.

Rellan: I'll get my agents ready. Expect reports of sabotage from Punchwood by the morning. Good Luck Phil. Although we're gonna need more than that to win.

Braddock: Your right. Hope the Gods are with us.

Resentine released a video of Punchwoodian Bombers attacking the Ryccian Capital, showing the deaths of dozens, if not hundreds of civilians. Resnetinian Forces are preparing for an invasion of the Ryccian Mainland, and are setting up civilian militias to assist in the defence of the country. THe Royal Engineer Corps have begun helping Ryccian Farmers rebuild their crops and livestock, and the 3rd Battle Group of the Resentinian Navy has been dispatched to RATSPT to coordinate with Sedunnese Forces. King Claudius Valhalla II has made an official announcement, condemning the actions of Punchwood and Sporaltryus, calling their actions "Hostile" and "Unnecessary for the process of peace and stabilization in Ryccia". He has sent requests for assistance to the SCO to assist in the defence of Ryccia and RATSPT.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The Sporaltryan Occupation Force is a relatively small force, compared to what we were going to send. We do not wish to invade the RATSPT, only to occupy it to institute reforms. Should the RATSPT wish for the Sporaltryan government to stay, we shall. There is even a possibility for them to join the Sporaltryan Union, but we are not that optimistic.

We are not invading, but we do have the weapons to do so if it is required.

Jasper Henn

President of Sporaltryus and Aquica

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(03-27-2015, 08:49 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: The Sporaltryan Occupation Force is a relatively small force, compared to what we were going to send. We do not wish to invade the RATSPT, only to occupy it to institute reforms. Should the RATSPT wish for the Sporaltryan government to stay, we shall. There is even a possibility for them to join the Sporaltryan Union, but we are not that optimistic.

We are not invading, but we do have the weapons to do so if it is required.

Jasper Henn

President of Sporaltryus and Aquica

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Sedunn has already received control over the RATSPT. To occupy it would lead to further war. The Darkstraitese government has the greatest confidence in Sedunn to institute the needed reforms.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


What would you rather have the Force do? Turn back after the halfway point to return home to booing crowds?

The Force is en route, and it occupy the RATSPT if it is necessary. We are totally open to the idea of a co-occupation with Sedunn.

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Resentine agrees with The Government of Darkstrait's opinion. To attempt any form of occupation would simply lead to unnecessary conflict and continues to emphasize the need for Sporaltryus to pull it's forces back.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The SOF will not be recalled.

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Then when the SOF arrives, they will be arrested by members of the Royal Marines, and brought back home by the Royal Navy. Hostile action will not be tolerated. Though we will not fire first.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi

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