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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) War in Ryccia

After the SCO failed to reach a peace deal because Ryccia declared war on Qvait, Laiwan, Darkstrait, Punchwood, Kringalia, Kartnevor, Farengeto, Awesomiasa and the Resentine Kingdom, the War in Ryccia began.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Milonia Premier Palace, Laiwan
The Premier was, like always, drinking tea. This time, it was with her cabinet, as she was hosting a celebration of the national holiday of Guyusna Festival, the festival that remembered the people's ancestors.

"Hahah, I know, Ruchinaw. Let us hon-"

A messager came to the room abruptly, in severe distress.

"What is the matter, Carlos?"
"Gee, wheez...puff.... Madamm Premier! Ryccia has declared war on Laiwan!"

The news shocked everyone in the room. In a heartbeat, the Premier dropped her teacup, and it broke in the floor. She was shocked.

"What the?! At this hour?! Thomas Lavinnia, General Major of the Armed Forces, call the other generals! Hurry!"
"Yes, Premier!"

The nation of Laiwan was put in critical alert. What the Laiwanese Government predicted happened: Ryccia invaded Laiwan, and it started with the city of Mura. The Ryccian Military, about 15,000, outnumbered the defending force of 8,000. The battle for the city of Mura was on.

Official Recording during a meeting between Prime Minister Gregory Gidenhiemer and King Claudius Valhalla III
Location: Theron, Resentine Kingdom, Parliament Building, Prime Minister's Office
Time: Approximately 5:30 pm

Gidenhiemer: I've been getting quite a few letters complaining about you're inaction on the Ryccian Situation, complaining that Parliament should step in; take more aggressive action.

Valhalla: I'm well aware of the complaints, I saw Thom on the news today already. What are we going to do, invade them? They're military outnumbers our's at least 10:1, and we don't even know the environment, much less are we even prepared for such an action! We've been rebuilding for 30 years, and the nation is still almost in shambles to what we had 100 years ago! I don't understand why anyone would advocate for a war, especially in our current state.

Gidenhiemer: We don't have to go to war, We can provide support, we've got enough Logistics battalions to at least give Qvait and Kringilia some more room to focus on the threat itself. We could also start sending economic aid to Liawan.

Valhalla: Yes we can, but would people like Thom see that as stronger action? I'm going to say no. Their going to keep advocating for war until we get pushed into it or election season comes. There has to be a better-
[A Public Messenger bursts into the Room]

Gidenheimer: I thought I told the Guards we were not to be disturbed!?

Valhalla: The Guards wouldn't have let him by if it was not important, Greg. Now, my son, what is it that you need?

Messenger: I have a message for you both, your Majesty. Best read it yourself.[Hands the message to Valhalla]

Valhalla: Thank you. [Reads the message, his mouth gaping open] Son, I'm going to need you to get me the Marshall-General. I know he's here in Parliament today to talk about the results of the Military Exercise, but this is far more important.

Messenger: Yes, your Majesty.[Messenger exits]

Gidenhiemer: What does it say?

Valhalla: Greg.... This is from the Ryccian Prime Minister.... It's a declaration of war....

[Gidenhiemer runs to the Telephone on his desk, and begins telling his secretary to contact all Parliamentary Representatives for an Emergency meeting. The King is frozen in shock and stands in the office for a few minutes before he comes to his senses and orders the Guards to escort him back to the Royal Palace.]

The Federation mobilizes all 310 thousand of its troops, including reserves, and begins legislation to reinstate an emergency draft. All forces are put on high alert. The Navy is preparing to lock down all of Resentine's Naval Territories, The Air Force is enacting 24/7 patrols to secure the skies, and the Army has locked down the borders. The Royal Guard and Engineer Corps have begun setting up defences around the country, while Royal Special Forces are being mobilized but not deployed, waiting on advisement from Resentine's Allies.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The Qvaitican Air Force's B-14 bombers unleashes hell on Ryccian military targets just as as it arrives.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

The Qvaitican Navy Pacific Fleet has arrived in Ryccia. Ground forces land at the shore of the western end of the Ryccian mainland, greeted by Ryccian civilians.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

The Prime Minister's Quarters.

"So Ryccia has declared war on us?" said Prime Minister Lime he looked more bemused than worried. "Tell me again how many cities have rebels taken and how many countries has Ryccia declared war on?"

"To many cities to count sir, and nine countries sir, Qvait, Laiwan, Darkstrait, Punchwood, Kringalia, Kartnevor, Farengeto, Awesomiasa and Resentine." Said the Chase Cod Punchwood's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Terrified" said the Prime Minister. "A country that is in civil war, where most of people want to see the Prime Minister's head on spike and its declared war on nine countries." "Mind you" he said "they do have nuclear weapons and I guess their Parliament no longer works so the Prime Minister must be in control." "With a Prime Minister who is clearly damaged in the head that country could at any moment fire nuclear weapons at any country." He suddenly looked worried. "We must call an emergency meeting of Parliament every MP must come at once." he said. When Parliament votes to declare war on Ryccia I want our air forces to bomb the shit out of the current Parliament building that Ryccia Prime Minister is currently hiding in." "Then our full military, army, navy and air forces must begin invading Ryccia at once." "The sooner that Prime Minister is dead the better" he finished.

"I will do so at once Sir." said Chase.

Both the Parliament and government of Punchwood herby declares war on Ryccia. A full military invasion will begin at once.

The jets soon left Punchwood when Parliament voted to declare war on Ryccia. They were all loaded with powerful bombs and their target was Ryccia Prime Minister's house. They were also targeting the Parliament building Ryccia Prime Minister was using. As night fell the bombers quick entered Ryccia they ignored Ryccia's air forces asking them who they were and what they were doing. They did as they were ordered the bombs began to fall.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Daonlathas, Ryccia
"Hmm what's that?" said a protester
"I don't know... wait what?!"
"Aaah! Bombers!!!!!! Everyone! RUN!!!"

Many protesters, who were in huge crowds, were terrified and screamed. If those Punchwoodian bombers bombarded Democratia Palace, they could kill countless civilian lives.

Meanwhile in Democratia Palace
"Sir! Punchwoodian bombers are approaching the city!"
"What?! Prepare my jet! We need to get outta here ASAP!"
"Yes sir!(I really hate that guy...)"

In one of the terminals in the Daonlathas International Airport, the Prime Minister's private jet was being prepared. He was preparing to escape.

In the meantime, the Ryccian Air Force fought with the Punchwoodian bombers to see if they could defeat them. If the RAF failed, the Prime Minister will be forced to flee.

A radio transmission was sent to the bombers:
"Hello, this is the RAF. Return to Punchwood. I repeat, return to Punchwood. If you don't we will be forced to destroy you. Over"

Ryccian Bay Islands,

A group of people were protesting in a town named Rick's Bounty(town founded by former and only pirate of the Ryccian Bay Islands, Rick Bougko, in 1730)

"Plime Ministel lesign! Plime Ministel lesign! No mole Dave Isvou! Groly to the King Jose I!"

The protesters were speaking Ryccian Bay English, a kind of english that confuses the l with the r. Except in the names.

"Hey Rodrick, what's that?"
"I don't know man... wait... Qvaitican Frag, Qvaitican rooks... Richie, the Qvaitican Navy is hele to save us!"
"Yeah, woohoo! I'rr go announce it to the othels. Stay hele and gleet them".
"Okay, Rodrick!" *greets Qvaitican Navy* "Thank you fol coming! We ale vely glatefur! Thank you!"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Sir the RAF is telling us to leave or they will destroy us!" "What do we do?"

"Keep on going bomb Democratia Palace if that Prime Minister lives thousands, no millions will die." "You must keep going, even if you die you will have saved the world from a world war Punchwood will never forget you."

With this in the bombers head they continued going. Democratia Palace was just there they had, to quote the Prime Minister "bomb the shit out of the place."
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Escadian Special Forces arrive at Ryccian shores.

President Sofie of Escade sends Ryccia a special beacon, "We will support evacuating your civilians from bomb-ridden areas. We also offer 10,000 ground troops to help secure your borders from encroaching nations."

The Special Forces leader makes his way to Ryccian's secret bunker with the top leaders. With his small continent of extraction specialists he waited outside the secret door. "We have a plan to protect your leader's life." The leader, Theo Logan, veteran commander of Escadian Forces and Master of Strategy, waited for Ryccian leaders to let him into the bunker.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


Official Recording Between High Admiral Thomas M. Day, High General Ferris Hardeck, Lieutenant General Tara McAllister, Major General Steven M. Brady, Major General Tyler Mcfadden, and Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock
Location: Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting Room, The Hexagon, Theron, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Time: 6:50 PM Theron Time

Mcfadden: The Royal Guard and Engineer Corps are setting up defencive positions all over the coast as we speak.

Braddock: Alright. What about you Admiral?

Day: The Navy has set up a perimeter, we have more than enough ships guarding, and I am extremely worried about losing Laiwan. It could serve as a secure Landing Zone for the Marines, but only if we help them defend the city of Mura. [Points to Mura on Map] If they loose Mura, they may very well be on to loosing the rest of their country. If we stop the Ryccians there, we may hold off their forces long enough that some help will arrive.

Braddock: May or will, Thom?

Day: Will.

Braddock: Consider my authorization the King's authorization. I want you to take the HMS Theron and her escort group and I want you to get Marines on the ground in Mura. They should arrive within the hour and engage the enemy.

Day: I'll get on it right away.[Day Exits]

Braddock: McAllister, Mcfadden, you two have better things to do than sit around in this room waiting for us to finish. I want coastal defences up in three hours, and expect a report in four, understood?

McAllister and Mcfadden: Sir, Yes, Sir Marshall![Both Exit]

Braddock: Alright, now this just leaves the three of us. Ferris, lock the doors.

Hardeck: Sure thing.[Locks all doors into the Room]

Braddock: What you both are about to do is classified on the highest level. The only people who know about this is you two, myself, and King Claudius himself, understood?

Brady: Of course, Marshall.

Braddock: Good. Your objective is to secure and destroy Ryccia's nuclear Arsenal before they get a chance to use it. It will be mainly a SpecForce op, but, as a last resort, we will destroy the facilities themselves if necessary, but, I would prefer if this operation were to remain quiet. That "Prime Minister" that's in charge over there in absolutely crazy enough to use them, so we have to stop him before it's too late. Brady, your teams will be paradropping in by the cover of night, and securing the Nuclear Weapon facilities through force, and then destroying the Warheads with plastic explosives. Evac will come to your troops in the form of Army Lynx Helicopters. I want a full report the moment it succeeds.

Brady: Yes, sir, but, what if we fail?

Braddock: That's where Hardeck comes in. If you fail, Hardeck's Jaguar and Harrier Bomber Squadrons will fly over with Tornado Escort flights and bomb all facilities as a Day and Night operation. Speaking of which, Ferris, remember that "Classified" project we've been working on?

Hardeck: Of course Phil.

Braddock: Tell your boys at Section 1 to go crack it out, just in case we're too late. Both of you, Dismissed.

Hardeck: Just let me know when it's time, Phil. Good Luck, Brady.[Hardeck unlocks the door and exits]

Brady: Sir, My men will not fail, sir.[Brady Exits]

Braddock: Better hope this all works, or I'm out of a job. Better tell my Commanders to get ready. We're gonna have to land on Ryccia's beaches if we even want to stand a chance of winning this war.[Braddock walks over to the recorder, and shuts it off]

The Royal Navy and Marines are now providing support to the Laiwanese Army, Attacking the Ryccian Forces in Mura and providing Air and Naval support to the rest of the Country. The Royal Army is preparing to make a Beach Assault into Ryccia, making it the largest attack of this kind in Resentine's history. The Air Force is preparing for a massive Bombing Campaign, while Special Forces is currently deploying into Ryccian territory to take over and destroy Ryccia's nuclear arsenal.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi

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