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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) War in Ryccia

"Prime Minister Darkstrait is calling us." "Put them through said a tired voice."
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Official Transcript from the Office of Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock, Head of the Federation of the Resentine Kingdom Royal Army
Location: The Hexagon, Theron, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Time: 5:30 PM Theron Time

Braddock: Thank you for the update, General. I'll let you know when it's time.

General Terrance McAllen: Yes, sir. McAllen, out.

Braddock: Copy that, Braddock out.[Shuts off Radio] Alright Petty, what do you have for me?

Capt. Tom Petty: As you already know, the 3rd Battle Group had to be diverted to Kringalia, but you'll still have the 2nd Battle Group, the HMS Talloran, and her Battle Group. Still enough support to break through Ryccian Coastal Defences.

Braddock: Understood. I'll let my Generals know to pack up their troops into the transports and you let Day know that the navy needs to get moving.

Petty: Of course, sir. I'll get on it right away.

Braddock: Dismissed.

Petty: Thank you, sir.[Petty Exits]

[Braddock re-activates his radio and tunes to General McAllen's channel.]

McAllen: Yes, sir?

Braddock: McAllen, it's time. Tell your boys to pack up and get on the ships now. I expect and update in three hours and another when you arrive just off the southern coast of Ryccia. Understand?

McAllen: Yes, sir. [To his troops] You heard the Marshall! Get your shit together and get on those ships! Double-time it Troopers![Back to the Radio] You'll hear from me in 3 hours, sir.

Braddock: Understood, good luck General.[Turns is radio off.] Fifty-thousand troops? I think that's the largest Naval Assault since..... since the Civil War. I guess every generation has it's defining moments, and this one is ours.

[Braddock goes back to his desk, sifting through official papers and troop deployment orders....]

The FRKRA has a force of 50,000 troops, both Armored and Infantry moving to the southern coast of Ryccia along with a two Battle Groups including the Carrier HMS Talloran. This makes up Half of the FRKRA's total force and 1/6th of the total force of the Resentine Royal Military. This Force will arrive at the Ryccian Coast in 6 hours. This is the largest Joint-invasion attempt in Resentinian History to date.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Message to Punchwood:
We have denied the Ryccian delegation in the Sosaniye Trials the right to remain in Darkstrait. We therefore ask that you send your own delegate to take their place on the jury, and that you send in your verdict on Marcus Godfrey as soon as possible.

Somewhere over the Antarctic:
The bombers flew low as the RATSPT came into sight on the horizon.
"Remember," said the squadron captain, "only target military facilities."
Missiles streaked across the sky.

Southern Ryccia:
The bombers began to reach the Resentine landing sites and began bombing Ryccian defensive positions there. Fighters flew in low, firing missiles at pillboxes and gun batteries.

Secret location:
"Open blast doors."
"Opening blast doors."
"Prepare missiles."
"Missiles prepared for launch."
"Lock onto coordinates Alpha-3 B198 Alt 5000."
There was a pause.
"Coordinates locked."
"Everything checks out?"
"Yes, Commander."
The missiles took off from the secret Launch Facility JX-3, located somewhere in an empty field in central Darkstrait, heading for major Ryccian bases.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


After conquering parts of Western Ryccia, the QDF set up a temporary base in the Hishu Islands. The Qvaitican Army as well as the Marine Corps is now closing in on Dragonia, a city just west of the capital of Daonlathas.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Official Transcript from the HMS Talloran, Command ship of the HMS Talloran Carrier Battle Group and the 2nd Battle Group of the FRK Royal Navy
Location: HMS Talloran, just off of the Southern Coast of Ryccia
Time: 11:04 PM Theron Time

Gen. Terrance McAllen: Colonel, I want you to contact all Task Force Commanders again, make sure they are absolutely ready to go.

Colonel Michael Scott: Yes, sir.[Goes over to HMS Talloran Comm Station]

McAllen: Marcus, are all of your ships ready to cover my troops?

Vice Admiral Marcus Reilly: Terry, I've honestly been waiting for this longer than John Riddick of the Majestic has been waiting to kick these Ryccians off of their high horse.

McAllen:......... Are they ready or not?

Reilly: Of course they are. You should really loosen up a little. You look more red than a Nuclear Blast.

McAllen: I know, I know. This is just... quite a bit of pressure on me. We haven't done anything this large since the Civil War, you know that, right?

Reilly: Of course. Makes it all the more important to stay calm.

McAllen: Yup. Colonel, any update from the Task Force commanders?

Scott: All are reporting Green, General. We're all good to go.

McAllen: Alright. let's get this party started. Colonel, Tell them to launch the landing craft. Then get the other ships in both Battle Groups and tell them to open fire on All Pre-selected Coastal Defenses.

Scott: Yes, sir.[To Radio] All Forces, this is the HMS Talloran. Operation: Blue Bison is go. Repeat, Operation Blue Bison is go. All forces are to deploy and engage immediately. Talloran, out.

[McAllen Walks to out of the Bridge onto the Metal Pathway that seems to zig-zag across the entire Command Section of the Talloran. He looks out in the direction of Ryccia's southern coast, watching the Landing Craft approach the shores, planes take off from the Talloran's airstrip, and the guns of the escort ships lighting up Ryccia's coastal defences. Reilly and Scott walk out next to him a few minutes later, with some Balentian Brandy and 3 glasses in hand]

McAllen: It is some spectacle, this war. You know, when I first took this job, My Generalship, that being, I was hoping to retire two years ago, knowing that I kept the peace?

Reilly: [Pouring Brandy] Oh yes, I remember. They made me attend that acceptance speach. I believe it was something along the lines of "If we can show the world that Resentine has peace, maybe the world can follow our footsteps"? [Laughs, but then appears grim] It's a shame things couldn't stay that way.

Scott: Well, sirs. I guess the best we can hope for now is to return to it.[Passes out Brandy glasses and motions to toast] To future peace.

McAllen and Reilly: To future peace.

As McAllen, Reilly, and Scott begin drinking, The first of the Resentinian Troops land on the southern shore of Ryccia, charging up the beaches, while guns from the escort ships echo in the background, and Ryccian Fighter Jets speed over them. The Invasion of Southern Ryccia has begun.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The President of Escade, Sofie, listens to the reports. Apparently an evil dictator has taken over Ryccia and is the root cause of its enmity with so many others. The war that the dictator has launched is unfair and unjust and he's keeping the real President from having power.

General Theo states, "We'll continue to evacuate Ryccian citizens and help to protect the countries valuable artifacts and areas. However, we hope to perhaps engage in a mission that deposes the dictator and stops this war."


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


Ministry of Defense HQ, Karnetvor 
After a long meeting, a plan was decided by the High Command of the Armed Forces (President, Minister of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff). The plan was drafted by General Jasper Rendici and General Jan Schlieden.

"As you may already know", explained Schlieden, "the war is being fought in four fronts; Southern Ryccia, Kringalia, Laiwan and RATSPT. We currently have 485,000 active soldiers, with an additional 500,000 in reserve. Also, we have another 15,000 troops deployed in other countries; 9,000 in Transsuneria and 10,000 in Darkstrait. All units are well trained and equipped. The priority is defending our country from invasion or nuclear attack"

He continued, "This is the plan. We move most of the troops, and the Navy units, out of Transsuneria. We send those units to defend Laiwan. That way, we'll show them that they are not alone, but we don't lose the bulk of the army in the process. The units in Darkstrait have more experience, have more active soldiers and equipment, and are accompanied by two cruisers, a destroyer, and an aircraft carrier, but they can't get here without having to pass the strait between the Southwestern Landmass (I think that's its name) and the western continent. We'll send those units to stop the Ryccian landing in South Sea, Kringalia. If they succeed, and that's the most probable outcome considering that Resentine already sent its forces there, there will be no risk of a blockade in the north of the strait".

"About RATSPT, it can be used by Ryccia to launch missiles in this direction. Fortunately, Sedunn is enforcing a no-fly zone, and blocking every ship that tries to get out. Darkstrait is already attacking the island's defenses and military installations with airstrikes and ballistic missiles, so helping them with that is the best choice. We can't send troops to Southern Ryccia yet; we'll support the Qvaitican and Punchwoodian forces there with airstrikes".

The plan was approved by the President and put into motion.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Jasper Henn sat down in the conference room to speak with his head military figures. He has engineered a plan, and wished to know how feasible, or unfeasible it was. When the last Admiral connected to the conference call that had been set up for the figures that could not arrive, Henn stood up and began his slideshow.

"Now that we're here, let's get started. " He began, and proceeded to detail his plan. The military figures listened and thought as he gave the plan. At the end, one stood up, the Grand Fleet Admiral Samuel Bishop, and said clearly and loudly;

"It can be done, with losses."

Henn's face darkened in a way, and he made several quick decisions in his mind. He made one that would probably assist his departure from office, but it was the right thing.

"Let Operation Chokehold begin."

The mass of the entire navy was deployed to the strait between the western landmass and the Sporaltryan Continent to assist Kringalia, Resentine, and Karnetvor in cutting off Ryccian forces from going throught the strait. Losses were the only guarantee of the plan, given it involves searching and destroying for all Ryccian ships and aircraft. This was the beginning and hopeful ending of Sporaltryus's involvement in the Ryccian War.

Official Transcript from Destroyer HMS Majestic, official update to High Admiral Thomas M. Day
Location: Destroyer HMS Majestic, just off the coast of South Sea, Kringalia
Time: 7:35 PM, Theron Time

Capt. Johnathan Riddick: It's nice to finally hear from you sir. Sorry we've taken so long to respond. The Radio tower was hit during the battle, took about 12 hours to repair. How's the rest of the fleet doing?

High Adm. Thomas M. Day: Very well. I've just gotten an official report from Admiral Spaider in Mura. The Marines have pushed the Ryccians back to the cease-fire line. I also just heard from Braddock: The Army landed at the southern coast of Ryccia last night, have set up a beachhead, and are pushing the Ryccians back deeper into the country.

Riddick: You make it sound like I messed the fun, sir.

Day: Don't make what you did seem any less significant, Captain. Or, ah, allow me to correct myself, Admiral.

Riddick: You're joking.

Day: Have you ever known me to joke, John?

Riddick: No, sir. Thank you, sir.

Day: Welcome to the Big Boys. I even heard you'll be getting your own carrier. How does the HMS Patriot sound to you?

Riddick: Wow. First Admiral, and now a carrier? I am really going up in the world.

Day: Anyways, back to the actual news. Did you prevent the Ryccians from landing?

Riddick: We are not entirely sure, sir. We managed to get their fleet to retreat, they took about eight to twelve losses, including 2 destroyers and possibly an LHD. We lost only four ships, those being the Magpie, Renegade, Tarantula, and the Free Marcher. All frigates, and we even managed to save some of the crew. The rest of the fleet is pretty badly damaged. We're going to have to take a few more days to repair to a state of mobility, and a week to be fully operational. We aren't entirely sure how many Ryccian troops landed, but there is reported fighting in the city. I was considering deploying our contingent of Marines, but I'd need permission from Kringalia to do so.

Day: Understood, Admiral. The Patriot should be done in a few days, I'll send her along with a few repair ships to you, help speed everything up. If you could keep track of that fleet for me though, You'll definitely help the boys down in Ryccia from being caught off guard.

Riddick: I will sir.

Cmdr. Kara Resignton: Excuse me, sir? The Talon just contacted us. They've got another hole in the starboard supply bay and they could use a squad or two to help clear the way and help with the repairs.

Day: I see you have another situation on your hands, Admiral. I'll leave you to it. Day, out.[Radio cuts out]

Riddick: Kara, I want you to take one squad over there to help with the repairs. Oversee them yourself, make sure they are top notch.

Resington: yes, sir. [Resington Exits]

Riddick: [Smirks] Admiral.... I never thought I'd see the day....

The Resnetinian Royal Navy 3rd Battle Group has pushed off the naval force of the Ryccian Invasion Force, although a Ryccian Ground presence has yet to be determined. Resnetine has dispatched a new carrier, the HMS Patriot, to the 3rd Battle Group. Resentinian Marines have also helped Laiwanese forces push back Ryccian Forces in Mura, and the Royal Army has secured a foothold in Southern Ryccia.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


South Sea, Kringalia
"Sir, ships from other armies are approaching!"
"What the?! Hurry! Bombard the South Sea Port!"
"Actually, no"

The Captain was surprised. He ordered again

"Launch the missiles to the port"

He tried once again...

"Bombard the port!"
"No, we won't"

And again...

A multitude stood and said

The Deputy Captain then came
"Hmm... You! Arrest the captain"
"Yes sil!"
"What is the meaning of this?!"
"Solly, but you ale allested"
"No! You can't do this! This is mutiny! Let me go!"
"Do not let him go!"
"Ufm! Urgh! Unhand me!"
"Take him to the jail room"
"Wirr do, Captain!"

The original Captain was taken prisioner. Then, the Deputy Captain, now Captain, stood

"Okay. We'll retreat and attack Ryccian-held Mura. Im not following any orders of Dave Isvou or his subordinates. We got 20,000 soldiers, so we can make a move against them completely. Now, everyone! Rip off your flags from your uniforms!"
"What the?!"
"Even at this, I would not do that!"
*Mumble mumble* *Chatter chatter*
"Okay, shut up! Do as I say!"
"Yessir" the soldiers said in a crowd

The Ryccian Fleet proceeded to attack Mura. When enemy ships arrived at the scene, they saw nothing, because they had left. They only saw a little bit of the port of South Sea damaged.

Mirrey, RATSPT
The Governor General was in the Mirrey Mansion. He knew about the coup in Ryccia, but he did not follow orders from Dave Isvou. Instead, he sent a small batallion of 100 soldiers of the Autonomous Royal Military, RATSPT's autonomous military of its own, to aid Qvait. The reason Qvait was conquering the west so fast is because the military often retreated, thus leaving open road to the Qvaitican Invasion. However, some did not retreat, but rather, engaged in battle with them. There was also low morale in the army.

Back in RATSPT, the Governor General was preparing to radio Sraved:
"Okay, testing testing... Yeah, this is the Mirrey, RATSPT authorities. We want to inform you that we are not following Dave Isvou's orders. We are your friends here, as a sign of that, we sent 100 soldiers from our autonomous army to fight the Ryccian Military with Qvait in the west. Over"

Mura, Laiwan
The Ryccians had captured the city. The ones who survived of the 8,000 defending Laiwanese Troops were taken prisioner. The Ryccians had lost 2,000 troops to the Laiwanese, but the Laiwanese lost just 800. But the Ryccians still occupied the city. However...

"Sir, reinforcements have arrived! They are at the Mura Port!"
"Well, I was never noticed of this, but this is good, no?"
"The Laiwanese Invasion must be ta-"


"What was that?!"
"Th-he reinforcements, sir!"
"Then why are they attacking us?!"
"I don't know! I don't know!"

That was the Ryccian Fleet that fled from Kringalia. Fooling their own comrades, they landed without fighting, but when they landed, they began to attack the occupying Ryccian army. That sneaky tactic was called by the Ryccian Military the guznot, or mutiny attack. It was almost never used, but it was very useful.

Back at the ship...
"Sil, we have begun attacking the Lyccians at the city! We ale in Mula!"
"Good. We will take the city and return it back to Laiwan. Say, how many years have you been here?"
"5 yeals, and Im stirr a rowry sordiel!"
"And why is that?"
"Werr, my officiars raugh at me because of how I tark, so they nevel rike me"
"Hmm... Just because of how you talk. Well, as Captain, I have the ability to promote you to Commander Major. You are now Commander Major Justin Leycue"
"Tha-thank you, Captain! I wolked hele fol a rot of time, and it was wolth it!"
"Okay. Now, since I have seen your leadership skills, how about you direct the army?"
"Okay. Get out there and meet with the other Commanders in that building we just occupied. Make a strategy, and kick the Ryccian Military outta here"

The now Commander Major walked out to the building. He then met with other Commanders, and in the west of the city, they found out that the Ryccian Military, although occupying the city, still fought other armies, trying to get rid of them. 3,000 soldiers of the Mutiny force moved in to squeeze the Ryccian Military to kick it out and receive support from the other nations.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)

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