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Being Banned from IRC

Currently, I like the way we handle IRC. Rather than bring under it total government control, would a simple appeals process for IRC bans suffice? I think Lazarus had such a thing and I believe that would be a sufficient compromise.


I don't think there is anything wrong with our IRC channel. I would say our ops are impartial, and QDs post highlights reasonable use of ops.
The 16th Delegate of The South Pacific

Escade, I wasn't watching and it's not worth going thru the logs at this point. I have the log of the channel 24/7 since last April. Posting logs does nothing. Decisions by ops are made at the moment and not after going to the logs and that's just the way it is. And I DARE YOU to produce a log of me having a bad night. I really do. The current ops in the channel are:

Asta - Flagged as Founder by the decision of the op staff when Hileville decided to give it up. Hileville at the time was inner circle TSP

Flagged as SOPs (As powerful as the founder, but can be overruled by Asta)
Todd_McCloud - In and out of TSP for years
Quietdad - Native TSP and former TSP cabinet
LordRavenclaw - TSP citizen and former TSP cabinet

People who have automatic ops when the come in
tsu - TSP Delegate
Awe - Long time TSP native and former cabinet
Severisen - Current TSP citizen
Xoriet - Current TSP citizen
Southern_bellz - as TSP as you can get

Yup. totally in control of outsiders

I mentioned long-term, continuous citizens:

Asta - Not a Citizen
Todd McCloud - Non-Continuous Citizen
QuietDad - Long-Term Citizen
Lord Ravenclaw - Not a Citizen
Tsunamy - Long-Term Citizen
Awe - Long-Term Citizen

Severisen - Relatively Recent Citizen
Xoriet - Relatively Recent Citizen, Became One After Given Op
Southern Bellz - Long-Term Citizen

As far as factual accuracy goes, I am still correct in that four SOP/OP are long-term, continuous citizens. You can argue about the integrity of the individual ops, of their technical expertise, of their suitability as moderators. That can all be argued, but don't come and say that #the_south_pacific is fully controlled by long-term natives, because it just is not.

Of course this is all irrelevant to me, since I don't use that channel anymore. Tounge
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Though Raven was a citizen for a while and only dropped it recently.

Relatively recent vs long time vs anything else is the same as the cabinet. It reflects people currently ACTIVE in an activity. Ops are chosen based on displayed behavior and frequency they are in the channel. It's not a badge for a forum sig. One does not ask for ops and one does not get Asta, Todd, Raven or myself to give someone ops. Ops are people that are trusted to MODERATE the channel, not dictate what goes on and what is acceptable to talk about.

I'd say almost everybody there BUT Raven is impartial. Let's not even pretend otherwise, guys.

Quote:Currently, I like the way we handle IRC. Rather than bring under it total government control, would a simple appeals process for IRC bans suffice?

On the contrary, the private channel wouldn't accept a public appeal process and we don't need to assume government control over #the_south_pacific, we could run a public channel elsewhere.

(04-16-2015, 04:35 PM)Unibot Wrote:
Quote:Currently, I like the way we handle IRC. Rather than bring under it total government control, would a simple appeals process for IRC bans suffice?

On the contrary, the private channel wouldn't accept a public appeal process and we don't need to assume government control over #the_south_pacific, we could run a public channel elsewhere.

How many appeals do you need? I fought to get you back and you were for a while, but your mouth got you banned again. No politics. Your beliefs that your your use of the C word shows your support as a supporter of equal treatment for both sexes just proves you don't get it. 

(04-16-2015, 01:23 PM)Tsunamy Wrote:
(04-16-2015, 01:13 PM)Escade Wrote: We should have a regional channel that as Tsu suggested has clear guidelines and impartial Ops. I'm also open to working with Asta but the government should have some control over OPs.  I'm also open to having an official channel covered by the government.

Let's be clear. Asta is quite good of taking care of stuff in an impartial way.

And let me be clear, in no way have I not stated that. In fact, Asta is the one who unbanned me. She's not the only channel Op and this thread is about the channel Op who did ban me.

My issue is very clear TSP has no control over who gets OPs and let's be honest Raven isn't an impartial person. He's had falling outs with more then one prominent TSPer and he used the IRC channel and a completely meritless ban to make that clear. I actually don't care because he showed his level of maturity from banning me from his forums right after with the message "Abuse of power." People can run their regions and do what they want in their own space. TSP, on the other hand, is a community that all of us are trying to build together and our officially sanctioned channel is the TSP one.

QuietDad, so why do you keep logs then? I have logs since I started using IRC Cloud which is a godsend. You seem to be arguing two things, that seem contradictory. One is that the IRC channel is a place to vent without repercussions or government interference and then second that people who vent, and are not using any kind of offensive words, can be banned based on the political whims of a mod. So it is politicized then.

The number of people who have talked trash about GR or attacked him in that channel when he has not provoked it any way is astounding. Often, he isn't even there. Mods don't seem to care an iota about that. In fact, GR was recently banned temporarily for simply disagreeing.

Actually, that's why logs are important so people can't just BS their way out of situations. I care little for Unibot and if he's dropping the C word then I understand that ban. What I do not understand or accept is that one of the Ops in TSP brings their personal issues with players into Moderation. That is the antithesis of moderation.

Want to know why I was banned in Spiritus? It's very simple, a person, one who is a channel Op or gets that status in many regions, informed me of a rumor about Raven being one of the people who spread rumors about my being Earth among other things and I simply asked point blank if it was true or not. That's why I got banned. The day that Raven banned me was me basically discussing how disgusted I was by the way IRC had become a piling on attack against Kris, GR or anyone that people didn't politically agree with.

I'm sick of it and the vicious cycle that comes from it because its simple if you attack and trash the "right" people you get a pat on the back or a gold star but if you try to defend people from lowly attacks you get warned or threatened or banned.

Oh and P.S. QD calling people bastards\bastardettes because they want to pursue a case on a player who tried to vote stack - why is that any more acceptable? It isn't, it shouldn't be. I do not accept anyone referring to me as bastardette but I guess its okay because you're an Op, right?

Oh wait, you're going to argue it was a joke, right? That argument then makes moderation itself a joke.


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