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SPSF Review - May

I think we all need to calm down and make a good faith effort to ensure this review succeeds. Obviously everyone has strong feelings on this subject, but I am sure we can all keep this discussion reasonable and civilised.
  • I previously suggested that communication was an important issue with the Special Forces and proposed the publication of a regular newsletter detailing past missions and other relevant information. I think distributing that to citizens and residents would be good course of action. Obviously this should be part of a larger communications and recruiting strategy, but my point is that letting the region know that our military actually is active would be a step in the right direction
  • I think we all agree that the purpose of this review is to both let the SPSF account for its progress and let the Assembly hold military leaders accountable. In that sense, I do think it would be useful for both ProfessorHenn and Wolf to give us an explanation of what their basic plans for the immediate future are. I would not expect Wolf to have a fully developed strategy, since he has just been confirmed, but I am sure he has some preliminary thoughts that could be shared with the Assembly. I would like to clarify that I am not asking for a definitive strategy, simply for his overall thoughts on the direction that our military might take in terms of recruitment and activity. Those might change in the future, but I think having a dialogue would be very helpful for both the Assembly and the Special Forces, since it would contribute towards creating an atmosphere of trust and collaboration between the two.
I think these reviews are important because the military has undeniably been inactive in the past. Forcing the Assembly to consider the matter every few months ensures that we will keep thinking of how well we are doing and hopefully advice military officials on what actions would be helpful to improve the Special Forces. However, this process can only work if we all come into the discussion in good faith.

Our Generals must be ready to explain their plans for the military and our Citizens must be open to listen and offer reasonable suggestions on how to improve the situation. Generals know how to run a military and organise missions. Citizens have the perspective, they know how the military looks from the outside and can make suggestions that would greatly improve its performance. What we need is to work together and come to the table, as I said, with an open mind and genuine good faith.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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I don't think grilling a brand new general is good faith in any sense of those words.

If we want to talk about good faith, we should reflect as a region how Wolf has been treated since he got here. From people personally campaigning against him, to multiple BS court cases being brought against him, to admins getting in pissing matches after two days of him being nominated. I think it calls for self reflection at the minimum.
The 16th Delegate of The South Pacific

Again, I would appreciate it if we could keep Forum Administration out of political discussions. If anyone has a grievance or concern regarding the conduct one of our Administrators, then the Operations Centre is the place to let us know about it.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

I don't think I'm being unfair at all. Wolf had zero participation in the SPSF prior to Henn nominating him for General. It is not unreasonable whatsoever to expect that he has ideas going forward, given the extraordinary circumstances of his rise to power in the SPSF.

My tone may not be the most flowery and nice, but I am in fact highly critical of the SPSF and Wolf's appointment. So I really see no need in hiding that. If they need a more friendly tone, others have asked the same questions I have. Henn and Wolf can feel free to answer theirs and ignore mine.

>Had Zero Participation
>Previously proved he participated in Lazarus Liberation
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


i dont really understand why Wolf is being so hostile about a couple of very basic questions. Its been over 24 hours now since the questions were posed and we have received nothing but silence. Its insignificant if Wolf feels that there is hostility towards him, the questions should be simple to answer and its part of the job he signed up for.
King of Haldilwe

I'm not exactly sure how asking for SPSF specific masking counts as "hostile" but to each their own.

If you want to know what my plans right now are, Apad, then the list goes like this:

1) Sorting out the SPSF masking situation and having areas where we can security issue orders and have SPSF specific discussions without prying eyes.

2) Formulate a recruiting plan and execute it.

3) Improve the training guides and our training methods.

4) Everything else.

The South Pacific Special Forces needs to focus on recruitment and organization building at the moment and that's what I plan on doing. I will let Henn handle the operational side for the time being.

I do think giving Wolf some time to figure stuff out is probably a good idea since he just got elected.

Some of the hostility towards Wolf, at least some of it, is probably related to his entry into TSP and the major topic he posted about for his first month or so here. Now that he's elected give him a chance to to do something. However, I think SB has a point and now its time to get out the way.

Again, I'm firmly against shutting down the TSP army or trying to derail it. If anything else, attacking the army would probably lead to some campaign to increase its numbers.

Henn should be able to answer some of the questions when he's not sick as he has posted elsewhere and Wolf can answer some questions that he would be capable to as of having the job for like three days. Having a masked area for the military makes sense since missions need to be secret or they fail.

I'd probably re-think the military name and some of the culture around it as a starting point for revitalizing, being reminded of sunscreen rather then something cute or funny and catchy (do something with the words fierce, llamas, cupcakes, and some military term).

Contacting some of the people who used to lead the military like Geo and stuff might be a good idea, maybe they can't make it to all missions but they might be able to do one or two big ones or otherwise assist.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


Disagree about the name change, but great post besides that.
The 16th Delegate of The South Pacific

I'm for keeping it SPSF as well.

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