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[IC] Crownsville Summit

The Hammerstarian High Ambassador to Kringalia, Guinevere Drummond, stood up and gave her remarks. Standing strong, tall and firm, her blond hair tied back, and she prepared to speak.

"General Rey, forgive me for interrupting your speech, but Hammerstar is dissatisfied on hearing that Ryccia has been personally named the cause of the entire situation. Ladies and gentlemen, please keep a diplomatic manner, let us view this entire puzzle in a clear, logical and non-biased, mind. Let us all work in harmony to solve the puzzle at hand." Gwen took a breather, and continued to speak

"Now, speaking on behalf of the Technocracy. We have deplored the actions taken by both sides, one side have been accused and proven guilty of threatening an innocent nation with baseless sanctions and invasion. From the information we have drawn, Hammerstar sees that it is because the innocent nation, A.K.A, RATSPT, is accused by its main nation for summoning a right that have been clearly granted to them by RATSPT's main nation, without consulting with International Law. Worst of all, this party have also attacked several an entire naval fleet that are harbouring in international waters for no clear logical explanation whatsoever, completely disregarding the international law on military code and conduct. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the only time this party has took such attention to themselves, and we expect that the summit considers these 'past actions'. But your excellencies, we have yet to finish, for I summon the voice of my associate, High Ambassador, Admiral Campbell Liu, to continue."

Gwen sat down, and the Admiral stood up. He was wearing an overcoat, and had refused to take it off, underneath the overcoat was a large number of military medals, Admiral Liu however, preferred to hide his trophies.

"I thank thee, Gwen. Now Hammerstar sees that the other side is to blame as well. This party of nations have been getting themselves in this entire mess, these nations whom we shall not mention, have gone rogue by sending their own military forces without the approval or the permission from RATSPT. Only when RATSPT have stated that these nations are violating RATSPT's sovereignty and borders, that they retract their troops into neutral lands. Though the international community have viewed them to be the heroes of this event, they can't go around the area like children with bedsheets as capes, and send their forces to where they are not requested for. These group of nations have also, violated the international military law and the law of war. We have said enough, and shall open the floor. Hammerstar's point is that we must address both sides of the puzzle, instead of simply naming one."

The Admiral took his seat, and the Hammerstarian delegacy is prepared for a storm.

Councilman of the Exterior, Harrington Waistguard, was eyeing President Daniel Randal, and Randal nodded. Waistgaurd stood, and turned to face the Hammerstarian delegation.

"With all due respect to Admiral Liu, I hardly think that trying to protect a certain land from an attack by its motherland is hardly a problem here. While a, quote, rogue fleet headed towards RATSPT, the international community jumped to its feet to keep peace.

"The only real issue here is that Ryccia cannot keep its own peoples, and worse, its own government from causing national and international troubles.Between riots that last seemingly forever, and government officials being replaced almost weekly, and military officials disregarding both government and international laws... Pardon my language, but Ryccia is a shit-show.

"The only way we can help them is by completely isolating them until they let us hold their little hands and teach them to run a country. History repeats itself, and Ryccia will never change unless we make them change. Its how it must be done, less we want full-scale nuclear obliteration."
"...if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader." - Christopher Titus
Deranged in NS since 2011

One and ONLY minion of LadyRebels 
The OUTRAGEOUS CRAZY other half of LadyElysium

TCPJK: "That is an exaggerated measure. Us, replacing our government weekly? Lies"

"Isolating us? That won't work, my friend. If Ryccia gets worse, who is to say that the people will rebel and Ryccia to fall in anarchy? And what do you mean, to let us let you hold our hands? What are we now, a party cake that the SCO is going to divide?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"If we were looking to divide you up between the SCO nations, we'd have done so already."

Waistgaurd scans the rest of the table, locking eyes with all the heads of state, while speaking. "We, the international community, need to turn Ryccia into a demilitarized state. While the SCO has started to dismantle Ryccian nuclear weaponry, and was talking about severely limiting their military numbers, I do not think thats going far enough! Ryccia cannot be trusted with even a few bombers and ships. They will continue to use them to cause international problems.

"We are calling for a international military zone near or even within Ryccia, to protect them from outside forces, while they do not have a military capable of anything. Their National Guard or riot police can continue, as long as they stay within Ryccian territory.

"A militarized Ryccia is a threat to Pacifica."
"...if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader." - Christopher Titus
Deranged in NS since 2011

One and ONLY minion of LadyRebels 
The OUTRAGEOUS CRAZY other half of LadyElysium

TCPJK: "We have the right to a military. You can reduce it, anything, but you cannot eliminate it. We have the right to self-defense, and that shall remain"

"May I propose instead of de-militarizing us, how about we cannot get into a war unless its for self-defense or to help our allies? That way, we won't attack anyone, but our military will remain"

"We are also willing to reduce military spending from 3.8% to 1.3%"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Stefan Vasser sighed - he seemed to be doing that a lot recently, "Simply saying you 'cannot go to war unless X or Y' would never work. According to the the charter of the United Front, even during the RATSPT crysis you were technically under those same restrictions you mentioned, yet 'rogue forces' opened hostilities either way. I do not agree with Mr. Waistguard that Ryccia should simply be isolated, but something must be done to ensure your armed forces do not go rogue like they seem to so often do."


TCPJK: "We swear, we are working on that. We toppled the previous civil government to fix all of this. It was getting out of control, it was getting rotten"

"We probably know what would happen if the rouge troops did not follow Augusto and his gang: They would had fired them. Before we came to power, General Majors could fire any soldier who did not obey them for disobeying. After we came to power, we changed that; now only a Military Supervisor can give the consent to a General Major to fire a soldier"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


It was all going as expected. Those nations he expected to oppose Ryccia were opposing Ryccia. Those nations that he expected to be wild cards were being wild cards. Ryccia was behaving like it always did. President Walsh was drifting away, thinking of his domestic agenda, when he suddenly heard something interesting. Could it be true? Had Councilman Waistguard actually proposed the demilitarisation of Ryccia?

"If I may" Walsh said, standing up "I concur with the Councilman. Ryccia has proven time and time again that it is incapable of having a responsible foreign policy. It is time to limit its options to legitimate self-defence and prevent it from extending its military presence beyond its borders. I support the abolishment of the Ryccian Military, in favour of keeping the National Guard as a reduced self-defence force.

I will remind the Ryccian representative that reducing the size of its military has already been tried, through the Government Island Summit. It was in fact during the course of those discussions that Ryccia wantonly fired on Farengeto vessels in international waters. That happened once, but it will surely not happen again. We need a complete reformation in Ryccian thought, to turn it into a peaceful and prosperous nation, and in that scheme it will have no need for a offensive military."

Walsh took a good around round the table, stopping at Admiral Liu. He looked him in the eyes, then looked down and smiled. It was not a warn smile, nor an inviting one; it was the sarcastic smile of a retired general who knew the sign of a man proud enough to wear all his medals, but unsure enough not to show them at plain sight.

"With all due respect, Admiral Liu, I fail to see the point of your criticism. Kringalia joined its allies in preventive military action that kept rogue Ryccian forces from attacking an autonomous region, one over which we have vital security and moral interests. Our actions preserved Antarctic Ryccian autonomy at a time when no other nation was willing to do right by this territory."

He looked at President Randal and Councilman Waistguard now. "I agree with our ally Rebeltopia, and renew my original proposal. It will be best for us to follow through with the Government Island Summit, but this time including the consensus and recommendations resulting from this particular summit. I aim for a stronger accord, one that ensures the international community will be safe from Ryccia, but also that Ryccia will have a fair opportunity at future development and lasting peace."
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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The incumbent Secretary of Intelligence and Security (SIS) and the inaugural President of the Second Republic of Qvait, Victor Michael Cutter, rose and shared a speech with the world leaders.

"Well, first I would like to thank President Walsh for hosting this foremost meeting of world powers. What we do now will greatly affect our future. Will we let our emotions get the better of us, or will we set our differences aside and do what is right? For me, what is right is protecting the lives of the people who voted us into our offices. Even though I may not be the incumbent President of the Qvaitican Republic, I was between March 2012 and April 2013. As the President of Qvait, it is his duty to protect the Qvaitican people, much like it is your duty to protect your people, the lot of you.

There is a reason why we all showed up today to attend this summit: peace. It is the interest of the Qvaitican Republic that we do not initiate war against each other, but find a peaceful solution where nobody has to die. The reason why wars happen is because there is hate. If we want to eliminate war, we must find ways to remove hate. Instead of fighting each other, we need to talk. We need to address the problems and resolve them. Violence is not the solution, but rather another problem created.

My people and I have showed up to stop the violence and unnecessary bloodshed. We are not here to point fingers and say who is responsible for this crisis, but to resolve the ongoing issues that should have been solved months, if not years ago. All I ask of you is to follow suit. We must find a solution to each issue. If there are deals that must be made, then they must be deals that are favorable to everyone, not to one or some parties. In these deals, everyone is going to lose something, but everyone will gain something.

Now, on the issues, Qvaiticans are concerned about the overreach of Resolution 2 of the Southern Cooperation Organization and the International Oversight Committee formed by it. If Ryccia cannot have a single nuclear weapon, it is only fair that everyone else has to play by this rule. We are willing to undergo nuclear disarmament, and we have been reducing our nuclear stockpile over the last few years, but everyone else has to disarm their stockpiles as well. I understand that some of us do not trust each other. To make sure that everyone is playing by the rules, we must be allowed to inspect each other. It is my hope and the hope of my colleagues that this is done. And, please do not say that this is impossible, because that is a lie.

On another note, the Qvaitican Republic is aware of Resolution 3 of the Southern Cooperation Organization and its ban on Qvait and Darkstrait. While we disapprove of it, we understand it and accept it. However, I would like to tell you of the progress that we have made in redeeming ourselves. After the leadership crisis in Sporaltryus, we have donated $2.5 billion worth of humanitarian supplies. Considering how much money that is, we could have built dozens of combat drones with that money, but out of compassion, we gave that money to Sporaltryus.

It is my hope that we reach a peaceful solution, but this can only happen if we compromise, all of us. If you are not here to compromise, then you are part of the problem."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

TCPJK: "Our nation is already ruined. Hundreds of times in these months"

"For me, there is no way that Ryccia can recover like this. How can we be a peaceful nation with no need for a military when we have so many nations that will be more than glad to destroy us? How can we prosper if all our efforts to do so end up in vain? How can we be peaceful if every minute of Ryccia's very existance is under threat by rebellion and riots? How can we prosper if Ryccia keeps getting beaten like a ball- both from the inside and outside? How can we be peaceful if Ryccia has so many enemies that want to see it humiliated and subjugated, forever losing its honor?"

"There is simply no way. Even if we try to fix this problem, I have no hope for the future. All of Ryccia feels like that: hopeless. Every time I go on to the streets, I see recovery. But I also see future doom in Ryccia's future, destroying that recovery"

"In our current situation, Ryccia can never recover. Can we recover it? Yes. But under this atmosphere of doom and ruins? No"

"In the issue of nuclear weapons, we will leave them at the IOC required quota: 150"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


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