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[LQ] War in Ryccia - Printable Version

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RE: War in Ryccia - Qwert - 03-28-2015

Sporaltryan units will hold outside Ryccian and Sedunnic territorial waters. Sporaltryus is welcome to participate in the political affairs through a delegation together with other nations that will be invited shortly.

RE: War in Ryccia - Punchwood - 03-28-2015

The Bridge of the PSS Woodea

Punchwoodian Solider: "Sir! Resnetinian bombers are heading towards us! They must know about our incoming attack!"
Captain Eddard: "Well then lets send up our own fighters and jets and bring them down! Tell all ships to have their Anti-Aircraft guns ready, we aren't going to fail when we are this close to Ryccia's coast. We can see it now, and we are going to land on it!"
Punchwoodian Solider: Yes sir!

The solider quickly left the Bridge.

RE: War in Ryccia - Darkstrait - 03-28-2015

It was at this point that the Darkstraitese fleet engaged the ships from Punchwood.

In a bold move, Darkstraitese vessels pulled into point-blank range of the Punchwood vessels and began firing heavy artillery. Bomber squadrons at 20,000 feet bombed Punchwood vessels, and fighters loomed everywhere. Soon, though, the Darkstraitese fleet moved through the Punchwood Narmada, heading for the coast. Transport helicopters began taking off, with escorts, to ferry reinforcements to the city. Two massive transport jets carried small tanks for street fighting.

RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-28-2015

Official Transcript from Echo 1, F111 bomber, Leader of Echo Flight, moving on the Punchwoodian Fleet
Location: Ryccian Eastern Coast, closing on the Punchwoodian Naval Fleet
Time:7:30 AM, Theron Time

Captain Michael Godfrey: All wings, this is Echo 1, Report in.

Echo 3: Echo 3, standing by.

Echo 5: Echo 5, standing by.

Echo 2: Echo 2, standing by.

Echo 4: Echo 4, standing by.

Echo 6: Echo 6, standing by.

Echo 7: Echo 7, standing by.

Godfrey: All Echos are in. [switches channel] All Squadrons, this is Echo 1, report in.

Foxtrot 1: This is Foxtrot 1, all Foxtrot wings are standing by.

Delta 1: This is Delta 1, all Delta wings are standing by.

Coyote 1: This is Coyote 1, all Coyote wings are standing by.

Geronimo 1: This is Geronimo 1, all Geronimo wings, except for 2, are standing by.

Godfrey: What happened to 2?

Geronimo 1: He had a leaking fuel valve and some issue with his left wing. He had to pull back.

Godfrey: understood. All Bombers, prepare for your attack runs. That means Echo, Foxtrot, and Geronimo, begin arming your bombs and prep them to drop.

Foxtrot 1: Copy, All wings are arming.

Geronimo 1: All wings are arming, sir.

Godfrey: Coyote and Delta, get in escort formation Talloran-Alpha, watch for enemy fighters.

Coyote 1: This is Coyote 1, we copy, moving into formation Talloran-Alpha now.

Delta 1: This is Delta 1, Delta is closing into formation. Good luck gents.

Godfrey: Alright, boys, here we go. Watch for the flak. Echo is aiming for the primary target of the carrier. Geronimo, your objective will be the enemy destroyer and the frigates around her. Foxtrot, remember how you were packed with Nalpalm bombs and Anti-Ship missiles?

Foxtrot 1: Clear as day, sir.

Godfrey: You're going to go after any ships that try to stop us. Anything that's shooting at us, you're going to take down her AA defences and burn the ship. Also, Delta and Coyote. If you see any enemy planes taking off, shoot them down as fast as possible. I don't want them causing too much trouble.

Delta 1: Yes, sir. This looks to be a bit more fun than the General was making it sound.

Coyote 1: Cut the chatter, Delta. Looks like they're already going.

Delta 1: Copy that. Echo 1, are we clear to engage?

Echo 1: Affirmative, Delta. All jets are clear to engage. Good luck everyone. Hope to see you all back at base. Echo 1 out.

As the Tornado F.1s of Delta Squadron and the F.2s of Coyote Squadron dive in at the Punchwoodian Fighters, Echo, Foxtrot, and Geronimo begin their runs on the enemy fleet. The battle for the Eastern Coast has begun.

RE: War in Ryccia - Punchwood - 03-28-2015

The Bridge of the PSS Woodea

Prime Minister Lime (on a screen): You do know Eddard, if this attack fails it will take a long time to get back to where we are now.

Captain Eddard: Don't worry Prime Minister, this attack won't fail and if it does well it won't.

Prime Minister Lime: I hope so.

The screen goes blank.

Captain Eddard: Commander, lets send these Resnetinians back to those shit stained lands they call home. All anti-aircraft guns are to fire upon their bombers and lets send up our own fighters and lets take them down! I think they deserver some SAM missiles, don't you? Everything else and all other ships are to fire upon those Darkstraitese vessels, lets show them what a real war is.

The screen comes on again, this time with a women's face appearing on it.

Captain Jessica: Ah, Eddard how you?

Captain Eddard: Oh I'm fine you know, all I'm doing is fighting off two countries at the same time! What about you? Enjoying yourself down in the sunny south?

Captain Jessica: Yes I am thanks for asking. No one knew we were coming and now we've landed on the South of Ryccia! Unlike you that is.

Captain Eddard: You know I only have one quarter of my fleet here don't you? The other three quarters are still on there way, and when they reach here both Resnetinians and Darkstraiteseians will flee and the East Coast will be ours. If we can survive this first battle, the other three quarters will be here in 45 mins if we lost they will quickly regroup and request reinforcements. We MUST win this battle.

Captain Jessica: Therefor you want my land forces to quickly going and attack the city you wish to take and my fleet to go and reinforces your fleet until the remainder of yours catches up.

Captain Eddard: Yes that's it really.

Captain Jessica: Right then, well I knew you were going to ask me that a long time ago. That's why I was calling you in the first place to tell you my fleet should be joining yours in about 10 mins and my lands troops along with many Ryccian rebels and myself will arrive at the city in around 30 mins.

Captain Eddard: Thank you then and I'll be seeing you shortly then I guess.

The screen went blank once again.

A small southern area of Ryccia has now be conquered shelters are currently being built so that civilians have somewhere to live in. Food, water and medication are being given out and many more supplies including blankets and clothes are being handed out. Many Ryccian rebels gladly joined Punchwood's side when asked if they would help them liberate the Eastern city. The battle for the East rages on and the remainder of Captain Eddard's fleet is quickly catching up along with Captain Jessica's small fleet.

RE: War in Ryccia - ProfessorHenn - 03-28-2015

[[[Punchwood, try this out.]]]

RE: War in Ryccia - Punchwood - 03-28-2015

PH would you please stop being so dam rude. Please point out my spelling mistakes because there are none, there are two grammar mistakes yes (your stupid side did nothing by they way I found them out my self) they are as follows.

deserver: should be deserve.
there (taken form: three quarters are still on there way) should be their.

I for one I'm sick fed up o this region taking the piss out of me for getting the odd spelling and grammar mistake. You guys aren't what you would call amazing or basically good at english. I don't say anything there do I? I would once again like to point out that I'm dyslexic therefor I do make mistakes here and there and that I also got a very high qualification in English. So I ask for the last time don't take this piss out of me before you cross the last straw.

RE: War in Ryccia - ProfessorHenn - 03-28-2015

It was as a suggestion for you, so that we can clearly understand you.

RE: War in Ryccia - Punchwood - 03-28-2015

PH stop being such a before I lose it with you.

RE: War in Ryccia - Jay Coop - 03-28-2015

The Qvaitican forces in Daonlathas is coexisting with the Darkstraitese forces. However, General Harrison Petraeus said, "We disapprove of Darkstrait's treatment of the Ryccian civilians. Through pamphlets and speeches, Qvait has convinced the Ryccians that it is on their side, which is true. We encourage Darkstrait to do the same."