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[IC] Reizen Civil War - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Bzerneleg - 04-28-2019

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Hammerstar - 04-29-2019

Net Conference in the Reizen Theatre

Doctor Sienna D'Opale (PIC, RIM Refugee Camp)
Doctor Doctor Ze'ev Ping-Ronai (Head Operation of "Sanctuary", Camp Sanctuary)
Doctor Octavius Christianson (PIC, RDC Camp)
Lady Cecilianna Wu (PIC, WPR Camp)
Head Doctor D. Valentine (Health Councillor of the World Forum, in Aweiqinna)
Doctor Joanne Liu (Head of the Medicien Sans Frontiere, in Paris, France)

As the screen flashed, everyone is prepared of the meeting that is to come. It has become dire, looking at the situation and conditions on the field.

Doctor Zee: Evening everyone, before we begin I would like to thank the honorable Head Councillor of the World Forum as well as the Head of the MSF to be with us in this meeting. I see that there is one that is not ready yet.

Doctor Octavius: Doctor Sienna from RIM refugee camp is still tending to her patients, she will be joining us shortly.

Doctor Zee: Of course, we have said our prayers, now if you would like to report what is going on in the field?

Doctor Octavius: Certainly, the RDC camp is facing immense damage and a higher influx of refugees with the crisis at hand. Our supply lines are still in tact but we have postposed expeditions to other reaches in the RDC. We have however managed a contact with military authorities in the RDC who was empathetic to our cause, and has provided an escort for us to tend those iN RDC. However, we have run out of Hepatitis vaccine, and we are running out of Tuberculosis medicine. We are still wondering whether support by hospitals managed by the RDC are willing to provide us assistance in handling the RDC camp, but it has been very difficult with many medical professionals pushed to the frontlines.

Doctor Liu: How are your supplies?

Doctor Octavius: We would be able to resume program and service for another 8 months, our stockpiles are dwindling, especially we are very much near the front lines.

Doctor Zee: Thank you, Lady Wu, if you'd please.

Lady Wu: The WPR camp is much more stable, and we are able to cooperate with some hospitals in the villages. They are able to provide medical assistance, and willing for us to aid them in doing so. It is in great difficulty however, as to keep the camp neutral, to relegate them when they tried to spread their leaflets. It would also be difficult to get attention from the local authorities, since we refuse for them to distrubute communist manifestos in the camp. We are also in bitter standing with the Bruumans, as we refuse to accept their medical equipments for the sake of a neutral agenda. The rapport with the community is almost sour, and resulting in a reduction of escort services on the field. Of course we are unable to use mercenaries.

Doctor D.Valentine: Could we?

Doctor Zee: Absolutely not, you are not to gather mercenaries to help defend our efforts. Continue support with the local authority of the WPR, and continue to negotiate futther.

Doctor Liu: I concur, it would be best if you could increase our standing with the community. Your camp must not cause or worsen an international incident. Do I make myself clear?

Lady Wu: Of course. What's more we wish to gain a cooperation with local charities to provide education for the displaced children in our camp. As well as program makers to help them cope with the situation at hand.

Doctor D. Valentine: I will look into it.

Doctor Zee: Miss Ducane, where is Doctor Sienna?

Miss Ducane: She's here.

Doctor Sienna came in view of the camera, still with her scrubs and her hair frizzled.

Doctor Sienna: I am sorry, good evening all.

Doctor Zee: Sienna, you look terrible. Are you sure you are able to provide the briefing?

Doctor Sienna: Oui. We are severely shortstaffed in the RIM camp, and the recent embargo of Kinjinshi has made us severely barren of resources. We are low on food, clean water and medicine. We are however able to provide most of the people with enough housing, and only recently all the hospitals in Kinjishi are willing to provide their aid for free. We are able to secure some medicine and some personnel to cooperate with, due to a substantial donation direcrly to us.

Doctor Zee:
Do they want anything in return?

Doctor Sienna: Not at all! As a matter of fact, the government of Kinjishi given a great amount of medical equipment to us from a donator. I am sure you have heard of this Doctor Liu?

Doctor Liu: Ah yes, one of our partners have managed to secure substantial aid for the foundation. I did not think they would give it right away.

Doctor Zee: It would be best if all equipments come through the Sanctuary camp first, doctor Sienna. It would be best if any equipment received are thoroughly checked

Doctor Sienna: I would keep that noted, doctor. Anyway, tension increased in the RIM camp, and word of the crisis at hand has unnerved most in the camp. Nevertheless foundations in Kinjishi has been helpful to mitigate the disaster.

Doctor Zee:
Thank you, I would also see to it that some help will come your way as well.

Doctor Liu: Doctor Zee, how many people are in the Sanctuary Camp?

Doctor Zee: There are about nearly 230,000 inhabitants of the Sanctuary Camp, but we do not expect further increases. Currently facilities for education, healthcare and skill training has been made. Food supply lines and medical equipments are still constant, and our security of an aircraft strip north of the camp enabled easier transport of our resources. However, it would be difficult to have guardians in the camp, and we have been relying on volunteers from all sides of the conflcit. This has indeed kept neutrality however a camp this size would still need more security. The Frost empire does not allow us to have peacekeepers from the Peocracy, nor were we are able to hire mercenaries to help.

Doctor Liu: Perhaps it would be possible to consult with the original government or Reizen?

Doctor Sienna: Doctor, the original government are in tatters.

Doctor Zee: Maybe it could be a solution, we can only rely on Reizen volunteers to guard the camp. But if the original government is still there, and its law enforcement still active, we might be able to safeguard Camp Sanctuary after all.

Doctor D.Valentine: I concur, it would be best if we can find an authority that still manages the people, which are outside the reach of the parties at hand.

Doctor Liu: Now, I am sure there is an issue we must discuss?

Doctor Zee: Talks of the entire event exploding to total war would severely halt any progress we have made, we are able to procure enough foundation but otherwise we may be in serious trouble if we do not stockpile our resources for what is to come.

Doctor Liu: I see, no matter what ensure that MSF personnel and equipment are safe. Our people on the ground are our topmost priority, but ensure that these foundations are able to operate with local enforcements and local services.

Doctor D.Valentine: I will see what I can do to coordinate with the World Forum in initiating a ceasefire and safeguard of any humanitarian efforts in Reizen, however please prepare a contingency plan if things go sour. Doctor Liu, would you be alright if the World Forum Security Forces are able to safeguard your camps?

Doctor Liu: If it is possible we would like further help from the regional council, the MSF has many issues to attend to, and we would be grateful if you could provide us a hand in this.

Doctor D.Valentine: I will see what I can do. Doctor Zee, The Peony wishes to note that further equipments are coming on your way from camp sanctuary, as well as a hefty number of Bedaquiline.

Lady Wu: How on earth did The Peonic government get those?

Doctor D.Valentine: Apparently The Peony managed to cooperate with Hammerstar and Hohenzollern to provide the drug, which have forced said corporation to provide the drugs at such a low cost. Unfortunately we are unable to profit from such an event.

Doctor Liu:
There will be our time, we are sure of it. Doctor Zee!

Doctor Zee: Yes?

Doctor Liu: Keep our people safe in there. They are your main priority, do I make myself clear?

Doctor Zee: I shall do what I can.

Doctor Liu: Keep us posted, and I expect a full report in 24 in my email. good night.

All: Good night.

Doctor Liu turned off the screen.

Doctor D. Valentine:
I must head back, wassalamualaikum

Doctor D. Valentine turned off her screen. Leaving the rest.

Doctor Zee: Please keep me posted, and please do whatever is acceptable to ensure the safety of our camps. Good evening.

All: Good Night sir.

Doctor Zee turned off the screen, the meeting ended.

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - VPRB - 04-29-2019

Ge-Rogue State Security underground complex, somewhere in Bayougrad

The encrypted video-conference was ongoing. The Minister of State Security was speaking: "Regarding the situation in Reizen. In Valkyria, establish contact with this Vorsica: the long term objective, if they 'll be deemed reliable, is to have them sell us weapons we can then supply to the WPR. In Reizen proper, monitor the leadership of the Party and especially look out for agents of foreign powers trying to undermine our influence. Get me the results, we'll adjourn from there".

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Qwert - 04-29-2019

(04-25-2019, 11:04 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"If the RDC are sincere in their official agenda, then they surely will see the benefits of this plan. It is the fastest way to peace, reconciliation, and ultimately letting the people of Reizen decide the future of their province. If the RDC is as 'democratic' as they claim. Otherwise, their foreign supporters, especially from Bzerneleg, will have to reconsider their involvement. This would of course mean that the RDC would lose their only guarantor."

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Imperial Frost Federation - 04-29-2019

Updated Tentative Frontlines

[Image: 23sde1f.png]

The Above is a rough sketch of the current frontlines.
The Red Trapezoid is the current contested zone where the RIM are fighting the Frost Empire and WPR respectively
The Purple Oval consists of the WPR's current territorial holdings.
The blue circle is the RDC & Bzern joint territory and does not include the contested naval zone which extends around both islands.

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - VPRB - 05-02-2019

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bayougrad

Minister Sergej Hunt sat at his desk. Lined in perfect order on the massive wooden furniture there were reports and a map of Reizen. Several underlings were standing nearby, waiting for any order from their superior. “Is the line secure?” asked Hunt, his hand hoovering over the phone. “Yes, Comrade Minister” answered on of the secretaries. “Then start the procedure and put me in communication with Minister Kuribayashi of Frost”.

Good morning Minister Kuribayashi, it’s my pleasure to be talking with you again. As per our last informal meeting, I’d like to discuss with you new possible developments in the war in Reizen. 

So far, we have, as agreed, avoid sending ground troops but the new advances of RIM and the intervention of Bzerneleg have raised the threat posed both to you and the WPR. 

So, I’m proposing you to have our socialist ally of Kai Fa send ground troops in support of our local comrades, keeping the understanding that they will not engage Frost forces. If the WPR very survival will be at risk we will be forced to take this move anyway, but we believe that prevention is better than the cure and we’ll like to keep our relationship with your country in the current state. Also, an increased pressure against RIM forces by the WPR will sap up some of their men and resources, while freeing some of yours.  A good deal in my opinion.

Last but not least, we can be of help in mediating with The Peony, given the stance she took on the matter

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Imperial Frost Federation - 05-03-2019

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - VPRB - 05-03-2019

(05-03-2019, 01:31 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Foreign Minister Nagisa Kuribayashi sat alone in desk reading the reports from the World Forum Ambassador. She had just finished reading the Gi-Landian pledge to support the Empire alleviate its shortage of medical supplies for Reizen when an aide knocked on the door.

"Yes? What is it?" Kuribayashi asked as she placed the report down on the desk. The aide responded, "Ma'am the Bruuman Foreign minister is on the line to speak with you." Kuribayashi's eyes narrowed as she asked, "Are you certain?" "Yes ma'am" replied the aide. Sighing softly to herself she asked again, "Is the line secure?""Yes ma'am" replied the aide. Kuribayashi then picked up her desk phone and said, "Very well patch him through..."

 "Good Morning Mr. Hunt. Indeed, it is a pleasant surprise to be hearing from you again after our productive discussion. However, the Frost Empire cannot allow Kai Fa to deploy ground troops in Reizen Province.

It is one thing to turn a blind eye to high speed jets flying over enemy occupied territory, but another thing to allow a foreign army support an insurgency.

You must understand that the Empire can not afford to be seen supporting one insurgency or the other to negotiate an end to this war. This is why we are still fighting the Bzerneleg military who seem hellbent on supporting the treacherous RDC.

Furthermore, our clashes with the Bzerneleg navy has allowed RIM blockade runners to smuggle in vital weapons and 'volunteers' to continue their war against all parties. This event has proven to be beneficial politically by painting the Bzerneleg government as reckless but our acceptance of another backer of the insurgency will bolster their [bzerneleg] narrative and push greater pressure on the WPR. Something I'm sure you'd like to avoid.

The Empire would appreciate help in mediating with the peony given the unusual stance of the matter. However, the Peony's shocking accusations hold no water over the legality of the Empire's continued governance and ownership of the province. That being said, the Empire will continue to avoid areas frequented by the WPR to reduce the chance of conflict. By the way Minister Hunt, this may seem random but did you know that the Frost Raven begins its annual migration North to Seranuma. Despite the fighting below, perhaps the WPR may be fortunate to see more ravens this year since there are many RIM corpses to scavenge."[/spoiler]

"Fascinating!" exclaimed Hunt with an amused grin "Birds hold a special place in our belief systems..." He switched back to a more serious tone: "Anyway, we will honour our understanding and respect your decision... for the time being, since Seranuma is still not threatened. We will continue to provide material and aerial support to the WPR and direct it against RIM, hoping it will be able to inflit an heavier toll on them. Should you reconsider our offering, you know where to find me. Always a pleasure talking with you Minister, may the Loas  grant you a bright day!".

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Qwert - 05-03-2019

(05-03-2019, 01:31 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"It is essential that the WPR officially supports the plan. The WPR, the Empire and the RDC need to return to the Grovne Agreement. If the international community sees a united Reizen front against the RIM, further foreign involvement and escalation of the war can be avoided, and countless lives be saved."

RE: [IC] Reizen Civil War - Imperial Frost Federation - 05-04-2019