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[LQ] War in Ryccia - Printable Version

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RE: War in Ryccia - Ryccia - 03-22-2015

South Sea, Kringalia
The Ryccians were ordered to attack Kringalia. A force of 20,000 was sent to attack a city in Kringalia called South Sea.

"So, we are against Kringalia... This is very bad"
"Hah, rookies, they get scared every time. Bwahahahaha! Rookie! You shouldn't be scared!"
"Why not? I heard that Kringalia is very powerful..."
"Yeah, but only on diplomacy and influence. I never seen them fight, and their population is only 18 million. 18 million! That's very few compared to Ryccia. Kringalia will be easy to beat, rookie"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah Im sure! Kringalia will be easier than a feather!"
"Well, okay"

The fleet was moving. Hours had passed, and they saw South Sea. It was a beautiful city.

"Oh man, its so beautiful. Well, rules are rules! Launch the missiles on South Sea's port!"
"Gee, this Ryccian Bay soldier. He gets the l's and the r's confused!"
"Hey! Don't raugh at me!"
"Sorry. Now, fire that missile!"

The missile was launched. The port of the city of South Sea was damaged, and the Ryccians were prepared to launch more.

"Radio them!"
"Yessil! Okay, got them!"
"Klingarian Navy, you have 5 minutes to sullendel!"
"Say it right!"
"Okay. Kringalian Navy, I repeat, you have 5 minutes to surrender!"

The Battle of South Sea began.

RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-22-2015

Official Transcript from the Office of High Admiral Thomas M. Day, Communication with Admiral David D. Spaider, CO, HMS Theron and Theron Battle Group
Location: The Hexagon, Theron, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Time: 9:00 PM, Theron Time

Day: I take it you've made it to Laiwan, Admiral.

Spaider[Over Radio]: Sorry I didn't contact you earlier, Sir. We've been having issues with the-*crackle*-ay.

Day: Understandable Admiral. I'm also going to assume You've begun the assault on Ryccian Positions in Mura as well then?

Spaider: Aff-*crackle*-miral. Marines Secured a Beachhead an hour ago and we've been flying constant Bomber sorties. Marines are taking more ground as we speak.

[A Naval Officer, Captian Tom Petty, walks into Day's office. Petty is the CO of the Resetine Naval Intelligence Office]

Day: Understood. Keep up the good work Admiral. Day, out.[Day turns off his radio] Petty, what do you got for me?

Petty: I have confirmed reports that the Ryccian Navy has just assaulted the Kringalian Port City of South Sea.

Day: You've got to be kidding? It's only been a few hours since war was declared! How did they get there so fast?

Petty: They began their Naval movements two hours before the actual declaration. We weren't sure where they were going at first, but, by the time we figured it out, they were already in a good position to assault the city, all they had to do was wait for the fog to clear.

Day:........ Send the 3rd Battle Group, the one that was on it's way to help The army for the Attack on Ryccia. Who's the Captain of that group...... Johnathan... Johnathan... Johnathan Riddick! Have him get to South Sea ASAP. He's the closest one and our only chance of preventing an Marine Landing on The Kringalia. How long until you think he can get there?

Petty: I'd give him anywhere from an Hour to an Hour and a half.

Day: That'll have to be good enough. Dismissed.

Petty: Yes, sir.[Petty Exits]

Day: My god, If Gramps was still alive, this would be the part where he'd say "Shit just got real".

[Day goes back to his desk, organizing Battle Groups over the radio and preparing for the worst]

The Resentine Royal Navy 3rd Battle Group is now on it's way to South Sea to support Kringalian Forces defending the city.

War in Ryccia - ProfessorHenn - 03-22-2015

Sporaltryus takes neutrality in this conflict, but will send aid to any nation that requests it.

We will also set up a naval base in Laiwan to help defend it's sovereignty.

Lauren Bell

Advisor to the President

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RE: War in Ryccia - Jay Coop - 03-22-2015

The Qvaitican Marine Corps made advances on the west coast of the Ryccian mainland, heading east. As They will keep going east until they meet the sea again."

RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-22-2015

Official Transcript of the Bridge of the Destroyer HMS Majestic, Command Ship of the Resentine Royal Navy 3rd Battle Group
Location: Destroyer HMS Majestic, just off the Coast of South Sea, Kringalia
Time: 11:00 P.M., Theron Time

Riddick: There it is boys.... The Ryccian Fleet.... Those look like some very expensive toys the Ryccians got there

Executive Officer Kara Resington: Sir, if I didn't know any better, I'd say the main gun on that flagship is at least 170 millimeters, maybe more. Are you really sure we should be doing this?

Riddick: Absolutely, Commander. If we didn't, then who would? The Kringos are already engaging them, and even they're having trouble. We may be a smaller nation in size and in military power, but, I am more than sure we can handle them. If we can't beat them, we can at least stall them for long enough that the rest of the Kringalian Navy can arrive. If you need a better reason, these orders came from Day himself. We engage that fleet or we die trying.

Resington: Of course, sir.

Riddick: Comm, alert the other ships in the group that we will be engaging shortly. Tell them to focus fire on the Enemy Destroyer or whatever that thing is with the Big gun. I want ASM Choppers in the Air in 5 minutes, and I want them focusing on enemy frigates at Grids 10, 02 and 10, 03 on the battlemap. I want Corvettes to get their CIWS systems up and running now, just in case they've already detected us. The moment our Choppers get in the Air we should begin engaging the Enemy Destroyer. And If I see one ship try to retreat without my authorization, Everyone on board is getting hanged for treason. Understood?

Comm Officer Lieutenant Michael Romero: Yes, sir! Sending the message now. [Activates ship radio] Attention all Ships, this is the Majestic, you are ordered to deploy your ASM Helicopters now. All Destroyers and Frigates are to focus fire on the Enemy Destroyer, and all ASM Helis are ordered to engage enemy frigates at Grid Coordinates 10, 02 and 10, 03. All ships are to open fire when the Majestic does. Good luck everyone, Majestic out.

Riddick: The first shots of the second war we didn't start. Gotta love how history repeats itself sometimes.

Resington: What was the first one, sir?

Riddick: The first one? The first one, my dear commander, was the Civil War.

Resington: Oh. [Turns to Comm Officer] are all ASM Choppers in the Air?

Romero: yes, ma'am. In the Air and moving to targets.

Resington: Weapons officer, are all gun and missile batteries ready to fire?

Weapons Officer Lieutenant Charles Sinclair: Yes ma'am. All weapons ready.

Resington: [Turns back to Riddick] Awaiting your orders, sir.

Riddick: All batteries, Fire at the Target! Show these instigating scum no quarter.

As the Majestic's guns light up upon the Destroyer, the rest of the 3rd Battle Group join it, as the ASM Helicopters begin engaging the Ryccian Frigates. In the hopes of preventing any landings, the Resentine Navy 3rd Battle Group has engaged the enemy.

RE: War in Ryccia - Escade - 03-23-2015

Escadian President Sofie Grace ponders on what to do. Her ally is being attacked on all sides by numerous enemies.

"General Theo," she calls her most trusted general, "What can we do to help our ally against some of our other allies? Is a peaceful resolution to this situation no longer possible?"

The General looks grim.

RE: War in Ryccia - Darkstrait - 03-23-2015

"Sir! The Ryccians have declared war on us!"
Ridcully said a very bad word. "Commence bombing raids on Ryccian military bases."
"What about the fleet?"
"Send the fleet to Kringalia. Reports indicate that fleets are gathering off the coast." He bought for a moment. "And get the Ryccian ambassador out of our court. Call up Punchwood."

RE: War in Ryccia - Qwert - 03-23-2015

The normally slow-paced workdays had turned into the most stressful days in years for general Kjonnerr, commander of Vastraenn Defence Region. Two days ago he commanded a single battle group consisting of one mechanized battalion, two motorized battalions, one artillery battalion and one anti-air battalion excluding support and logistics units. Present in his military region were also one fighter squadron and one navy flotilla. They had all been mobilized quickly and were tasked with sealing off the aerospace around Vastraenn, including the Ryccian territory RATSPT to prevent launching of military aircrafts and missiles and to enable reinforcement of the county.

During the last day several units arrived and reported to him. The reinforcements arriving consisted of all kinds of units, most notably anti-air units. After constant briefings, other meetings and not to mention reading and writing several reports, he was longing for a sandwich. But that had to wait. New orders were issued from the Headquarters to the submarine flotilla off the coast, they were no longer under his command and he had to find replacements for them as soon as possible to fill the gap they left.

A new report, telling him that evacuation of Sraved was ready, arrived. Also an additional fighter squadron reported in. Yes, the sandwich had wait.

Official message from the government of Sedunn:
The current situation in Ryccia and their regime's declaration of war against or neighbours has forced Sedunn to take several measures to contribute to the security of the region. A no-fly zone has been set up in the eastern parts of the Southern Continent, including the Ryccian territory. Any aircraft and missile leaving this territory will be engaged. Large reinforcements have been brought in over the night, including long-range missile systems.

RE: War in Ryccia - Darkstrait - 03-23-2015

The Darkstraitese bombers began taking off from Black Point Military Center. They began the several-hour journey to the Ryccian mainland.

Meanwhile, in MEJBB Island, bombers were being prepped for an attack on the RATSPT. Base generals were trying to negotiate with Sedunnic officials for the temporary lifting of the no-fly zone.

Back in Darkstrait, secret missile silos prepared to fire long-range conventional missiles at Ryccian military targets.

RE: War in Ryccia - Qwert - 03-23-2015

Finally a it was calming down, no new briefings or reports were planned for the next hour. General Kjonnerr was about have his first bite of a baguette when a communications officer entered his office.
"Orders from the HQ."
"Let me see it." The officer handed over a sheet of paper while Kjonnerr took his first bite of bread.

TV141121-LIN. Darkstrait requested permission to enter no-fly zone. Permission: granted as per LL1234. Conditions: military targets and critical infrastructure only. Radar: 135-V, 120-V.

"Alright, inform the staff. Hope the bombers won't mind the warning sounds when our radars lock on to them, they will get it a lot" said the general with his mouth full. "Also, remind them that the status of the Ryccian ground-to-air units is unknown and that we have not ourselves been locked on by their radars. They are probably waiting to the last minute to reveal them."