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Six-party talks - Resentine - 06-16-2015

Resentine feels the need to remind Awesominia that Resentine has not unrecognized either Liawan or Ryccia, as we see the new Pact as a childish spout from Sporaltryus, and we simply don't know what human rights violations Sporaltryus referred to when making the pact.

Valarie Braddock
the Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Representitive to the SCO

RE: Six-party talks - Farengeto - 06-16-2015

These talks are laughably unprepared and naively inadequate. We have nothing to compromise on, and it's clear to us that Qvait's "allies" are unwilling to compromise either. So long as those unrecognized states pose a threat to themselves and others there will be no talks. Pact or no Pact we are conducting sanctions.

(OOC: I'd also like to note the difference between IC and OOC opinions and that they are not necessarily the same.)

RE: Six-party talks - Ryccia - 06-16-2015

We are willing to compromise. However, you are the ones being unreasonable here. You wish for our total defeat, and we wish to restore peace.

RE: Six-party talks - Hammerstar - 06-16-2015

Do we have a say in this? We'd want to say something

RE: Six-party talks - Ryccia - 06-16-2015

We wish that Qvait give a say to Hammerstar, if they allow it.

RE: Six-party talks - Farengeto - 06-16-2015

And what of Kringalia and other members of the SCO? Many of them have issues too. Perhaps you should have put more thought into your roster before rushing these talks.

RE: Six-party talks - Ryccia - 06-16-2015

Qvait requested the talks. We didn't, so ask them.

RE: Six-party talks - Jay Coop - 06-16-2015

We wanted to hold a diplomatic discussion and Farengeto will not compromise. If there is no peaceful discussion then war is inevitable. With regard to Awesomiasa's statement, we need clarification on Qvait's "questionable behavior" towards "unrecognized entities."

Six-party talks - ProfessorHenn - 06-16-2015

The Sporaltryan Union will be pulling out. While we thank Qvait for the opportunity to be involved, we cannot deal with a disorganized mess of these talks.

Chris Flores


The Sporaltryan Union

~Professor Henn, Hardcore Leftist, Totally not a Dinosaur

RE: Six-party talks - Ryccia - 06-16-2015

(06-16-2015, 12:19 PM)JCRules Wrote: We wanted to hold a diplomatic discussion and Farengeto will not compromise. If there is no peaceful discussion then war is inevitable. With regard to Awesomiasa's statement, we need clarification on Qvait's "questionable behavior" towards "unrecognized entities."
Oh no, not another war! Not on our watch!