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Off-topic rant - Printable Version

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Charter Typo - Kris Kringle - 05-12-2014

That's great. Do it in private or in a different thread, not in this one. The same goes to Escade, since she's been going with these attacks and accusations for long enough.

RE: Charter Typo - Tsunamy - 05-12-2014

Let's be realistic Kris. No one is moving this discussion nor is it getting cleared up.

Have at it, guys. Let's drive more people away from the forums.

RE: Charter Typo - Escade - 05-12-2014

You know Rebel when I brought up personal attacks as problematic last term, many people including you said it was the norm of politics. So excuse me if I roll my eyes now. I've been on the receiving end of personal attacks since December 2013 and I think its time that what goes around comes around.

[Image: Ij7I6ue.gif]

Belschaft, you do whatever you want. If you think for one second that I have any respect left for anything you say or do, you'll be in for a surprise.

Unless the NS mods incontrovertibly tell me that you are not behind the puppets especially of Argon2 I will believe that no one else has the motivation, history and etc. to target me.

When I was legally elected delegate of the region I got some strange TGs from puppets, obvious puppets. Also some really sweet ones from TSPers trying to be kind. However, as Vice Delegate I get no strange\weird TGs at all. Except from this one person.

Argon2 has done his best to convince me that everyone in the CSS and government and even among the new citizens is a traitor\saboteur\etc. Except one person. Guess who Argon2, self-described mastermind aka narcissistic, pathetic and overall jerk, thinks I should trust? The "good guy" who is "misunderstood" and really just trying to help save TSP. Name starts with B and ends with T.

Oh and I've put him on ignore so you or your little friend will have to make an new puppet to try to harass me with. This time though I just plan on utilizing the ignore option prolifically.

RE: Off-topic rant - Arbiter08 - 05-12-2014

Is there really any point to you two arguing here? I say that you two should go on IRC, settle your differences there.

RE: Off-topic rant - Gustave Berr - 05-12-2014

The amount of bickering I have seen between the two of you makes my stomach churn. Wouldn't it just be easier to ignore each other and only make contact when you are required to within the functions of the government?

I don't really know what it says about our Government when the Vice Delegate and Chief Justice spend a majority of their time attacking each other on posts, as opposed to having meaningful conversation. It seems like your distaste for each other trumps the actual issues, and every thread that either of you are involved in becomes an Escade/Belschaft battle royale. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same team?

RE: Off-topic rant - God-Emperor - 05-12-2014

No. I think that of all the feeders, TSP is the most conducive to a multi party system. I was gonna request the election data from the previous election, but I didn't know if there'd be enough interest in an analysis.

RE: Off-topic rant - Escade - 05-12-2014

I've already tried IRC, peaceful mediation, ignoring it, etc. A whole four months spent trying to peacefully mediate this issue.

In fact trying to ignore it\peacefully deal with it only brings more of the same behavior. So now bring it.

RE: Off-topic rant - God-Emperor - 05-12-2014

It's already been brought it!

RE: Off-topic rant - Arbiter08 - 05-12-2014

(05-12-2014, 06:21 PM)Escade Wrote: I've already tried IRC, peaceful mediation, ignoring it, etc. A whole four months spent trying to peacefully mediate this issue.
What is different about settling it on IRC and attacking each other there instead of in the assembly? I personally don't want to see this kind of crap in the assembly. Also, isn't the purpose of the assembly to legislate? What is this legislating? Attacking each other without purpose isn't legislating.

RE: Off-topic rant - LadyElysium - 05-12-2014

And it's threads like this that me wonder why I even considered getting more involved here in the first place. And like Gustave said in the typo thread... we're chasing away anyone even thinking about participating. I'm afraid to chime in without getting my head bitten off in most threads... how am I supposed to encourage others to do so?

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