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[LQ] The Stockholm Conference - Printable Version

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The Stockholm Conference - Resentine - 08-04-2015

((JC, just don't do it. Remember, You invited him here. What were you expecting?))

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

The guardsmen released the terrorist. One of the guardsmen said, "You are lucky right now, but we will get you."

The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"I'll give McBane the chance of killing me himself. He'll know when."

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

(08-04-2015, 06:37 PM)FederationOfTheRK Wrote: ((JC, just don't do it. Remember, You invited him here. What were you expecting?))

(OOC: I wasn't expecting a terrorist to come. Maybe Flores and his government-in-exile.)

RE: The Stockholm Conference - rhinotaz - 08-04-2015

Alan Meyer cleared his throat, "If I may, what plans does your Consortium have for the future?"

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

President McBane said, "Yeah, let's hear it!"

The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"The rebuilding of Sporaltryus into a better one. One more able to adjust the course of history. Regardless of the means of the past."

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

President McBane said, "Clever. You gave us the vaguest of answers."

The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"And the only one the international community need concern itself with. We've got no plans for the external until Sporaltryus is at its peak."

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

President McBane said, "Who the hell do you think you are? You are responsible for the deaths of 25 million people. Do you really think that we will stand by, forget that, and do nothing?"