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IC- FiHami Rising - Printable Version

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RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-25-2019


Location: 10km Outside Cancerton

Crickets chirped through the night. The dense jungles hid the tents very well. A bunch of men laughed and drank while listening to a large boom box.
One man sat a little ways away from the party, pouring over a map under the light of a flashlight. He sat there, making lines and dots on a piece of paper while talking over on a walkie talkie.

"Owens, Our group is 8 kilometers north-west of Oceania."

The man made a few dots on the map, drew some lines, then picked up his walkie talkie

"Good. At 0400 I want you to begin heading northwest. Your first target is that "Kay Hani" that about 450 Fonioxians are gathered in. Once you raid that, head north until you see the "Sami Hani" and then stop. Stay hidden."


The man swept aside his light blonde hair, shrugged, then put away his map.

Their gang numbers 600. The Kay and Sami villages combined are half their numbers.

The blonde haired man pulled a handwritten note he had recieved from one of the Matriarchs of the villages. The note didn't bother him much, But he wanted to shut the unhappy natives once and for all, by destroying several villages of theirs so that the rest would hopefully keep quiet and submissive.

To the Emperor of the Antarchs:

We do not fear you.
You force our sisters to work for your families against our will
You don't allow us any technology
You pass laws to try to herd us into camps
This will not last forever.

Signed, Matriarch Fi'Shi

Owens crumpled the note and shoved it back into his pocket. When he stood up, a young man apptoached him, semi-drunk.

"Kyle, you sure you don't want to celebrate raiding the Hasa Hani with us? Jared brought his guitar?"

"You and the others should rest, not party. We have 15 kilometers to go before reaching Kokstal Hani, and another 45 kilometers before reaching the North point of the Sami village." Kyle responded gruffly. The young boy who distracted him turned and left.

"Kaihasi, can you fetch the rain barrels?" An old woman asked her young son-in-law, who nodded and ran out of the small palm hut quickly. She smiled, turning to the small chicken she was cooking.

A pinch of spice here, bit of menta here...

Soon, her son-in-law had returned with the bucket of water and set it on the table. He smiled at his mother-in-law, then walked outside to his own hut, where his wife and daughter were sitting with the village dog, a sweet little golden retriever dog who came to the village last year with her puppies, who had all grown up rapidly and invaded the village with lots of love and laughter.

Life in the Sami village was tough compared to the Cancerton Antarchs, who had widgets and gizmos the average Finixian couldn't begin to comprehend. On top of that, the Cancerton Antarchs saw it fit to raid villages and take young men and women as slaves. The Matriarch Fi'Shi had sent a strongly-worded letter to Cancerton, hoping that other villages, wherever they were, would rise up to overthrow the Antarchi Empire.

"Aia, It will be my duty to stand guard as Ha'Toa for Matriarch starting tomorrow."

The young woman looked away from her daughter and the dog and looked to her husband.

"Are you worrying about us?" She chuckled lightly. "My mother said that she would help me with Finix."

"Well, yes, but... if the Cancertoners decide that your mother's letter is grounds for, well..."

"Do you believe that the Cancertoners care about one village's letter? They are probably too focused on their "Ee kon o mi" to care about us. They haven't raided us in 3 years." Aia set the toddler down, then stood up to face her husband.

"Well, I know. But I still worry." Kaihasi sighed.

"You don't need to- FINIX!!!" Aia suddenly turned and scooped the toddler into her arms, who had removed the pot from the fire pit in order to jump into the fire. "I told you not to play with fire!" She scolded the young girl in her arms, who just laughed.

"Do that enough and we'd have to crown you Chief of the unified Finixi tribe!" Kaihasi chuckled, patting his daughter's dark, wild hair.

"We'll be here next week, don't you worry Kaihasi." Aia finished her thought. Kaihasi smiled, grabbed his sack with his warrior uniform, and left for the village center.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-26-2019

Year: 2005
Date: July 7th
Time: 03:30 am local time
Location: 8km NW of Oceania, 3km SE of Kay Village

Aaron Weissbar was a young man, born about 26 years ago in the outskirts of Cancerton. He lived a comfortable life, his mother and father made sure he was taken well care of. When he was 4, he enrolled in an academy for geniuses. He remembered the constant, blaring heat of the Fonioxtopian jungle, and how A.C. was the only thing that made the tiny island nation tolerable. He remembered one kid who enrolled. This kid had a name like his, Timothy Wise. However, the kid looked very different. Instead of fair skin and light eyes, this kid had dark colored skin, thick dark hair, and dark colored eyes. When Aaron first saw Timothy, he couldn't believe that people could look like Timothy did. Their fellow classmates behaved as if they believed the same. Even their teacher refused to acknowledge the young boy at best. Everyone ignored the elephant in the room for several months, until one girl decided to ask "why is your hair so ugly and messy?" Then, the others began mercilessly making fun of Timothy. And on the very last day of school, Timothy had enough. He brought a flamethrower, and began attacking his fellow classmates with it. Aaron's parents had come pick him up early. That day had been the first day he had ever seen his father cry.

Of course, the law enforcement squad took Timothy down rapidly, just like he was about to do to the Kay Village.

Aaron nudged the sleeping man next to him, who sat up slowly, yawning.

"Terrence, wake the gang up. At 400 we ride." Aaron whispered to the man.

"Got it. We doin' surround-and-pound?"

"No, just roadhouse. Sami will be the surround-and-pound."

Terrence nodded, going through each tent, waking everyone up.

Time to make sure no more Timothy's have a chance.

Kai'e To' Kokostali' had been patrolling the area around Kay village since the sund went down the precious night. He was tired, but alert and on edge. He had heard strange talking from the dense jungle the night previous, but saw nothing. He alerted the Ha'Toa but Ha'Toa didn't call a search or anything.

As the first rays of sun appeared over the sky, so did the Antarchi. However, Kai'e was too late, for the first Antarch soldiers shot his head, instantly killing him

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-26-2019

04:00am Local Time
Location: Kay Village

[font]The gang followed their leader through the village, taking out several adults as they walked through the village, then the town square.

"I would like to speak to your Matriarch."  Aaron finally announced after a minute of silence.

"Ki Ha'Kian akanatehue..." one village resident muttered.  

One of the gang members turned towards the man who muttered in Finixi, and hit him with a closed fist.

"What did you just say to me, Fonioxian?"  He yelled loudly.

"A-apology!"  The man nervously tried to get up.  The gang member drew his gun then executed the village resident.[/font]

"Where is your Matriarch?"  Aaron repeated.  One woman pointed to the central tent, and the gang members stormed in to find the old woman who ruled the village.

"Akanatehue eh Austral."  Was all the old woman said.

"Execute her."  Was all Aaron said.  "Then we go to Sami."

Time: 07:00am

When the soldiers finished ransacking the Kay village, they took the body of Matriarch Hastofi of Kay village and made their way northwards.

"Owens, we finished the Kay village.  We are beginning our ascent towards Sami."  Aaron radio-ed.  A couple of minutes later, a reply.

"Continue northwards.  ETA?"

"About 1500."

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-26-2019

Time- 14:00
Location- 6km Away from Sami Village

Aaron and his gang were just a few short kilometers from the village that they would execute.  He knew that, no matter what, communication between the villages was impossible, since no one was allowed to leave their village.  Word of the Kay Village raid had already reached Cancerton, as Emperor Jason Cormic had radio-ed his pride in the gang for a job well done.  But, there was no way for the Finixians to ever hear of this news without someone from the outside communicating the information.

"We strike at sunset, Weiss."  Aaron's radio suddenly played.  If his gang were to arrive in the next hour, his gang and Owens' gang would be able to coordinate their strike for the next few hours until the sun sets.

"We are 6 kilometers away, Owens.  Covering ground rapidly."  Aaron responded.

"The strategy will be to surround and storm.  We won't leave any survivors at all."

"Roger, Owens."

Location- Sami Village Jungle

[font]Kyle set his radio down and waited.  The Finixians had no idea of the cruelty that they were about to face.  The thought disturbed him.  

They are humans too, dad!  I can't stand to watch you kill them any more!

As he idled, the familiar family drama flooded his mind from just a few years ago.  His younger brother, Benjamin was supposed to go to a village raid and learn with their father.  When he had found out the mission, and subsequently what the Antarchi army had been doing for decades, he blew a fuse.  The fight lasted for hours, until Benjamin gave up and packed a bag of a couple outfits and left their lives.

Since that point, Kyle had begun questioning the motivations he had for what he did as part of the army.  

Kyle shook his head, and instead started reciting statistics in his head.  

"Owens, we have report of a third gang coming to join us."  A quiet soldier of his approached very matter-of-factly.  "They report a size of 70."

"The more the merrier."  Kyle responded.[/font]

Location: Sami Village

"Haita, can you translate this for the rest of your people?"  A tall, white man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes gently looked at a shorter woman, who was missing an arm.  

"Hai, Pen-sha-meen."  She stood proudly. 

"Tell them that I have intercepted intel that says that a group of 100 people are going to invade Sami village sometime today.  They have guns, but if everyone who is capable of fighting does so, I think you guys can push back the army and lead a revolution and overthrow the White family!  Matriarch Fi'Shi could lead the new empire, and rename it after this Island, but in Finixi... what's the word?"

"Hani?"  Haita shrugged, turning to translate what the white man said to the rest of the people congregated around them.  Benjamin turned to watch the kids of the village play, completely oblivious to the tense air around the grown people.

"A dream of Hani..."  Matriarch Fi'Shi smiled.  "It is a hopeless cause.  Something would have to happen to spur more people to revolution.  It is the only way."

After Haita translated what was said to Benjamin, he sighed.  He knew the Matriarch was correct, but he wanted to genuinely believe that justice for the natives would return one day.

"They must still try."  Benjamin finally said.  "I cannot help you guys, but I must let you know that from what I hear, they did a number on a village called Kay, just a few kilometers from here."

Haita translated what was said back to the rest of the village.  The air hung heavy for a few minutes, before the youngest villager came running to the white man, carrying a torch and laughing wildly.  She bumped into Owens, dropping the torch on herself in the process.  In that second, a sudden downpour drenched the people, and extinguishing the flame before the toddler could feel the pain of burning.  The child's mother ran up to attempt to grab the child, only to knock Owens down as the child ran to the next bright or shiny object she could find.

"Apology..."  The woman meekly said, standing up again to chase the child.

"Kids are wild..."  Benjamin commented.

There are young, innocent children here... and there's nothing more I could feasibly do.

Owens stood up again to make his way to the next village to warn.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-26-2019

Time- 19:00
Location- Outside Sami Village

(OOC- if you want the actual details of the massacre, 1. why would you want that and 2. the gist is obvious enough.  Only one person manages to survive this.)

The white men circled the village of Sami with their weapons ready.  
Kyle Owens walked in with his gang of at least one hundred and quickly overwhelmed those who tried to defend. 

The men set the entire town ablaze as soon as they finished.  They went back to the capital to report their mission success.

The offspring that escaped won't survive much longer without its caretaker.

Kyle suddenly felt sick to his stomach as the thoughts of what he and his men just did circled his mind.


15:00 Local Time

Back at the capital, Emperor Jason Cormic was polishing his golden crown when one major, carrying the faint body of Kyle Owens, entered the room.

"Your Excellency, the jobs have been done.  The last gang is raiding Hoho Village as we speak.  They will return home by tomorrow."  The soldier said.

"And what happened to this one?"  The Emperor asked.  

"Owens suddenly dropped to the ground after we finished with the Fi'Shi of Sami Village."  The major said.  "I think he's turning soft."

"The Finixi are barely human anyways.  I just don't want international attention on our empire.  You know what the others would do if they so much as caught a whiff of what we are doing?"

"The island has no internet or telephone, and we have banned ship travel within 50 kilometers of our shores."

"Yes, major.  But if I recall correctly, we have those who believe that the Finixi are, in fact, human.  If they manage to get the word out before our cleansing of this island is complete, then we are in for huge trouble.  Some of those big wigs have entire armies that are double our entire population.  If they really wanted to, they could just storm Phonioxtopia and do what you guys just did to the Sami Village."

"Yes, your Excellency."  The major lowered his head respectfully.

"If you hear of any who are thinking of abandoning ship, make sure that they're 'dealt with'."

"Yes, your Excellency."  The major turned and walked out of the throne room.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-27-2019

The Sami Village Massacre became well known across FiHami, and many people see July 7th, 2005 as the day the Empire dug its own grave. With the help of a few Finixian sympathizers within Cancerton, a secret network was developed within five months. The Finixi people were now able to communicate with each other. While Cancerton reports that everyone who lived in Sami was dead, reports from hikers, villagers, and the like described a young Finixi toddler following a dog around, but disappearing into the foliage promptly. She became a popular folk tale, earning the name "the Sami Spirit".

Years passed, and in 2009, the founding members of the Hani Uprising initially united: Benjamin Owens, Eti Nanakupe, Kai Fiorsk, Alarai Kokostali'ifi, and Finix Hastofi.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-27-2019

Date: October 10th, 2009
Time: 20:00
Location: Unknown

"To my siblings in this war, Eti, Kai, Alarai, and Finix. Thank you all for your warrior spirits, and from this day on, we shall fight to make sure no human being gets treated as awfully as the White-Cormic regime has treated us." Benjamin Owens began reading off a paper. "We hereby decree that the Sami Village raid was the last straw in the Empire's long history of mistreatment of people outside their own. We that sign this document promised to never rest until Emperor Jason Cormic is dethroned or we are killed." Benjamin finished reading, setting the paper down and picking up a pen, then signed the bottom. He went to sit down, allowing a short woman who wore a blue flower crown on her head of short, wavy hair to stand up and grab the pen.

"I, Alarai Kokostali'ifi, would like to also add, that we will make sure that our culture is brought to the forefront once we defeat Cormic. The arts have always been integral to FiHami." Alarai finishes her statement, then signs. As soon as she sits down, a tall, muscular man with long, sleek hair tied into a ponytail and a prominant tattoo of "Ha'Finix ki Toa" across his bare chest stands.

"We will need a strong person to train and guide the future armies of Hani up, and I vow to do this until I breathe my last." The man says. "I, Kai Fiorsk, sign this paper."

When Kai sat down, a short, lithe man stood up. He walked to the front, and picked up the pen.

"I, Finix Hastofi, vow to aid these efforts wherever I can." He simply states, signing the paper.

Finally, a tall, slender woman stood up, making her way to the front.

"While we will most certainly have to fight people who honestly believe that we are nothing more than animals, we should strive to teach innocent people the truth. When we fight, we must do as our ancestors did and show utmost kindness and mercy until they leave us no other choice." She said. "I, Eti Nanakupe, vow to accomplish exactly this."

"Now that we have agreed, let us begin recruiting people." Benjamin Owens finally said after a pause.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-28-2019

Date: November 23rd, 2009
Time: 16:00 
Location: Unknown

"This is Hani ki Ari.  What is your problem?"

"Hatakaia has been overwhelmed.  We are heading to your location to aid in Davis port.  Those of us that survived, that is."

"How many lost?"


"How many left?"


The gunfire had been raging all night.  Taylor Ris put down her radio and smiled.  She nodded at one of the gunsmen, and then he smiled.  They began firing at the point across for them, holding on to the building they occupied.  

"If we can claim Port Davis we can kill their shipping and claim their stuff for us!"  Taylor shouted over the gunfire.  One person cried out and hit the floor cold.  

Then, the Hatakaia group arrived.  They stormed the last Antarch stronghold of the port city, and cheered as the remaining Antarch forces escaped.

"Hani, this is Taylor Ris of the Phoenix Nest division, we have won Port Davis, and thus name it Huah-Huah."

Eti Nanakupe poured over paper after paper, map after map.  After over a month of recruiting and educating her own siblings in Finixi villages, their uprising had amassed over 2,000 members and continued to grow.  Thanks to certain people's connections, they now had a reliable access to Antarchi news sources and could actively prevent more raids and even took out soldiers, thanks to a mysterious arms supply. 

"Eti, look at this."  Benjamin tossed a newspaper onto Eti's desk.  "The Antarchi got the Sami Spirit before we could find her.  They are saying this 7 year old child single-handedly took out 100 Antarchi soldiers before they could contain her."

"Either the Antarchi army is extremely incompetent or this child has the blessing of Ha'Finix itself."  Eti muttered, pouring over the front page article.  "7 years old and a kill count in the hundreds."

"Now you understand why I wanted to find the child.  With proper training, she would be able to easily overwhelm the Antarch and Hani would be free."

"Children are not weapons, Benjamin."  Eti sighed, tossing the paper to the side.  "We should still keep tabs on the child, though.  No way in heaven are the Antarchi treating her well.  Any news about any advancements on the Hatakaia front?"

"Hatakaia was lost.  However, we managed to temporarily capture the Davis port."

"Sweet.  We can authorize the mobile base then. and maybe we can find the pirates who once were our friends?"

"Pirating hasn't been a thing for over a hundred years now, Eti.  We are on our own."

Eti sighed once again.  She dug through the paperwork on her desk and grabbed a paper underneath it all.  

"We need to at least set up the base, and make it our operations center.  Pirates or no pirates."

"We'll be on that.  For sure."  Benjamin nodded, walking away.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-30-2019

Date: November 26th, 2010
Time: 22:00
Location: White Military Base, Carpenter, Phonioxtopia

"Men, this year we have seen the Fonioxians become rebels.  They have been resistant to our efforts to crush them so far.  We only have one supplies port left and our people are starving.  This situation cannot continue for much longer.  Some of our own people have even left us to side with the Fonioxians.  As you all know, this act of betrayal is punishable with life in prison."

Kyle shifted uncomfortably in his chair.  For 5 years now he lived with regrets for his actions.  At nights, he would even put on a cloak and a ski mask and aid the Finixians in their plight.  He was sure that others knew that something was wrong with him since that day.  But, he continued to fight for the Antarch, mostly because of his father at this point.

"... They have killed thousands of our own men at this point.  They have killed innocent, hard-working Antarchs out of selfishness and hatred..."

They kill out of self defense.   If they truly harbor hatred, it's well-earned...

"... We will emerge victorious.  We will not allow the Fonioxians to hurt us any more."

The crowd cheered loudly, and the general stepped down from the platform.  Emperor Jason Cormic stepped onto the platform now, and cleared his throat.

"Along with the rally, let me remind everyone here that we know who the traitors are.  We know who has been sneaking Antarch supplies and information to the Fonioxians.  Double agents won't be tolerated."  Emperor Jason said, glaring directly at Kyle.  Other soldiers turned to stare at him.

"I am guilty."  Kyle admitted openly.  "But we are all much more guilty of heinous crimes!  We have mistreated these people for decades.  They don't harbor malice towards us, they harbor fear.  They are innocent too!"

The Emperor trained his gun directly at Kyle's forehead, smiling. 

"Thank you for admitting to being a traitor.  You-"

The north-facing wall suddenly exploded.  A militia of 50 Finixians suddenly flooded the place.  Within seconds, the place was flooded in chaos, and Kyle took the opportunity to flee.  One young man suddenly grabbed his arm, and led him out of the chaos.

"Austral good eh."  He began to say.  He gestured to Kyle gently yet sternly.  "Disappear.  Kotai Hani safe."  The young man held up six fingers.  "Antarchi kill eh ki Kotai Hani.  Hani control.  Hani kill Antarchi eh."  The young man pointed to the distance, nodded at Kyle, and then went back in to the building.  Kyle shuddered, then began running in the direction that the man pointed.

What just happened.

Date: November 26th, 2010
Time: 23:00
Location: Phonioxtopia Orphanage, 35km Outside Cancerton

"Hani Uprising, operation Lonely Down commencing.  We are at the Phonioxtopia Orphanage.  According to intelligence, there are 6 Finixi chidren here.  Ages 8-12."

"Understood.  Proceed carefully.  Antarchi troops have been located in the area.  Liberate the children quickly, bring them safely to the point."


Toa'a Kaio put down the radio, signaling to the Militia leader Taylor Ris the "Antarchi Danger" signal they developed in the orphanage raids.  Taylor nodded, then signaled for the squad to follow her.

They moved quickly and quietly through the place, silently busting an entry in the quiet orphanage.  They surged through the halls quietly, searching for the target children.  They entered a room, and saw an eight-year-old girl staring at the window, who quickly turned around to face the squad.  Eti Nanakupe, the teams' medical response, approached the girl slowly, beckoning the girl to join them.  The girl stared at the group, seemingly weighing her options.  She stood up slowly after a minute, walking to the bed and pulling out a large supply of matches and an old worn-out dagger, then came to meet the group.  Eti picked the child up, patting the little girls' wild hair, then they marched through, searching for more children.  Another room they entered, was a 12 year old child who was sleeping.  Kira Taia, soldier, gently woke the little boy up and allowed him to grab a stuffed toy before moving on.  Suddenly, the lights came on, and they were faced with the Antarch squad.

"Eti, Kira, take the children and run."  Taylor said, drawing her sword.  The eight-year-old started screaming loudly, the twelve-year-old drew a dagger that he had hidden until this point.

The Antarch started opening fire.  More children emerged from their rooms, curious about the commotion, only to get caught in the crossfire.

Kira watched, horrified, as the twelve-year-old lunged for one of the soldiers and was shot down just as quickly.  She grabbed her pistol and shot the officer back.

"We're losing the objective!"  Toa'a shouted, firing another bullet to the Antarch.  "We lost 5 of 6 targets!"

"We need to retreat then!"  Taylor shouted back.  "Ha'Finix Flamethrowers, do your thing!"

A squad of 7 people stepped forward with their flamethrowers, firing their flames everywhere as the rest made their retreat.  They knew that they would die as well as the Antarch squad in the heavy flames, but there was no other choice in order to protect the one surviving child.  

Eti carried the child all the way into the woods, who had buried her face into her shoulder while trying to stay silent.

"This is Nanakupe, we were ambushed.  Ha'Finix Flamethrowers were deployed.  I am at the rendezvouz point right now waiting for surviving squad members.  We saved one child."

"Understood.  Bring the child to the point no later than 06:00."


Not very long later, she saw a few shadowy figures outlined by the burning orphanage approach the area.  Eti bit her tongue nervously, staying in the shadows as best as she could.  The child seemed to have detected her nervousness, staring at the approaching figures in silent horror.

"Eti, it's Taylor."

Eti sighed in relief, standing up to greet the soldiers who approached.  

"Let's go to the point now."  Eti said quietly.

Taylor nodded, and took the front of the line.  Other soldiers surrounded Eti as they made their way to the point.

"Child, for logistics purposes, may we know your name?"  Eti asked the child.  The little girl stared at Eti blankly.  

"Your name?" Eti repeated.  The child nodded.

"Finix, called 'dummy' by mean lady."  She said.

"Ok Finix.  We are taking you to a safe place now.  There's a lot of other children in this safe place, and nice people making sure you're safe.  The place is called 'Kotai Hani' and it's a safe place."  Kira said calmly.  The child stared confused, however.

"The child is likely the Sami spirit.  The child won't be going to the Kotai Hani due to the high concentration of Antarchi people.  She will stay in an isolated bunker with medic response, teacher, and a therapist until we are sure she won't be attacking any Antarchi people."  Taylor began.  "You will be the child's medic response as she will be familiar enough with you.  Her teacher and therapist are to be determined later on."

Eti nodded, holding the child tightly.

Date: November 27th, 2010
Time: 04:00
Location: Unknown

"Owens, the raid on the military base has completed.  We lost the emperor, but we interrupted an execution."  Kotaiku reported.  "Huatenei pointed him to the direction of the Kotai Hani."

"Wait, why were they about to execute Kyle???"  Benjamin paused, shocked.

"He reportedly was accused of treason.  Going behind the backs of the others and helping us out."

"Wait... Kyle was the masked man giving us the valuable information all this time?"

"Yes, Owens."

"Have Lucy and Harry greet him at Kotai."  Benjamin finished.  When you recieve the report of the night's orphanage raid get back to me.  Also, make sure the Rainbow Feathers are prepared for assault on Kentucky Bay.  We are going to landlock them, weaken them, then attack Cancerton."

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 10-31-2019

Date: November 27th, 2010
Time: 08:00
Location: Kotai Hani Outskirts

The outlines of a village became apparent through dense jungle as Kyle approached the edge. The sun had come up, causing the unbearable Phonioxtopian heat to become unbearable, causing sweat to drip everywhere, soaking his ski mask and cloak.

"Halt." Kyle heard a random voice call out. "You are Kyle Owens, are you not?"

"I don't know of a Kyle Owens." He said.

"Remove the extraneous clothing to confirm." The voice, belonging to an average-looking white skinned man, said robotically.

"I... have a skin condition." Owens asserted.

"Remove extraneous clothing to confirm."

"Fine, I am Kyle Owens, the one who led the attacks on the Finixi villages. I just want to escape somewhere and live a quiet life under a new identity."

"Benjamin Owens wishes to talk to you." A new voice, an average white skinned woman approached, quickly tying Kyle up. "This is for your own safety, please do not resist."

The pair led Kyle through the village, where Finixi people and Antarch people lived in relative peace. Children played together, adults chatted. They looked up to watch the pair drag Kyle through, stopping at an average-looking building towards the edge.

"Please wait here until the transport arrives." The man said. He turned to walk outside with the woman, and as soon as they closed the door they doubled over in silent laughter.

Location: Port Davis/Huah-Huah

Jayden was a 23-year-old man of particular strength. He wasn't physically strong, but mentally, he was one of the strongest.

He adjusted his sniper rifle as he quickly made his way to a well-hidden place. When he set up, he watched for any signs of movement not from his troops.

The troops invaded every square inch of the area, searching for rebels.

Jayden spotted a flicker of movement behind a car and fired. Like ants, the Finixians poured out of every corner, firing upon the Antarch.

Another siege on Port Davis commenced.