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RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

Your response is, sorry to say to the others, better than everyone else. The disagreements really felt personal because you can see the prejudice and what Indonesians call "Pilih Kasih". Because it's also going on a bit too long.

It's not about why other people are not responding that I'm angry about. Is just that people have been saying like "Oh let's talk about something else than war," or "Let's have more cultural RPs." When in reality the thread is there, but no one wants to go there.

Kris said "Why don't you post a resolution and see about it." I did, and results? YAAAY NO ONE CARED! That's why I'm sick and tired of spending too many hours writing up cultural resolutions and RPs that no one gives a shit about.

Moreover, with the pilgrimage thing. I understand that several other nations are having difficulties with it, Hammerstar is secular as well and we merely want to protect our pilgrims abroad because they are our people. It's not only about your nations as well, countries like Sriwijaya could not afford to make a sophisticated pilgrimage, and asks the help of Hammerstar to produce such a resolution to help them in the upcoming hajj. But no one seems to care about it huh?

It just seems to me that from the responses of others, there is no compromise whatsoever. Isn't that international politics? Finding common ground? Well I've been negotiating with them and they've all shot me down. Have you noticed that I'm the only person who wrote in a resolution, 'Amendments'? and wrote 'Draft Resolution' instead of Resolution? It is signifying that I am indeed up to compromise and further discussion, but no one seems to take heed of it

When Kris or other people write up a resolution, there seems to be many cooperation between members. But not me, they seem to think that I am headstrong in just one ideology when in truth I am actually up for compromise.

So Kris, drop that snarky tone? NO!

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Qwert - 05-24-2016

(05-24-2016, 11:37 AM)Hammerstar Wrote:
(05-24-2016, 04:22 AM)Qwert Wrote: I provided input for both the scholarship and the Genesis Initiative. I can't see what else I could do.

And where are you now? When the proposal is resubmitted.

You submitted it yesterday!

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Hammerstar - 05-24-2016

At the same time of the pilgrims.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Qwert - 05-24-2016

Please explain how I'm prejudiced.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-24-2016

A few things:

1. A war or diplomatic crisis RP is pretty self-sustaining. It simply doesn't need much nurturing, because it keeps people interested due to its very nature. A cultural RP is not necessarily self-sustaining, and as regretful as this may be, you cannot expect people to respond to it with the same interest that they have with war or diplomatic roleplays.

In that sense, you will need to poke people, send them messages, constantly ask for feedback, but also realise what ideas have potential. Your pilgrimage idea has little chance of being passed, because our laws prevent our governments from supporting religious activities. But other ideas like the scholarship and the seed bank have a lot of potential, and they only need constant poking.

I know it can be frustrating. I myself have done my fair share of poking and lobbying on occasion, and I have been very frustrated when activity dwindled. But ultimately the solution is to take matters into your own hands, and create the activity you want to see.

2. As an international relations major, I feel pretty confident in saying that international politics is not about finding common ground, it's about getting the upper hand*. That certainly may involve cooperation at times, but it's not the ultimate goal in and of itself.

3. I'm not trying to dictate the format all resolutions should have, but an amendment clause would not be strictly necessary. Since all resolutions are equally ranked, any future resolution can repeal or amend a previous one.

4. I'm not saying you shouldn't feel frustrated. I think you have very legitimate and understandable grounds to feel that way. But adopting a snarky tone will only alienate people, rather than win them over. I should know, I've fallen into that trap more than once, and it took me nowhere. It's better when you take a deep breath and make a calm post. You will look more reasonable, and people will have an incentive to start listening.

* OK, for those who know their IR theories, I did lean towards realism there. You can definitely argue that international politics is also about cooperation, but i think it would be naive to say that the sole purpose is cooperation, or finding common ground. States always have interests, and they will always try to further them. It would be illogical for a state to compromise for the sake of compromise, when that might well be against its interest.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-24-2016

@Qwert: I'm not sure that would make much sense. Resolutions are numbered in the order in which they are passed, no in the order in which they are proposed. Particularly if they're not even being voted on.

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Qwert - 05-24-2016

Alright, you probably know best Happywide


RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Kris Kringle - 05-24-2016

I just think it'd be weird if we had gaps in the numbering, from hypothetical resolutions that didn't pass. :P

RE: [OOC] Southern Cooperation Organisation - Qwert - 05-24-2016

Indeed Tounge