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Rebuilding Ryccia - Printable Version

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RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Hammerstar - 06-15-2015

This is the report we received from the Hammerstar Ambassador to Ryccia, Recellintia Qouvendiria.

[Image: Bridge-Construction.jpg]
"Project Rycbahn, or Ryccia Railroads (Line run from Samantha to Dragonia; at Castiana, the line heads east through Villa to the capital of Daonlathas. At that point, it splits off heading to Sandy, Tyganado, Escadian Heights, Mindonia, Kinna, and Icelast. Back at Villa, the line splits to go to Edoma.) is going rather well, however, soon after hearing the news from homeland, the Qvaitican workers are packing up their things and are expected to leave two days later.

[Image: Golden-Ears-Bridge-PERI-03.jpg]
Nevertheless TIK workers are continuing the construction alongside with Ryccian workers. We have also procured the full blueprint from the Qvaitican engineers, and a fresh set of workers and machines from Forevermore Intercontinental Connection are rushed in to the project. With no unexpected problems, we should be done two months from now.

Meanwhile, in project Cranston (Dragonia-Stockholm-Fleur), the Forevermore Intercontinental Connection and the Hammerstar Architecture Institute (HAMI), are weaving pre-made railroads together and sticking electric pylons.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
They are surprised of the amount of rail that has been underused in the Western Continent, more workers and machines are sent, and a various different companies like Kilowatt Innovations, Nevermore Logistics and VenXing Architectures, have cooperated a deal with the Forevermore Intercontinental. The outside companies are willing to send a total of 3000 workers and over a piled fund of PL (Three Billion Platinums) in exchange of a 30% marketshare (10% each), of the project.

[Image: _6344221_orig.jpg]
Furthermore, the State-Owned companies of the Hammerstar Vassal States (Elemine, New Steamlannde, Stroten, Tris and MetaChrona), are sending aid to the project as an act of thank you to the Forevermore Intercontinental Connection for building various different architecture and transport foundations. With no unexpected problems, and a rushing aid we should be done in one months time.

[Image: Taiwan-HighSpeedRail-700T-testrun-2006-0624.jpg]
Back in the city of Fleur, KNIRAS (Knight's Rail Society) engineers are starting to create a special High-Speed train for Project Cranston. They feel that with the amount of electricity flown to the tracks, there is simply not enough to make the train move at its highest speed. They are forced to create another prototype that would go about 400 kmph, and would use just enough electricity. The train is called Flynn, and it is in the phases of final testing and developments. The Hammerstar Engineers should be able to finalise the blueprint in one month's time.

[Image: 6a00e54fdb30b98834019101ff8ed0970c-pi]
However, Hammerstar teachers are being called back to the mainland. We assess that that the Ryccian educational system has been re-established, and therefore fit to stand on its own. They are expected to leave Ryccia via Zezenionne Diesel Passenger train travel in two days time.

This ends my report."

- Signed

Hammerstar Ambassador to Ryccia, Recellintia Qouvendiria.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Ryccia - 06-16-2015

Thank you. We are sure that our country will get better. Thank you.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Darkstrait - 06-16-2015

Darkstrait would be interested in helping fund the project.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Ryccia - 06-16-2015

Although this is very surprising for us, Darkstrait can help fund the project. Thank you.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Darkstrait - 06-16-2015

Darkstrait will send $500 million, to be used for infrastructure. With your permission, as would like to send a few clerks to ensure that the money goes to good use.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Hammerstar - 06-16-2015

Is Darkstrait going to pitch in on Project Rycbahn as well? or would they simply entrust funds?

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Ryccia - 06-17-2015

(06-16-2015, 10:03 PM)Darkstrait Wrote: Darkstrait will send $500 million, to be used for infrastructure. With your permission, as would like to send a few clerks to ensure that the money goes to good use.

Yes, we want the best for our people. Please ensure that the money gets in good hands.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Darkstrait - 06-17-2015

We would be willing to send a few of our civil engineers as well to serve as consultants. Darkstrait has huge public transit systems and our engineers have experience in all manner of rough environments.

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Ryccia - 06-17-2015

Thank you. They are being allowed into Ryccia now.

How can we repay you?

RE: Rebuilding Ryccia - Darkstrait - 06-17-2015

Access to Ryccian stocks of iron ore.