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[LQ] The Stockholm Conference - Printable Version

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The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"You'll have the deaths of so many more if you do something. This is an internal matter. Surely you know the definition of that?"

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

President McBane said, "Internal matter my ass. You are in the control of a nuclear arsenal, an arsenal that you can use against foreign countries. We don't trust you."

RE: The Stockholm Conference - rhinotaz - 08-04-2015

"Surely you realize that there were citizens from other nations caught in the blast, right? You were the one to make this an international matter."

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Darkstrait - 08-04-2015

"You are responsible for the deaths of 10% of your own population. This is borderline genocide. We will not stand by and watch."

The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"We'll expedite the process of transporting other nation's citizens out."

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

President McBane said, "That's all you have to say?"

The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"Expect the other 90 to whither away then. Not like you cared about Sporaltryus."

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: The Stockholm Conference - rhinotaz - 08-04-2015

"Sporaltryus? Nah. Not really, anyway. Its people, however..."

RE: The Stockholm Conference - Jay Coop - 08-04-2015

President McBane, "You think I don't care? The previous regime was a threat to Sporaltryus and the new one is a greater threat. We have always cared."

The Stockholm Conference - ProfessorHenn - 08-04-2015

"The previous regime was not a fucking threat!"

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance